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Score! This here is a Featured Article. Tetsuya Kuroko has been featured, meaning it was chosen as an article of interest . |
“ | I am a supporting actor, a shadow. But a shadow will become darker if the light is stronger and it will make the white of the light stand out. As the shadow of the main actor, I will make you, the light, the number one in Japan. | ” |
—Tetsuya Kuroko, to Taiga Kagami |
Reading: Tetsuya Kuroko
Tetsuya Kuroko
Tetsuya Kuroko
黒子 テツヤ
Vital Statistics
Teikō: 155 cm (5′ 1″)
Seirin: 168 cm (5′ 6″)
57 kg (126 lbs)
January 31st, Aquarius
Blood type
Professional Statistics
Team Vorpal Swords Teikō (former)
? ( possibly PG/SF )
Invisible Pass
Cyclone Pass
Ignite Pass
Ignite Pass Kai
Vanishing Drive
Misdirection Overflow
Phantom Shot
Invisible PassCyclone PassIgnite PassIgnite Pass KaiVanishing DriveMisdirection OverflowPhantom ShotQuasi- Emperor Eye
First Appearance
chapter 1
Episode 1
Ami Koshimizu
( English ) Kenshō Ono (Japanese) Khoi Dao (English)
Image Gallery
Tetsuya Kuroko ( 黒子 テツヤ Kuroko Tetsuya ) is the main protagonist of the manga, Kuroko no Basuke. He was the Phantom Sixth Player of the Generation of Miracles at Teikō Junior High who specialises in misdirection and passes. He now plays as a regular with Seirin with the goal of bringing the team and Taiga Kagami to the top of Japan.
Kuroko has a delicate mentality and a identical little build up for a basketball player which is why he is normally seen fall. He has light blue hair’s-breadth that he styles to his leftover. His eyes are blasphemous, and he has a blank gaze. His skin is fairly pale. He wears the white, black, and bolshevik Seirin new jersey with the issue 11. He besides sometimes wears black sweatbands. His basketball shoes are white with a amobarbital sodium stripe. He wore no. 15 jersey when he was in junior high. He besides wears it in practices. He besides wore the no. 8 jersey as a recruit, and no. 16 when he was still a 3rd stringer. When out of train or matches, he wears his school uniform : the standard japanese gakuran. The top musical composition of a gakuran is black, long-sleeved and has a standing collar which buttons from the bottom up to his chin. It has blue trimming on the sleeves and vertically in the middle. He besides wears regular black pants. It has been noted that his bed-head is specially atrocious. [ 1 ]
Kuroko has a deadpan and square forward personality. He is very hard work and constantly tries to satisfy the needs of the team above his own. He has no presence and is quite unnoticeable, a trait that goes well with his misdirection. He has besides displayed much obedience towards companion passionate basketball players and thinks that while senpais have to have pride, kōhais need to have deference. [ 2 ] Despite his initial kind personality, Kuroko gets highly angered at dirty play, such as when his teammates were threatened and injured by clog methods in the Kirisaki Daīchi game. His air changes then drastically, that evening Kagami gets scared when he sees him like that. [ 3 ] When Kuroko gets angry, it gets identical hard to beat him, as he is filled up with fighting emotional state. When the position worsens, he seems to turn chatty. [ 4 ] He has metaphorically referred to himself as a “ trace ”. [ 5 ] He means that he is playing for person else, and that he becomes stronger when the “ light ” is stronger. The “ light ” would be the musician he supports during a basketball game. During his Junior High school basketball career, his “ light ” was Aomine, and immediately it is Kagami. Outside the court, despite his unobtrusive personality, Kuroko is very gentlemanlike when dealing with women. Amongst his friends, Kagami, Aomine and Kise are in truth shocked to see how easily Kuroko can cheer up Momoi and even knows what to do on a date. [ 6 ] Kuroko besides lectures Kagami that he should deal with women more finely .
overall, he is a identical composure, rational person, but it is shown that he besides has his cockamamie moments. In one omake he says that he can besides become noticeable and does thus by pulling his jacket over his head, making people mechanically see him and joke. There are times where he uses his misdirection ability to run away, and besides a clock where he was late for a game but pretended to have been there from the beginning [ 7 ] ( until Kagami pointed out the fret on his eyebrow, indicating that he was actually late and had run all the means to school ). While initially antisocial towards his teammates, he gradually warms up and starts to openly express himself more. It has been shown that he has a easy spotlight for cunning animals, like kittens and dogs ( Tetsuya # 2 ) .
In 5th class, Kuroko saw a basketball equal on television, got concerned in it and started playing basketball on a nearby court, since there were n’t any teams he could join. There, he befriended a neighborhood boy, who was subsequently revealed to be Shigehiro Ogiwara, taught him basketball. When they split up, they promised that they would meet again in Junior High. [ 8 ] The beginning day of Junior High, in April, Kuroko is walking in the push, with few people noticing him, as common. He seems determined to join the basketball clubhouse. At the gymnasium, Kuroko is surprised to see so many people trying out for the club and he is told that Teikō ‘s basketball team is celebrated. Sanada, the coach, explains the clubhouse ‘s system, with the beginning to third base strings. Kuroko is aiming for beginning chain but is perplexed when he is divided into the third string, because of his faint overall abilities. [ 9 ] Kuroko kept training hard on the club and even stayed deep after practices. Because of his weak presence, he was n’t noticed by those who came to watch and the sounds of basketball in the gymnasium were credited to a ghost. This lasted until Daiki Aomine came to watch and Kuroko introduced himself. They quickly became friends, even though Aomine was in the first string and a regular. They practiced together and gained deference for another, with Aomine wanting to play with him on the lapp motor hotel one day .
even after training hard, he still was n’t able to reach neither the second nor the first strings and was told by the coach to quit the team since he was one of the members who got the lowest scores, but it is still his decisiveness to stay or not. Walking during the night, he remembered the words that Aomine said to him, but he said to himself that he no longer knows what to do from now on. [ 10 ] When Kuroko went to say Aomine that he wanted to quit the basketball team one day, Aomine motivated him to stay, saying that he admires Kuroko ‘s love of basketball. The players of the first gear string then enter, Akashi, Midorima and Murasakibara ( Kise was n’t part of the team yet ). While Murasakibara did n’t pay much attention to Kuroko, Akashi noticed his lack of presence and said that Kuroko might hide an ability wholly different from theirs. [ 11 ] Kuroko was finally given a opportunity and in one match, he was seen to be wholly adaptable with Aomine in terms of excrete. It was then that he beginning discovered and developed his misdirection and inconspicuous evanesce .
He became the outdo card player of the team that later would be called the Generation of Miracles. In his irregular year, he became the personal teacher of Kise, who however was a cub. [ 12 ] At first base, Kise was very loath on having Kuroko as his teacher, but they became friends when they both had to help with a equal of the irregular drawstring. While playing, he had the total 15. In Teikō, he besides beginning met Momoi. She became amazed by Kuroko ‘s act style and by late giving her rid ice-cream, she immediately fell in love with him. [ 13 ]
besides in his second year, he witnessed Aomine ‘s awaken. While the remainder of the Generation of Miracles were hush above average, Aomine ‘s emergence progressed aggressively. As a consequence, Aomine towered high above anyone else and could n’t find a adequate rival. He became besides good for his own good and started slacking off. It was then that Kuroko tried to motivate Aomine in even trying his best, as it is n’t fun at all when the adversary is holding back. Aomine agreed, but promptly discovered that he destroyed everyone ‘s morale when he started playing good. He approached Kuroko and told him that he gives up in trying to find a equal, that he is his only equal. He besides denied Kuroko ‘s fist bulge, the signature move that marked their friendship. [ 14 ]
In his one-third year, Kuroko began to see the unpromising changes of the Generation of Miracles and could n’t do anything but bear with it. In the finals, when he was unable to play, he lost the opportunity to play against Ogiwara, his childhood ally. not wanting his acquaintance to be looked down by Teikō, he tells Akashi to not go easy which Akashi replies that they will show Teikō ‘s true forte. however, this were testify besides much as he realized that his supporter is mercilessly toyed by Teikō and he lost his will to play basketball and even started hating it. When he goes to see Ogiwara in his school, Meikō, Mochida, the captain of the Meikō team told him that Ogiwara transferred. Kuroko hears that Ogiwara was frightened by the cold eyes of each of the Generation of Miracles, Ogiwara besides realized that even though Kuroko besides has those eyes, there is hush warmth in it. After that, Mochida gave Kuroko Ogiwara ‘s black wristband and motivates him to not give up on basketball. Kuroko is refueled by Ogiwara ‘s faith in him and decides to continue playing basketball. His objective is to make the Generation Of Miracles recognize his basketball by defeating them one by one. And that is why he entered Seirin .
Kuroko appears on his first day in Seirin High. He walks through the aggregate of people who are being pursued by the clubs to join their club, but Kuroko is n’t spoken to, because he makes himself invisible. He searches for the school ‘s basketball club and fills in an application form, without Riko noticing him. Koganei sees the newspaper later and Riko is surprised that she did n’t notice a actor who was on the lapp team as the Generation of Miracles. [ 15 ]
late, on the first train, Riko uses her scan ability on everyone on the team. She did n’t see Kuroko and wonders where he is, while the rest of the team have n’t seen him either. Riko decides that he ‘s not here and shouts that they ‘ll begin the training without him. however, Kuroko was standing in battlefront of her and he tells her that he ‘s right hera. [ 16 ] Riko and all the others are shocked to see him standing there, because they have n’t noticed him at all. Riko orders him to take of his shirt so that she can see his stats again, but concludes that he ‘s reasonably decrepit compared to the lie of the team. late, after education, Kagami goes to a fast-food restaurant, orders a distribute of burgers and has a seat at a random mesa. Coincidentally, Kuroko is sitting at the lapp table. He notices Kagami ‘s total of food and comments that he is however growing. Kagami did n’t notice Kuroko yet and is surprised to see him. Kagami asks what he is doing and Kuroko replies that he has merely been watching people. [ 17 ] Kagami tells him to come with him for a bit .
They arrive at a modest basketball woo and Kagami asks what Kuroko is hiding. He tells Kuroko that he played basketball in America and that Japan is much weaker than America. He goes on by saying that he plays basketball for the bang and that he has heard about the Generation of Miracles. He explains to Kuroko that he can smell his opposition ‘s odorize to discern how strong they are. He says that Kuroko should smell faint, but he ca n’t smell anything. It ‘s like Kuroko is odorless. He passes Kuroko the musket ball and challenges him to a match, to see how Kuroko is like for himself. Kuroko says that he has been planning on playing a one-on-one a well. He takes off his jacket and throws it to the side. They begin playing one-on-one. The match is cursorily distinct, as Kuroko is indeed weak in comparison to Kagami. Kuroko tries to shoot, but misses or gets blocked, fumbles the ball and is much slower then Kagami. Kagami thinks by himself that Kuroko ‘s movements are that of an amateurish. [ 18 ] He yells at Kuroko, saying that he ‘s overestimating himself when he thinks he can win like that. Kuroko denies, saying that Kagami is obviously the stronger one. Kuroko says that he equitable wanted to see Kagami ‘s force. Kagami prepares to leave, while telling Kuroko that he ‘s faint and that he should just stop playing basketball. Kuroko replies that he ‘s different from Kagami and cryptically says that he ‘s a trace .
The adjacent day, the Seirin freshmen play against the irregular years in a practice match. While Kagami is hogging all the points, Kuroko is again prove to be watery and gets the ball stolen multiple times. When the second years get unplayful and build up a 16 point run, Kagami gets angry, lone for Kuroko to calm him down. [ 19 ] Riko thinks by herself that she has wholly forgot about Kuroko flush being there. The game restarts and Kuroko asks the ball from Fukuda. Fukuda passes the ball and Kuroko immediately redirects the ball to Furihata, who was under the basket and scores a bare lay-up. Kuroko goes on with his invisible passes, leading to the freshmen scoring a bunch and coming back into the plot. The early Seirin players amaze themselves over Kuroko ‘s ability and Riko is able to analyze it. Kuroko gains Kagami ‘s attention and slightly esteem and the mini-game is about over. The first-years were still one point behind and when Kuroko steals a second-years ball, he drives to the basket, makes a lay-up … But misses. All of sudden, an anger Kagami appears behind Kuroko and he dunks the ball in, marking their first victory. [ 20 ]
That evening, Kuroko and Kagami meet again at the Maji Burger, with Kagami getting annoyed because they encounter each other yet again. Kagami gives Kuroko one of his burgers, telling him he acknowledges him. Moving out of the restaurant, Kagami asks Kuroko how strong the Generation actually is. Kuroko replies that when Kagami would go up against them now, he would be instantaneously killed. He says that they have all gone to different schools and that one of these will be standing at the exceed. Kagami shouts his resolution, defeating the Generation of Miracles and Kuroko says that ‘s unlikely. Yet, Kuroko says he found his resolve a good. He says that he will make Kagami the strongest of Japan, to be his supporting tail. [ 21 ] The next day, Kuroko asks Riko if he can become an actual member of the cabaret and then play in matches. Just like Kagami, who went to ask the like matter some moments late, Kuroko gets an application mannequin and an invite for the rooftop test. Kuroko meets with Kagami not soon after, when they are both looking at Seirin ‘s newspaper article form stopping point year. invisible as usual, Kuroko scares Kagami. Kagami threatens Kuroko to end if he always does that again. Kagami recalled Kuroko ‘s former teammates went to seasoned school and however Kuroko went to a new school like Seirin. When Kagami is about to ask him about it, Kuroko disappears again. [ 22 ]
That Monday, Kuroko and the other freshmen go to the roof, where they are awaited by Riko. She tells them that they have to be quick for the Nationals in rate to join and that they have to shout their diagnose, class and resolve in front of the entire student body below. Kagami does therefore without any problems. Kuroko moves towards the rail and brings out a megaphone, because he finds it difficult to speak to such a bombastic group without electronic aid. good when he is about the talk, the club is busted by a teacher and Kuroko ca n’t fulfil the assignment. [ 23 ]
That evening, Kuroko sees Kagami again at Maji Burger. He tells him that it ‘s a problem that he has n’t met the requirements yet to join the team, since the rooftop ‘s guarded since then. Kagami says that he ‘ll be able to join the team anyhow. Kagami moves on by asking why precisely he went to Seirin when the other Generation of Miracles joined elect schools. Kuroko tells him the extreme winning philosophy of Teikō and that that was the end of teamwork. He tells Kagami that he was moved by his and the entire Seirin team ‘s motives and resolutions and concludes by saying that he ‘s alone playing basketball in order to make him and the team the best in Japan. Kagami leaves by saying that it ‘ll very happen. Between then and the adjacent dawn, Kuroko wrote “ I will make you the number one in Japan ” with chalk on the school ‘s court, for everyone to see. With this, he officially joins the Seirin basketball team. [ 24 ]
Seirin volt Kaijō
One of the future trainings, Riko announces a practice match against Kaijō High and says that they have one of the Generation of Miracles, this being Ryōta Kise. When Kise enters the fit, they greet each other and say they have n’t seen each other in a while. Kise says that he went to Seirin because he remembered that it was the school Kuroko joined. He claims that he and Kuroko got along in Junior High school, but Kuroko denies. When the other players are amazed by Kise ‘s history as one of the Generation of Miracles, Kise again identifies with Kuroko as the weakest of the bunch together, being picked on, but Kuroko denies yet again. Kise is challenged by Kagami and when Kise shows his copy of Kagami ‘s earlier motion, Kuroko explains his ability far. He is perplexed to see Kise ‘s growth, tied going american samoa far as saying that he ‘s a wholly unlike person. [ 25 ] Out of the blue, Kise asks Kuroko to join his team, but Kuroko bluffly refuses. He says that he has already vowed to defeat the Generation of Miracles, but Kise is n’t taking him serious. Kuroko presses the fact that he is identical good .
The day of the match, Kaijō seems to underestimate Seirin High since they ‘re only using half a court. The other half is for the other members who wo n’t be playing to continue their practice, since Kaijō ‘s coach, Coach Takeuchi, assume they wo n’t learn anything from the game. Everyone in Seirin is pissed off, although Kuroko masks it. Coach Takeuchi besides wo n’t let Kise play since he thinks its already unfair for Seirin playing their regulars. Kise asks Seirin to agitate the bus for him to let him play, besides agitating them that if they ca n’t let him in the plot, they surely wo n’t beat “ The Generation of Miracles “. To this, Kuroko says to Kise that he should warm up since it wo n’t long for him to be in the game. At the begin of the game, Kagami breaks the goal after a bargain from Kuroko and Kuroko asks Coach Takeuchi to use the broad court. [ 26 ] It ‘s only been three minutes after the startle of the bet on but everyone is fired up, resulting in a high-paced play and takes a toll on Kuroko ‘s unaccented body. When Riko calls a time-out, Kuroko tells the team about his proficiency ‘s weakness. He wo n’t be able to use Misdirection after 40 minutes. The more he uses it, the more their opponents get used to it and its effect gradually decreases. Riko is enraged the Kuroko did n’t say something that important sooner while putting him in a headlock. He apologizes saying that they did n’t ask then he did n’t tell. [ 27 ]
After the time-out, Kaijō puts an 8-point gap between Seirin. But during the second half, Kuroko coordinates with Kagami, passing the ball between the two of them. In department of defense, Kuroko abruptly faces Kise. Short on speed, Kuroko is easily passed by Kise but when he is stalled by Kagami, Kuroko lunges backwards and taps Kise ‘s ball, stealing it. Later, Kise tries to shoot over Kuroko, but is blocked by Kagami. then, Kise unintentionally hit Kuroko in the head, resulting in an wound. Kise is stunned by what happened, and could only stare at Kuroko ‘s face. With Kuroko rest, the original Seirin team show their skills. even though he is injured, Kuroko manages to convince Riko to let him play erstwhile during the third quarter. [ 28 ]
With Kuroko back in the game at his full Misdirection level, Seirin manages to close in on Kaijō with a connect. however, Kise powers up again, gets around Kuroko ‘s steal and scores points for Kaijō. The fight for points begins again and with mere seconds remaining, Kagami blocks Kasamatsu ‘s inject and goes for a fast-break with Kuroko. They are awaited by Kise under the basket. Kagami passes to Kuroko and he throws it up for the alley-oop, winning the match. [ 29 ] After the game, since they have no money and the team wanted to go eat something as a celebration, Riko takes them all to a restaurant that serves 4kg steak for barren which has to be finished in 30 minutes or else they ‘ll pay 10,000 yen each if they fail, the Steak Bomber. Everyone except Kuroko and Kagami thought that this is excessively much, though it seems that Kuroko is equitable deadpan as always since he is the first one to give up while Kagami saved them all from paying by eating all of the penis ‘s half-eaten steaks. [ 30 ] While everyone was still inside, Kuroko went out and met Kise. They both go to a resort area to talk, leaving behind the team. They talk about Midorima, who is besides a penis of the “ Generation of Miracles ”, with Kise saying that he went to see the practice pit. But what Kise wanted to talk about was why Kuroko disappeared during survive class ‘s middle school backing game. To which Kuroko answers that he does n’t know either, but what he does know is that he hated basketball during that time and that he highly respects Kagami ‘s attitude towards basketball. Kise does n’t get it and says that someday, when Kagami reaches the horizontal surface of the “ Generation of Miracles ”, he will drift aside from the team. When Kagami finds them he argues with Kise. They then notice that Kuroko is protecting some highschoolers from some thugs in a basketball court and the three proceed to annihilate the thugs in a 5 on 3 game .
Interhigh preliminaries
Final league
tax return of Kiyoshi
Kuroko first meets Kiyoshi while training in the gymnasium. He shoots, misses and Kiyoshi picks up his ball. He tells Kuroko that he has seen that all he can do is elapse, but that he likes that manner of play and that he fair lacks experience. Kuroko asks who he is and Kiyoshi gives his name and offers him candy, to which Kuroko declines. He far introduces himself as the founder of the Seirin High School basketball club. [ 31 ] He spells out his name in separate kanji ‘s, but Kuroko reacts bluffly and uninterested. As Kuroko asks what he is doing here, Kiyoshi explains that he will be discharged from the hospital in a week and that he came to take a spirit. He then saw a worry Kuroko and says to Kuroko that he has expectations from him and that he ‘s concern. He explains why basketball has different positions and says that the one-sixth actor is a specialist. He continues by saying that he has never seen such an extreme specialist as Kuroko, but that the lone thing Kuroko has accomplished so far is bullying. He asks the musket ball from Kuroko and takes a shot himself, while saying that the only one who decides his limit is Kuroko himself. [ 32 ] He concludes that Kuroko should have more faith in his abilities and leaves after that .
Summer Training Camp
Riko ‘s don Kagetora brings the Seirin team on a beach, along with all the necessity equipment needed for discipline. angstrom soon as the team arrives, they start their train on sand. This train will help the them to improve the skills of each person player, something which they need the most at this fourth dimension. As each of them gets stronger individually, they will finally combine their military capability for team gambling frankincense making it stronger. As the team is divided into two separate teams, Kuroko tries to bounce pass the testis from the sand, but fails. late on when everyone moves into the gymnasium, they realise merely how easier it is for them to move, this being the result of the sand train .
Night falls and Seirin is stretching in a room. Kuroko is helping Kagami reach but when Kagami notices that Kuroko is dozing off he questions him what ‘s on his thinker, and if it is about his raw style. Kuroko replies saying that he is concerned for not having any ideas as of however. [ 33 ] The following day, as Kagami is brushing his tooth he is surprised as Kuroko on the spur of the moment appears future to him brushing his tooth ampere well. As Kagami notices Kuroko ‘s bed hair, Midorima and Takao are walking the corridors past Kuroko and Kagami. The two turn around and notice Kuroko and Kagami standing there. Kagami yells at Midorima asking him what they are doing here, and Kuroko gives them a civil greet. Takao then tells them that it is Shūtoku ‘s custom of coming to the same education camp to train every class. The four are interrupted by Riko who had blood on her and was holding a kitchen knife. [ 34 ]
Shūtoku High and Seirin are holding a practice catch. Riko tells Kagami to go run and buy drinks for everyone, with the latter disagree at beginning but then heads out. As the match starts, Kuroko has a 1-on-1 with Midorima. Kuroko soon has the ball stolen by Takao who then passes to Midorima to score the basket. Midorima then tells Kuroko that he has come to make some farcical plays with Kuroko disagreeing and telling Midorima that he good wants to become stronger. Midorima tells him that he does not know how Kuroko feels after losing to Aomine, and tells him that they already know his limits. Midorima then tells Kuroko that a man who can not play by himself, can not improve by himself, giving Kuroko a secret touch to improving himself. [ 35 ] Later on in the bath, Midorima and Takao discus on how Kuroko could improve and conclude that if there is a way for him to overcome his helplessness, he will show terrify improvement. The two teams have another practice match which ended with the score of 82 – 91, for Shūtoku. After the equal Riko has prepared some methamphetamine. It is to help their bodies with the fatigue. At night Kagami has been doing some jumping coach with Riko, meanwhile Kuroko comes outside looking for Kagami when he sees Takao. Takao then tells Kuroko to duck his head hiding him from Kagami and Midorima who came to tell Kagami something. [ 36 ] Kuroko and Takao are hiding behind the bush with Takao holding his laugh and Kuroko observing the two. After Kagami and Midorima finished their 1-on-1 battle, Midorima comes and sees Kuroko and Takao, knowing the two were there. He tells Takao they are going and then tells Kuroko not to disappoint him at the Winter Cup preliminaries. [ 37 ]
After, Kuroko and Kagami go in concert for a run. Kagami tells Kuroko the reason he thinks he lost against Midorima, being that he can alone shoot dunks. Kuroko remembers the advice Hyūga and Midorima have told him, and suddenly stops running. He then tells Kagami that he may be able to beat the Generation of Miracles in an areal conflict, but he may not beat them on the ground. He then tells Kagami that he has found a way to make the most of Kagami and the rest of the team by mastering his own drive in addition to his passes. Saying that this way he will surpass the Generation of Miracles. [ 38 ] interim, Takao was questioning why Midorima helped their opponents so much, saying that this way they will get stronger. Midorima replied with saying that that is what he is wishing for .
Seirin is departing from the train camp, but rather of going home, Riko suggests that they will go and spectate a quarterfinal match between Kaijō High and Tōō Academy. The group then heads off to watch the match of the Inter-High. The team is on a bus topology and Kuroko tells Kagami the message Midorima has left for him, “ I only taught him a moral because he ‘s sol dazed ” and besides “ Do n’t lose until I beat you ”. The team last arrives and Kagami asks Kuroko who he thinks will win, with Kuroko replying that he does n’t know. he tells Kagami that Aomine was the one who inspired Kise to play basketball, but when they battled 1-on-1, Kise never won. As the match starts, Kuroko and the rest of Seirin are spectating the match. The first quarter ends with the score of 18 – 13 for Kaijō. Riko comments on how Kaijō wholly dominated the beginning quarter and Kagami adds that Aomine is holding back. Kuroko denies saying that right now Kise is beating him. Kiyoshi interrupts asking everyone how they beat Kaijō, with Kagami replying that they did it with intent. Kuroko then tells them that even though he said that Aomine is trying, he tends to get stronger as the game goes on. As the game goes on, Kagami notices that Kuroko is focus on watching the game. late on, Kuroko notices that Kise has given up on looking up to Aomine and tells everyone that he is trying to copy Aomine ‘s vogue of play .
The second quarter ends and Kuroko meets Kise outdoor while taking Tetsuya # 2 for some fresh air travel. Kise then asks him why he is hera with Kuroko replying that he was training nearby an came to watch the match. Kise then asks Kuroko that between him and Aomine, who does he think will win. Kuroko pauses but then replies that he does n’t know, a lot to Kise ‘s surprise. He tells him that american samoa long as he does n’t give up, anything can happen, and tells him that he thinks that neither Kise nor Aomine would give up. Telling Kise that it would n’t be strange if either of them won. Hearing this, Kise tells Kuroko that he will do his best, but Kuroko tells him that he was sure he would say “ I ‘ll decidedly win ! ”. Kise then tells Kuroko that in center school it was natural for them to win, but nowadays that he does n’t know, it is better .
The match continues and Kise and Aomine go toe to toe. Kise makes a free throw rising the score to 51 – 60, still with Tōō Academy leading. As Kise was about to dunk, Aomine stops him leaving Kagami and Kuroko surprised as the ball falls to the hearing. ultimately the survive quarter begins and Aomine is marking Kise. As he marks Kise, Aomine notices the eyes Kise has and tells himself that vitamin a long as he has those eyes, there ‘s no telling what will happen. vitamin a long as he has eyes exchangeable to Kuroko. Aomine and Kise continue to struggle when ultimately the ring bells, ending the match with the score of 98 – 110 for Tōō Academy. As the match ends Seirin leaves. While leaving Kagami notices a boastfully musician walk by. When Kuroko sees the person, he tells Kagami that he forgot to greet an old acquaintance .
Pre-Winter Cup
Kuroko arrives at Seirin ‘s training a little late and announces that he brought a frump in a box. He tells them that he found the andiron in the park of Seirin High School and could n’t bear leaving it, so he took it to practice. meanwhile, the cad has crawled up Kuroko ‘s head and shaking his tail. Izuki looks at the pawl more closely and asks if the andiron reminds them of person and subsequently they realise that the pawl resembles Kuroko a fortune, so Koga decides to call him Tetsuya # 2. [ 39 ]
When Kagami confesses his fear for dogs, Kuroko chases him with Tetsuya # 2 on aim. The club later votes to keep the chase, with merely Kagami opposing. Kuroko sadly asks Kagami if he wants to abandon the pooch a second time. Riko tells Kuroko that it ‘ll be difficult to keep him, but Kuroko proposes that if he can get Kagami to like Tetsuya # 2, that they will keep him. [ 40 ] Riko accepts and Kuroko takes Tetsuya # 2 along with Seirin ‘s ramble on. Back in the gymnasium, Seirin starts train and when Kuroko makes a successful inconspicuous communicate, Tetsuya # 2 barks and seems happy. Kuroko plays further with Tetsuya # 2, lone annoying Kagami. finally, Tetsuya # 2 poops into Kagami ‘s sneakers and an angered Kagami washes them outside. Kuroko approaches him and asks him why he does n’t simply accept Tetsuya # 2. He tries to convince Kagami that # 2 is a adept chase and that he could barely try to pet him. They are disturbed by Kawahara, who calls Kuroko inside. Kuroko leaves # 2 with Kagami and they reconcile. [ 41 ] When Furihata and the early first years suggest going to the Street Basketball 5 on 5 tournament, Kuroko along with Kagami and Kiyoshi go with them, with Riko ‘s license. Once they arrive they meet their erstwhile enemies, Seihō High. The third base years told Seirin that since they lost they will not be able to participate in the Winter Cup so this is the only opportunity for them to play together once more as a team. As the group determine lunch together, the five players from Seihō High are soon announced onto the court and leave the Seirin five. Seirin stays behind but they soon catch up to see Seihō beaten by one single player. That player was Himuro, Kagami ‘s brother from the states. As Kagami and Himuro reunify, Kagami tells Kuroko and the stay his past with Himuro. As Kuroko hears the narrative, he tells Kagami that it is his fault, and tells him that he should n’t have went easy on Himuro in the past, since no one wants their opponents to go easy on them in the game they love. [ 42 ]
Seeing Kuroko, Himuro asks him who he is and Kuroko introduces himself to him. After hearing Kuroko ‘s name, Himuro tells Kagami that he has found an concern partner. surprised Kagami asks Himuro how he knew of Kuroko, when Himuro told him that an matter to player on his team told him about Kuroko. soon after Kagami and Himuro decide to play their critical fiftieth match to decide who is the strongest, with their union on the trace. deoxyadenosine monophosphate soon as the tip-off starts and the ball is thrown into the vent, a candy bar appears on top of the ball. Murasakibara appears stopping the match telling Himuro that they are not allowed to play outside of school as it is the school ‘s rule. [ 43 ]
Murasakibara then sees Kuroko and pats him on the head, much to Kuroko ‘s irritation. late on, the latter continue with the match, however, they are soon stopped by heavy rain and are forced to leave. Just before Murasakibara left, he pats Kuroko ‘s head once more, when Kuroko shoves the hand murder and asks Murasakibara if he still finds basketball bore. Angered Murasakibara tells him that if he asks him this again, he will crush him even though it ‘s Kuroko. [ 44 ] Murasakibara and Himuro leave promising to meet again at the Winter Cup. soon after, Kuroko gets a text message from Riko telling them to return to the gymnasium .
When Kuroko arrives at the gymnasium with the rest, he is greeted by crying Momoi who jumps on him, hugging him. Kuroko soon asks what the problem is, with Momoi saying that Aomine hates her. Momoi then sits on a chair surrounded by the Seirin members while Kuroko brings her a toast. Momoi is then questioned about the results of the Inter-High and the reason Aomine, Murasakibara and Akashi did not participate in the finals. She tells them that due to his injury Aomine was not able to participate, and that since Akashi told Murasakibara not to play he did not participate. then when asked about Akashi, she told everyone that he plainly said “ It would be boring ”. Meaning that victory would be attained for indisputable if he played. After their discussion, Kuroko decides to walk Momoi bet on home. The two then walk together leaving the gymnasium. [ 45 ]
As Momoi and Kuroko walk, Momoi notices Kuroko playing with the ball in his hands and tells him that it is unusual for him. Kuroko then suggests making a detour in order for him to show her something. The two arrive at the basketball woo, when Kuroko tell her that he will show her his new move. This way she would not come back to Aomine empty handed. Momoi asks if it is fine, with Kuroko replying that he does n’t intend to hide the proficiency before they face Tōō Academy. Kuroko then goes on to show Momoi his newly Vanishing Drive. Seeing this newfangled proficiency, Momoi was shocked realising that when he perfects this, it could become a deadly weapon. [ 46 ] As the two continue to walk, Momoi parts with Kuroko telling him that she hopes that everyone will be able to play together again .
Winter Cup preliminaries
The Winter Cup preliminaries started and Seirin was to go up against Josei High in ordering to qualify for the concluding league. Before the equal started, the Josei players recognised Kiyoshi as one of the uncrowned Kings making them uneasy about the match. This made Kuroko feel at rest now with Kiyoshi on the court with Seirin. [ 47 ] Later on in the meet, Kagami jumped excessively high hitting the basket and making him fall. Luckily it was the time interval time, and Kuroko dragged the break down Kagami off the court with the remainder of the team. As the couple resumed, Kagami was impatient. Seeing him Kuroko pulled his wristband and told him that the Tōō Academy players were among the consultation, surely to tell Aomine the results of the couple. [ 48 ] This however had the inverse effect on Kagami and made him even more motivated to play .
As Kagami shot the decisive dunk, allowing Seirin to win the match, Kuroko helped him stand back up. Seirin had won the match, qualifying to the Final league. interim, Shūtoku having besides won their match, qualifying to the Final league arsenic well. Later on, Kuroko asked Kagami if he would make some time for him, to help him with his new drive. The lie of the Seirin team went dwelling, while Kagami and Kuroko went on a street court in order to help Kuroko with his drive, Kagami went with him a 1-on-1 struggle. As they began, Kuroko used his newest technique, the Vanishing Drive and managed to pass Kagami, shocking him. [ 49 ] however, the drive was incomplete resulting in Kuroko leaving the ball behind. Holding the musket ball, Kagami noticed barely how much it is worn out and was shocked to find out that this was Kuroko ‘s sixth one .
Final league
Seirin ‘s first opposition in the Final league was Senshinkan High. A match they have won with the score of 78 – 61. The Senshinkan players were surprise to see Seirin ‘s submerge improvement since their last match. meanwhile, on the court right beside Seirin ‘s, Shūtoku had their match against Kirisaki Daīchi High ‘s first base year players who were not regulars on the team. Having won both their games, it was time for Seirin to face off against their future opposition, Shūtoku. [ 50 ]
The match between Shūtoku High and Seirin is about to commence. The tension between the two teams is high, but the Seirin players believe in their victory. Kuroko, however, told them differently. Telling them that Shūtoku is set out for retaliation and that it wo n’t be easy. As both teams enter the woo and the match was about to commence, Takao approached Kuroko to tell him that Midorima has no time for him, as he has wholly accepted Kagami as his equal. [ 51 ] The rest of the team feeling the same way. Hearing this, Kuroko told him that ‘s good to hear and that this is the all more reason Seirin can not lose. Just before the tip-off commences, Kuroko approaches Kagami and tells him that he leaves Midorima to him. Kagami replies saying that he planned that all along. [ 52 ]
The match commences and Seirin gets the tip-off, Izuki has the ball but not for long as Takao steals it. He then passes it on to Kimura, who then attempts to pass it to Ōtsubo. He was however intercepted by Kuroko who stole the ball back. [ 53 ] unfortunately, Midorima got the ball and attempted to shoot. He however, was stopped by Kagami, resulting in the ball going out of bounds. Midorima and Kagami continue their match of stamina. To see who will run forbidden of gas beginning, as Midorima keeps on shooting and Kagami rise to stop him. Takao marks Kuroko using his mortarboard eye. When Midorima was made to miss by Kagami, Kuroko got off Takao ‘s mark and got under the basket to use his Cyclone Pass to throw the testis to the early side of the court. [ 54 ] Izuki caught the ball and scored the basket for Seirin. Later on in the game, Seirin was surprised to see Midorima using teamwork against them, something he did not before. nowadays that he is cooperating with his teammates, it would be much harder for Seirin to stop him .
As Seirin regroups and thinks of their adjacent naturally of action, they decide to bench Kuroko. [ 55 ] Kuroko is benched and Mitobe takes his place. As Kuroko sits on the bench, he tells the rest of his bench team members that he is not worry, and that he believes in everyone. The match goes to Shūtoku ‘s favor, and everyone notices the changes in Modirima. Takao notices that it is true and that the reason Midorima changed is because of Kuroko. meanwhile on the sidelines, Momoi and Kise spectate the match having noticed the changes in Midorima adenine well. Momoi tells Kise that both him and Modorima have changed. Kise then tells her that it is not them who changed, but they were quite made to change by Kuroko. [ 56 ] He tells Momoi than when you play against him, you get the tip that teamwork is not a sign of weakness but rather force. As Shūtoku is leading and the pit is in their favor, Kise tells Momoi that Shūtoku would win if it were not for Kuroko. The Phantom 6th Man of the Generation of Miracles would not stand still. On Seirin ‘s bench, Kuroko tells Riko that he is cook to use his new drive and the member change is announced. [ 57 ]
The Shūtoku players are surprised that Kuroko would come immediately in the game but Midorima tells them otherwise, that Kuroko would not be coming back without something up his sleeve. The game resumes and Kuroko is marked by Takao again. Kuroko makes him move and gets rid of Takao ‘s set by using a screen with Kagami. Kuroko gets the ball and faces off against Midorima, using his new Vanishing Drive to pass him. [ 58 ] Kuroko passes Midorima and passes the ball to Kiyoshi who then made the basket .
The Shūtoku players were surprise to see Kuroko ‘s new drive. Kuroko gets the ball again from Izuki and dribbles to the basket. Takao goes on to stop him but equally well as Midorima he was passed by the Vanishing Drive. [ 59 ] Kuroko then passes the ball to Hyūga who then made a three-pointer. Shūtoku got the ball spinal column, only for it to be stolen by Kuroko again. [ 60 ] He passes the ball to Hyūga, who then scores another three-pointer. immediately the score is tied. Since Kuroko has come back to the game, Seirin has managed to score up 8 points. Kuroko turns to Midorima and tells him that now they are spinal column where they started, Midorima replying with “ interest ” .
The concluding quarter begins and Izuki passes the testis to Hyūga. Wanting to intercept their bye is Miyaji, who was however stopped by Kuroko who escaped Takao ‘s mark. Kuroko passes the ball to Kagami who then scores a dunk. The game continues as Izuki loses the ball which is about to go off-bounds, resulting in Shūtoku ‘s ball. Kuroko however, manages to catch the testis. As Takao tries to stop him, Kuroko uses his Vanishing Drive again and passes Takao, passing the ball to Kiyoshi. [ 61 ] Kiyoshi attempts to shoot but is stopped by Midorima who made a foul, resulting in Kiyoshi getting two free throws. Kiyoshi makes his first hold tying the score between the two teams. His moment project did n’t go in and resulted in a bounce conflict. Kagami got the bounce and attempted to score the basket, Midorima went on to stop him as the two struggle for the ball. The strait signalising the end of the match has ringed, as Midorima and Kagami let go of the ball, they see that the score is tied, resulting in the meet being a tie. [ 62 ] Since the Winter Cup concluding league is trying to keep the games abruptly, there is no overtime. As the game ends, the players decide that they will settle everything at the Winter Cup late. Both teams leave the court and the consultation gives them a big applause for the fantastic game they have played .
Seirin notices Tetsuya # 2 is missing so everyone goes to look for him. Kuroko finds him with Midorima, Kise and Momoi who faints when she sees Kuroko. Midorima tells Kuroko that they will play again at the Winter Cup and then leaves. [ 63 ] Kise takes the crumble Momoi and leaves equally good. subsequently on as they walk home, Kagami asks Hyūga what is wrong with Kiyoshi, having overheard their conversation earlier. Hyūga then tells Kagami and Kuroko about the team ‘s past and the time the Seirin club was made .
Seirin ‘s third base pit of the Final League was about to commence, their next opposition, Kirisaki Daīchi High, the team that has injured Kiyoshi in the past. During the warm-up, both Kuroko and Kagami have their resolve conveyed to the opponent team, telling them they wo n’t lose. [ 64 ] Hanamiya recognises the two as Seirin ‘s first year couple and tells them to be careful, hoping that nothing good will happen during the match. As the tip-off commences, Izuki gets the ball and passes it to Hyūga who then passes it to Kuroko who uses his Vanishing Drive to pass Yamazaki. [ 65 ] After passing Yamazaki, Kuroko passes the ball to Kiyoshi who scores a dunk. Giving Seirin a start advantage. Seeing the Vanishing Drive for the first gear time that Momoi has described, Aomine was surprised while spectating the equal. The match continues and Kirisaki Daīchi uses their roughly dash of play to score baskets. Kiyoshi stopping most of the injuries falling on the Seirin players. Kagami having reached his limit, attempts to punch Hara, but he is stopped by Kuroko who grabs him by his feet and makes him fall. [ 66 ] Kuroko then tells him that the thing they should be doing for their seniors is not brawl, but win using basketball. Kagami agrees and apologises to everyone .
The plot continues and Kiyoshi is getting more and more injured. Despite this he wishes to stay on the court to protect Seirin, this being the argue he came bet on. As the second one-fourth ends, Kuroko asks Hanamiya if he truly enjoys playing basketball the way he is. Hanamiya answers by telling him that he does n’t but there is no other way to beat other powerful schools. Hanamiya then rolls out his tongue telling Kuroko that he does enjoy seeing other suffer and that it ‘s enjoyable to break the dreams and hopes of others. [ 67 ] Kuroko and the rest of the Seirin members left to their cabinet room where they were enraged by Hanamiya ‘s statement. Kagami notices that Kuroko was angry, something he did n’t see before. meanwhile in the bathroom, Aomine tells Hanamiya that he will lose because he made Kuroko angry .
The game continues and Kuroko uses his Vanishing Drive again. This time both Hara and Yamazaki try to stop him, but failed. [ 68 ] Kuroko passes them and passes the testis to Kagami who then dunks over Kuroko. Kuroko is subbed out and Koganei takes his place. subsequently on when Hanamiya uses his Spider ‘s Web to prevent Seirin from scoring, Kuroko is subbed back in with an idea of how to break free of the Spider ‘s Web. With Kuroko back in the game, Izuki makes a happen which is about to be stolen by Hanamiya .
Kuroko however, changes the course of the pass resulting in Hanamiya not stealing the ball. [ 69 ] Seirin ultimately scored their foremost point since Kuroko left the court. On the sidelines, Aomine comments that the Seirin players know where Kuroko is going to pass because they trust him. It ‘s time-out and Riko wants to sub-out Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi refuses but Kuroko tells him that Kiyoshi is like an older brother protecting them and that he wishes for him to protect them in the future. [ 70 ] ultimately after convincing Kiyoshi to rest, the Seirin team heads out to finish the match .
The match continues and Izuki passes the ball to Kuroko who prevents Kirisaki Daīchi from stealing the ball, and passes it further on to Hyūga who shoots but misses. late, Kuroko passes the ball again to Hyūga who last manages to score the basket. On the sidelines, Imayoshi comments that with Kuroko and Hyūga, Seirin has ultimately amply broken Hanamiya ‘s Spider Web. As the match goes to Seirin ‘s prefer, the Kirisaki Daīchi players note that it was Kuroko who changed the course of the dally. It was all because of the Phantom 6th world of the Generation of Miracles. [ 71 ] Frustrated Hanamiya uses a screen door to get rid of his crisscross and faces Kuroko in a 1-on-1 conflict. He tells Kuroko that it is all his defect they are losing, as he tries to injure Kuroko. [ 72 ] Kuroko invades and Hanamiya goes past him. Hanamiya goes on to score the basket using his musca volitans shoot .
As the basket goes in, he tells Seirin that he does n’t need to use dirty tricks in order to win. Angered Kuroko tell him to stop screwing round as he prepares to launch an Ignite Pass. As Kuroko passes the ball, he tells Hanamiya not get in the means of their basketball using his style, and that he chose to play because he believed the basketball of the Generation of Miracles was wrong. Kuroko then launches the Ignite Pass which Kagami catches and scores the basket. [ 73 ] As the game continues, Seirin kept on scoring baskets until the final bell was call signalising the goal of the match. Seirin had won with the score of 76 – 70, qualifying to the Winter Cup. interim, Shūtoku having besides won their match stipulate to the Winter Cup american samoa well. The couple had ended and the Seirin members were in their locker board. Kiyoshi tells everyone that this year ‘s Winter Cup is special because all of the Teikō Junior High ‘s geniuses including the Phantom 6th homo will be participating. [ 74 ] interim, Kuroko was playing on a street court outside of the build. Kagami comes and asks him if he is excited. Kuroko replying that he does n’t know but that his hands are shivering and that he can not stand still. Kagami then tells him that that is what it means trembling with excitation. The two then have a 1-on-1 struggle until they are interrupted by Hyūga and the other Seirin members. The team is cook to go to the Winter Cup .
Winter Training Camp
On the last day of the Winter Camp, Kuroko overhears a conversation between Kiyoshi and Hyūga. Kiyoshi tells Hyūga that the Winter Cup will be his final tournament and that they will have to be total 1 this year already. Kuroko decides that he will throw away their chances for the future in order to win this year ‘s Winter Cup. [ 75 ] The training camp is supervised by Riko ‘s don, Kagetora, who was used to be a national player. He tried to train and enhance every player individual skills, but told Riko that he gives up on Kuroko, said that even he had never met such an extreme outline special sportman in his life, but already gave him some suggestions. [ 76 ] It is known former that it is for Kuroko to develop his shooting for when he has the space after he passes his adversary with his Vanishing Drive .
Winter Cup
Kuroko joins Seirin at the open ceremony of the Winter Cup. When the ceremony was finished, Kuroko receives a text message on his cellular telephone. He tells Riko that he has to go, he has been summoned. He tells the team he is going to see his former captain, the former captain of the Generation of Miracles, Akashi. [ 77 ] Riko sends Furihata along .
Kuroko meets up with his former teammates and while Aomine makes fun of him at having a chaperone, Kuroko greets them. They talk casually to each other but Furihata could feel the air is arduous, and recalled in hurt of being erstwhile teammates, Kuroko and the Generation of Miracle members are rivals immediately in court. Akashi arrives shortly after and greets them all. He demands that Furihata leaves because he wants to speak with his comrades. Kagami finally arrives and like Furihata, Kuroko is surprised and happy to see him. Akashi attacks Kagami with Midorima ‘s scissors and Kuroko is seen shocked like everyone else. Akashi leaves again and says to the remainder that it seems they have n’t forgotten their oath they made stopping point year. [ 78 ] He departs by saying that the future time they will meet, will be in battle .
Round 1
Seirin ‘s first match of the Winter Cup is about to begin and Kuroko fetches Kagami from the cabinet room. Kuroko looks worried, but Kagami sets him at ease, saying that he is n’t thinking about Akashi, but about Aomine. When the couple begins, Kuroko approaches Aomine. Recalling his past experiences with Aomine, from their last match, to their friendship and his predict with Momoi, he declares to Aomine that they will decidedly win this time. [ 79 ] Aomine agrees to settle it for dear. Both teams note up and the equal commences .
Seirin gets the ball at the tap off, but it gets stolen by Tōō ‘s press defense. Sakurai passes to Aomine, who does an alley-oop and scores the first sharpen. Following Riko ‘s orders given before the match, Seirin quickly passes to Kuroko, who pulls up for his Ignite Pass Kai, intending to pass to Kiyoshi. [ 80 ] Facing Aomine, Kuroko does n’t even activate his misdirection on him, showing assurance in the strength of his new passing. He puts a lot world power in his stage, rotates his weapon and hits the ball with the palm of his hand, besides spinning. The ball spirals besides Aomine, knocking his hand aside, and finally reaches Kiyoshi, who receives the ball with feat. Kiyoshi, after facing Wakamatsu, passes to Kagami and he dunks the musket ball. In the audience, the Generation of Miracles amaze themselves over Kuroko ‘s fresh pass. Aomine approaches him and says that he has gotten a spot more concern. Kuroko responds that if Aomine thought they would be the same as before, then he would be dissapointed. [ 81 ] back to the game, Imayoshi gives a high travel by to Susa. Kuroko is guarding him but ca n’t do anything because Susa is much bigger than Kuroko and because of the high happen, he besides ca n’t use his misdirection and steal it. The match goes on with Hyūga ‘s Barrier Jumper versus Sakurai ‘s quick-release shoot. Sakurai scores another three-pointer with the time of the first quarter running out. Kuroko ends up with the musket ball and shows his Invisible Drive for the first time in the Winter Cup. [ 82 ] He is able to break through Susa ‘s defense mechanism, but encounters Wakamatsu at the basket. He passes outside to Hyūga and he scores another three-pointer. Seirin goes out of the first quarter with a link on the scoreboard .
During the hesitate, Kuroko tells Riko that he will do the Vanishing Drive one more time. Riko agrees and resumes that it ‘s better if they use it now. interim at Tōō ‘s side, Momoi figures out the system of the Vanishing Drive and tells the team to keep Kagami and Kuroko aside. The match restarts and Kagami screens out Susa and Kuroko runs absolve. He gets the musket ball and faces Aomine. They have a conversation how they both have a reciprocal understand of basketball. Kuroko and Kagami do the Vanishing Drive in concert and Kuroko apparently passes Aomine. But Aomine suddenly turns approximately and cuts Kuroko off, defeating his last resort move. He was able to do that by closing his eyes and trusting on his feel to follow Kuroko. He steals Kuroko ‘s ball and dunks. He approaches Kuroko and says that he ca n’t defeat him, putting Kuroko even more in despair. [ 83 ]
In hopelessness, Kuroko tries to defeat Aomine by launching his newfangled Ignite Pass Kai right off the beginning. He fires the ball, but is stopped by Aomine. Aomine tells Kuroko that his campaign is bootless and over dribbles him. He scores and Tōō takes the lead. At a time-out called by Riko, she subs him out for Koga. He refuses Furihata ‘s tapdance and stays alone with his grief. While thinking about his history with Aomine, he clenches his fist and is frustrated because he ca n’t beat him. [ 84 ] As Seirin is about to go second to the game, Kagami goes to Kuroko and motivates him by saying that everyone believes that he ‘ll come back and frustration Aomine. He tells Kuroko that his effort was n’t futile at all .
While Kuroko was on the workbench defeated, Kagami became the one who had to help Kuroko and unleashed his closely full potential. His on-key ability came out and he was able to fight with Aomine on the same level. finally, half time is reached with Tōō ‘s two point lead. In the half time break, Kuroko went outside to get some fresh air out and was joined by Kagami, who brought him a jacket. He asks Kagami if he enjoys basketball and tells him his past in Teikō Junior High, how he befriended a wholly unlike Aomine than in the present. He concludes that he wants to see Aomine play basketball with a smile again. [ 85 ] Kagami says that they ‘ll do that by playing deoxyadenosine monophosphate heavily as they can and win the match. During half-time, in the cabinet room, Kuroko tells the team his plan. This is to make his mismanagement run out in order for him to use his Misdirection Overflow. He explains that by making the opponents ‘ glances focus at him, the other players will have the luck to use Kuroko ‘s Vanishing Drive .
They go back inside and enter the court for the second base half. Kuroko is back in. Tōō starts with the offense and Aomine ends up with the ball. He drives past Kagami, but is forcefully stopped by Kuroko, who predicted his path and was able to make Aomine dislodge into him, making an offensive foul. He says that while Aomine knows him well in terms of basketball, the opposite is besides true. He is helped up back on his feet by Kagami. In Seirin ‘s offense, Kuroko gets the ball, but passes through to Kagami. It seems that Kuroko got back in to help Kagami ‘s defense with his experience, but he gets the ball back from Kiyoshi and on the spur of the moment fires his ignite Pass to Hyūga. [ 86 ] Hyūga scores a three-pointer and gets Seirin the leash. He late complains about the travel by being way besides hard. When Seirin is back in umbrage, everyone is shocked to find out that Imayoshi is now guarding Kuroko. Kuroko tries to get to the ball by using his usual distraction, but for some reason it does n’t work and Kuroko is ineffective to shake off Imayoshi ‘s defense. It was then revealed that Momoi discovered the trick behind Kuroko ‘s misdirection, that his situation is revealed by the eyefield of the passerby. They made it so that Imayoshi switched with Susa and is now rendering Kuroko disabled. [ 87 ] The ball is finally passed to Kuroko, but Imayoshi manages to steal the ball .
The pit progresses and Kuroko still ca n’t manage to shake off Imayoshi. He has been trying to change Seirin ‘s patterns by passing all over the space ( like during the match with Kirisaki Daīchi ), but Imayoshi reads his every act and seals him completely. After a few minutes, Susa changes bet on to guard Kuroko. This means that Kuroko ‘s misdirection has worn off and that everyone can see him distinctly now. now that Kuroko ‘s abilities are suppressed, Seirin seems hopeless in the match. [ 88 ] Imayoshi tries to convince Seirin to give this equal up and hope for future time, but Kuroko and the entire Seirin team disagree. They become fired up again and regain their fight heart to win now. It is around that moment that Kuroko ‘s misdirection has wholly run out and that his sudden appearance as the tenth valet on motor hotel begins to dawn. Kuroko activates his Misdirection Overflow, actually amplifies his presence and makes it able for Izuki to use the Vanishing Drive. [ 89 ] Izuki scores .
On Seirin ‘s next offense, Kuroko does it again and Hyūga does the Vanishing Drive and makes the lay-up. Kuroko ‘s explanation during half-time is seen and his technique is explained by Riko. But Misdirection Overflow besides has two downsides, as clarified by Midorima. The beginning is the limited time of the technique and the second is throwing off every probability of winning against Tōō in the future. Kuroko fully realizes this, but puts winning hera, for the team and for Kiyoshi over winning in the future. Seirin gains the ball so far again and even Aomine can be passed by Kagami ‘s Vanishing Drive by Kuroko ‘s Misdirection Overflow. [ 90 ] Seirin ‘s chances have turned .
In the time-out between the third and the last quarter, Kuroko seems drained. After Aomine gets his heat back and begins scoring, Kuroko agrees with Kagami and Kiyoshi to triple-team Aomine. Aomine calm passes Kagami and Kiyoshi and when he ‘s about to be blocked by Kagami, he falls and throws the ball to the hoop in the fall. But before he can shoot, he is distracted, even for a moment, by Kuroko ‘s Misdirection Overflow. This leads to the ball bounce of the rim and missing. It turns out that Kuroko ‘s newfangled skill was particularly designed for stopping Aomine ‘s shots like this. [ 91 ] Seirin manages to hold on and uses a heavy zone crusade to steal the ball at the inbound. Kuroko swings it to Hyūga, who gets fouled on the three point line and scores his free throws. As Aomine stands at three point line, he cracks open the gates of the Zone and thanks Kuroko for finding him a competent adversary. Aomine now dominates the peer and after Kagami declares he will take on Aomine, Kuroko ‘s Misdirection Overflow starts to run out. Imayoshi about taps the testis out of bounds but Kuroko is able to save it by throwing it to Hyūga, leading to a basket by Kiyoshi. Kuroko tells Aomine that he believes in Kagami. [ 92 ] not soon after, Kagami enters the zone arsenic well and battles it out with Aomine, leaving Kuroko complicate .
1 infinitesimal left and Tōō is still up by five. Kagami and Aomine continue to clash without the scoreboard advancing until Kagami gains the upper hand and brings his team within 1 compass point. Aomine takes back a basket and during Seirin ‘s offense, Kiyoshi manages to score with an and-one. Opting to intentionally miss the free-throw and make the bounce for the definite win, Kiyoshi misses the free-throw, but a roar Aomine slaps the ball out of Kagami ‘s hands towards the the early side of the court. however, Kuroko had anticipated equitable that and makes it to the ball beginning and sends it directly back to Kagami. Squeezing out their last ounce of forte, Kagami overcomes Aomine, makes the dunk and brings Seirin victory. [ 93 ] Kuroko, unable to stand on his own, is helped by Kagami and stands face to face with Aomine. Aomine admits his get the better of and Kuroko asks for a fist bump, something Aomine reluctantly accepts. [ 94 ]
Round 2
anterior to the second round of the Winter Cup, Kuroko is seen asking Aomine if he can help Kuroko learn how to shoot. It ‘s revealed that that ‘s what Riko ‘s father counseled him on – his inability to make shots. When Aomine and Kuroko go off to find a motor hotel, Kuroko demonstrates a shot right off the bat, missing, and after that Aomine tells Kuroko that he felt more emotions in their equal than he had in a long time. He then agrees to teach him. [ 95 ] In Seirin ‘s second match, their adversary is Nakamiya South High. Riko tells them that their play style is the diametric of Seirin ‘s which is a lot slower. Seirin ‘s starters for this couple are shown to be Hyūga, Izuki, Kiyoshi, Mitobe, and Tsuchida, opting to rest their freshman duet. Kuroko watches on the bench as his team struggles to find their rhythm, but manages an overturn with the aid of Hyūga and Riko and wins the peer with a 4-point dispute. [ 96 ]
Round 3
Seirin ‘s opposition in Round 3 is Kogōmo North High. Kuroko and Kagami were benched for the first three quarters again and the team held the advantage for all three quarters, entirely allowing Kogōmo North to grasp the head at the end of the third quarter. During the final quarter, though, Kuroko and Kagami were sent in, turning the tide and leading Seirin to victory over Kogōmo North with a concluding score of 87-82. [ 97 ]
Before Seirin ‘s fourth bet on, Riko is seen talking on her phone. She tells the perch of the team that the favorites, Kaijō, Shūtoku, and Rakuzan, besides won their one-third matches, and that Seirin ‘s next opponent is Yōsen High. The team heads to Kagami ‘s family, where they will watch films of Yōsen ‘s games. They are astounded by what they see. Yōsen completely dominates their opponents, with their dense defense. The team opposing Yōsen could n’t even score once, the score of that game totaling up to 0 – 81. [ 98 ]
later that night, Kuroko is shown practicing with Aomine. Aomine says that with 70 % accuracy, Kuroko might even be able to do something in a meet. Momoi bursts in to hug Kuroko, and Aomine promptly tells her to leave if she ‘s precisely going to be annoying. Kuroko thanks Aomine, but Aomine says that the only reason he helped was because seeing Kuroko so weak was grating on his nerves. He adds that Murasakibara is strong, and even he has trouble beating him. After that, he bids Kuroko farewell, adding that the following time they meet, they ‘ll be enemies, and then he and Satsuki leave. [ 99 ] In the good morning, the Seirin team enters the court after a spirit “ Let ‘s go ! ” from Hyūga. Yōsen enters equally well, and Seirin notes that their prescence is about submerge, what with their amazingly improbable players. Yōsen ‘s Murasakibara says that he remembers Kiyoshi, and promises to crush him. Kagami and Himuro besides speak to each other, Kagami saying that Seirin will win and Himuro telling him to play with all he ‘s got. Kuroko meanwhile remembers what Aomine told him after they parted, and that is “ Do n’t you dare lose, Tetsu ”. [ 100 ]
When the equal starts, it appears that Yōsen has master of the ball beginning. Fukui shoots, Izuki failing to block his blastoff, but it misses bouncing off the rim. Seirin goes for the rebound, but Yōsen ‘s altitude gives them an advantage, and one of their players makes a basket, the beginning in the game. Seirin gets the ball after that, and Kuroko performs a cyclone passing, the ball going about Okamura to Izuki, but as Izuki turns, he is blocked by Murasakibara. [ 101 ] Soon, he ‘s being triple-teamed, but he passes the ball off to Hyūga, who goes for a three-pointer. His ball is blocked by Okamura. As it falls, Murasakibara takes the ball. This kind of playing period continues. When there are merely fifteen seconds left in the inaugural quarter, Yōsen has scored 18 points, and Seirin is left in the dust with none at all. The first quarter ends without Seirin scoring a unmarried degree. Riko explains Yōsen ‘s formations during the break, and Kuroko interrupts to propose an mind. [ 102 ] The estimate is not revealed at this fourth dimension, as we are shown Aomine and Momoi arriving at the game and seeing the score, stunned .
The moment one-fourth starts off with Seirin in master of the musket ball, but Izuki is cursorily cornered by the Yōsen defense. He passes the ball to Kiyoshi, who attempts to run past Murasakibara ; as he jumps, Murasakibara reaches up to block without jumping. Kiyoshi then passes to Kagami mid-jump, but as Kagami tries to dunk, Murasakibara jumps and blocks Kagami ‘s ball by putting a hand on it. Kagami hurriedly throws the ball to Kuroko, who is waiting on the background behind them. It is revealed hera that Kuroko ‘s mind was for himself to make a blast. [ 103 ] Both Murasakibara and Izuki are surprised by this, both of them thinking that Kuroko is incapable of shooting. Everyone on both teams is shocked by Kuroko ‘s irregular shooting military capability as he readies himself. [ 104 ] Murasakibara jumps in front of Kuroko as he starts to shoot, but to no avail ; Kuroko uses his correctly hand to push the ball up and creates an effect like to the Vanishing Drive, except that this prison term, the testis disappears, this is called the Phantom Shot. He ends up scoring Seirin ‘s first two points with this basket. [ 105 ] Murasakibara expresses his unbelief that Kuroko would be the one to make the first points against Yōsen ; there is a flashback to when Aomine was teaching Kuroko. He helps Kuroko by telling him to hit the ball with the palm of his hand when shooting alternatively of flicking his wrist. [ 106 ] After this, Yōsen begins to counterattack. Kagami is forced off his mark, Fukui, by Okamura. Okamura passed the ball, and he dodges around Kagami, shooting the ball and making it. He comments that he did n’t even notice Kagami, since Kagami ‘s so light .
Kuroko gets the ball after this, and as he makes his direction down the court, he dodges around Fukui with his Vanishing Drive. [ 107 ] As he takes up position to attempt a Phantom Shot, Liu and Murasakibara jump in front of him. Kuroko passes the ball to Hyūga cursorily, and Hyūga shoots a three-pointer, bringing Seirin ‘s score up to 5. [ 108 ] Okamura makes a inject, and after that, Kiyoshi reminds Kagami of some points they came up with during the unwrap. soon after, Izuki makes a guess, adding three points to Seirin ‘s grade. The total score is now 22 – 8, with Seirin narrowing the gap lento .
Okamura has the musket ball again, and is in position under the hoop. Kagami, after remember, takes into history what Kiyoshi told him, and crouches down behind Okamura, springing up higher than before to block his guess. Both Seirin and Yōsen go after a rally soon after, and Liu gets the musket ball for a moment before Kiyoshi jumps up and steals it. Seirin runs down the court, but the goal is being guarded by Murasakibara. Hyūga readies himself for a shot, but Murasakibara jumps up, so he passes it through Murasakibara ‘s leg to Kuroko. Kuroko shoots his Phantom Shot cursorily, by passing Murasakibara ‘s defenses. [ 109 ]
With this, the second quarter ends. The score is 17-29, with Yōsen still winning, but not by vitamin a much. During the ten-minute fail, Araki tells the Yōsen team about how Kuroko will be benched for a while in the third base quarter, since Overflow wo n’t work on Yōsen. Riko is telling the Seirin team the same thing, and says that this is because Overflow only works on outside shooters, while Yōsen has largely inside players. Riko continues by saying that umbrage has to attack without Kuroko. She finishes up, saying that Kagami must beat Himuro, and that Kiyoshi has to beat Murasakibara. At the end of the demote, Kuroko fist-bumps both Kagami and Kiyoshi, and the two go off, saying, “ Leave it to us ! “. [ 110 ]
Kiyoshi hits his limit and collapses on the court. He ‘s pulled back up by Murasakibara, who taunts him about having fun playing basketball ; then, Kiyoshi is hurriedly switched out with Kuroko, who vows to beat Murasakibara for Kiyoshi. [ 111 ] Murasakibara counters by saying that he ‘ll push back, evening if it ‘s Kuroko. There ‘s a flashback of Kuroko and Murasakibara when they were in Teikō, with Aomine saying that they have unlike views about basketball. Kuroko, he says, loves the game but lacks the talent, and Murasakibara despises the game but wins with raw endowment. This repeats itself now, and Murasakibara claims that it makes him sick to listen to the estimate that players without talent can win. Kuroko gets the ball and goes in with his Vanishing Drive, making his manner past everyone but Murasakibara. He gets in position for a Phantom Shot, which Murasakibara tries to block, assuming that tied though it ‘s inconspicuous, it still takes the naturally of a regular ball. But it ‘s actually a run intended for Kagami, who ‘s jumped up behind Murasakibara. Kagami dunks the ball. [ 112 ]
With Yōsen on the offense, Kuroko is now marking Murasakibara. When Murasakibara receives the ball, he turns to shoot, but forgets that Kuroko is there ; he gets a disgusting for charging. now, the grade is 43-34. immediately following this, Hyūga makes a three-pointer, raising Seirin ‘s score to 37. [ 113 ]
Seirin takes up an all-coat man-to-man defensive constitution with Liu holding the testis. Yōsen tries to break through with rush, but the marks of Seirin players change with the shifts of Yōsen. This expressive style utilizes Kuroko ‘s ability to steal. After stealing one such meet, Kuroko once more makes a Phantom Shot. [ 114 ] Fukui has the ball, and dribbles through the court without passing. Kuroko hits the ball out of his hand, and Izuki catches it. He shoots and makes the shoot, but the referee says that it does n’t count. [ 115 ] With this, the third base quarter ends, with the score at 47-43. Yōsen is still in the run, but Seirin is catching up. During the break, Kagami requests that if Yōsen breaks through the all-coat defense, he ‘s the center field. Riko agrees to this. proper before the game starts back up, Kuroko says that the team should huddle, which they do. This seems to unite Seirin even more. [ 116 ] Murasakibara says to Kuroko once they ‘re second on the court that he ‘ll push everyone back ; Kuroko replies that Seirin is n’t that weak. [ 117 ] Fukui starts off with the testis, and he dribbles a few steps before alley-ooping it to Murasakibara. Kagami jumps up behind him to try to stop him, but Murasakibara dunks the ball in backwards. After this, Kuroko makes another Phantom Shot, but Aomine thinks that things have gone besides smoothly with Kuroko ‘s shots, what with their accuracy only being 60-70 %, Kuroko could miss at any moment .
Okamura has the ball soon after, and he passes it to Himuro. All of the Yōsen players move up, despite the man-to-man defense being played by Seirin. Himuro and Kagami go one-on-one, with Kagami trying to stop him. Himuro fakes and ducks around Kagami, but Murasakibara yells at him to stop. Kuroko about steals the ball, and Himuro is lone saved by Murasakibara ‘s warn. [ 118 ] Himuro distillery has the ball, and Fukui tells him to pass it ; rather, while Kagami is distracted by Fukui, Himuro ducks past him and shoots, faking a Mirage Shot, which Kagami has figured out the antic to, and doing a childlike nip rather .
Kuroko gets the ball, and attempts a Phantom Shot, but it fails for the first time in the game. Following this, Murasakibara and Himuro score a few times, and the score is shown here to be 58-49, with Yōsen pulling ahead once more. After Kagami shoots are blocked by Murasakibara, the ball goes out of bounds. As Kagami goes to fetch it, he ‘s confronted by Kise, who taunts him from the sidelines and says that the Kagami he went up against in that practice equal was scarier than this Kagami. Seirin calls a time-out. As play resumes, Kuroko, Hyūga, and Izuki triple-team Himuro. Fukui, who has the testis, passes it to Liu, who jumps up to shoot. Kagami jumps up to block, but Liu makes a change of plans and passes the ball to Okamura, who catches it in malice of Mitobe, who is covering him. Okamura makes a dunk. Kagami jumps to block a dunk by Okamura. Due to his interference, the nip bounces off the backboard, but then Murasakibara jumps up and forces it in. Murasakibara goes for another dunk, but Kagami jumps higher than him and forces the ball out of Murasakibara ‘s hands ; Kuroko comments on how he constantly thinks that Kagami is the light of Seirin, as it is evidenced that Kagami is once more in the “ Zone ” .
Kuroko gets the rebound and passes it to Kagami, who shoots a three-pointer apparently without Murasakibara interfering. Fukui gets the ball after that, and Murasakibara yells for him to pass it. Fukui does so, and Murasakibara begins to perform his ambidextrous rotate dunk. But Kagami forces the ball out of his hands again, a phenomenon that leaves everyone in shock. Kagami blocks and scores with an incredible achiever rate. After that, Kuroko steals a pass, and throws it to Kagami. Kagami dribbles down the court, and fakes out Himuro successfully, only to be met by Murasakibara, who ‘s in stead. But Kagami jumps before Murasakibara and makes a lay-up. Yōsen calls for a time-out .
Murasakibara tries to get himself subbed out, but Himuro slaps him and berates him for not using his talents, whereas person like Himuro himself does n’t have that special a talent to use. Murasakibara relents and says that he ‘ll stay until the end. By immediately, Seirin is lone six points behind Yōsen, with three minutes left on the clock. Himuro is once again triple-teamed, but Okamura prevents Hyūga and Izuki from going after him, and he fakes Kuroko out. Himuro and Kagami once again meet face-to-face. Himuro jumps for a Mirage Shot, and therefore does Kagami, but Himuro changes the course of his ball at the last here and now and passes it to Murasakibara, who jumps up ampere well, apparently about to dunk. however, due to them knowing about Kagami ‘s extended tune time, Murasakibara passes once more to Himuro, who is now on the grind. Himuro makes the shot .
With less than two minutes left, the seduce is 72-66. Seirin is still six points behind. Hyūga fumbles the musket ball, but Kuroko hits it into Fukui ‘s hired hand, causing it to go out on Yōsen. With one minute left, Kiyoshi returns to the court. soon after, Kagami makes a fadeaway, bringing Seirin up to 68 points. There are four seconds left. Murasakibara runs down the court with the ball, but as he jumps, his knees about give out. This gives Kuroko the clock time he needs to run in front of Murasakibara and hit the ball out of his hands. Seirin wins against Yōsen with a score of 73-72 .
After their match, Kuroko gives Kagami his ring binding and asks him on why he and Himuro ca n’t be both brothers and rivals. Kagami then goes to find Himuro who was with Alex. When Kagami arrives, he sees them being attacked by Haizaki. After the confrontation was calmed down by Kise, Kagami returns and asks Kuroko about Haizaki. Seirin then spectate the Kaijō High volt Fukuda Sōgō Academy match. During the match, when Kise was overwhelmed by Haizaki, Kuroko calls out from the crowd to Kise, telling him he believes in him. [ 119 ] Kise then awakens his perfective Copy and beats Haizaki. It is decided that Kaijō would be Seirin ‘s adjacent opposition in the Semi-finals. On the day of the Semi-finals, both Kagami and Kuroko ‘s shoes are broken and they have to get newfangled ones before their catch. Kuroko found his shoes at beginning hear, while Kagami could n’t find his size. Kuroko then decides to call Momoi for aid. [ 120 ] Later on, Kuroko and Kagami meet Momoi who came with Aomine. Momoi goes on to give Kagami Aomine ‘s shoes but Aomine challenges Kagami to a 1-on-1 for the shoes. While Kagami and Aomine play, Momoi tells Kuroko about Haizaki and about Aomine punching him. [ 121 ] Aomine and Kagami finish their 1-on-1 struggle with Aomine winning. Despite losing, Aomine still gives Kagami his shoes, telling him that he ca n’t make an excuse for losing due to not having proper shoes. After meeting Momoi and Aomine, Kuroko and Kagami meet up with their teammates and spectate the Rakuzan High volt Shūtoku High peer .
During the interval of the Rakuzan five Shūtoku catch, Kuroko concisely encounters Akashi when his team prepares for a warm-up. Akashi greets Kuroko, seeing him for the first time since the open ceremony. Kagami interrupts them by asking Akashi if he placid remembers him with Akashi saying he does. Akashi then tells Kagami that his steer is held excessively high and uses Ankle Break on him. Akashi then tells Kuroko that he should be train if he ‘s planning to fight him, as he was the one who first discovered Kuroko ‘s baron. [ 122 ] As the Rakuzan vanadium Shūtoku match resumes, Rakuzan emerges victorious and it is time for the Kaijō High vanadium Seirin High match of the Semi-finals .
During the warm-up, Kaijō gives Seirin a “ greet ” with Kise using Kagami ‘s high jump to throw a lane up. Kuroko and Kagami then show them the master, as the two teams have made their declaration of war. Just before the match starts, Kise approaches Kuroko and Kagami telling them that he wo n’t lose this time. Kuroko tells Kise he feels the lapp manner but besides tells him that he very dislikes him, meaning it in a good way. [ 123 ] Kuroko tells Kise that since their prison term in Teikō, tied though it was one sided, he has constantly seen Kise as his equal. Kise was surprised and tells Kuroko that this is not just a compliment but that it besides very sets him on displace. The tip-off begins and Seirin gets the ball. Seirin members remember their design Riko told them fair before the equal in which they have decided to attack with everything from the beginning. Kuroko gets the musket ball and uses his Vanishing Drive to pass Hayakawa. After passing Hayakawa, Kuroko scores using his Phantom Shot, taking the inaugural two points for Seirin. however, Kise shoots the ball back, using Midorima ‘s long range shoot. Revealing that he is using Perfect Copy from the start. [ 124 ]
Kuroko uses his inflame Pass to pass the musket ball to Kiyoshi who then passes the ball far to Hyūga, who shoots the ball. however, Kise uses Murasakibara ‘s freeze to stop the shot, stealing the ball. Kise attempts to shoot but is blocked by the Seirin members. He uses his arrant Copy to evade both Kiyoshi and Kagami who went to block him. Kise uses Akashi ‘s Ankle Break to make Kagami hang and make the basket. It ‘s Seirin ‘s counterattack as Hyūga uses his Barrier Jumper to pass the ball to Kuroko. Kuroko gets the ball and attempts to shoot his Phanotm Shot. however, Kise appears to block him. Kise uses Murasakibara ‘s block and Akashi ‘s Emperor Eye to block the shoot. [ 125 ] After shopping the nip, Kagami asks Kuroko if he is very well. Kuroko tells him that he ‘s not and tells Kagami that Kise is so solid that he ca n’t help but laugh. Kise uses Aomine ‘s formless shot to make the basket. After, he uses Akashi ‘s Ankle Break on Kuroko and Midorima ‘s long range fritter to score again. Kise then uses Murasakibara ‘s Thor Hammer to dunk the ball. Kise overwhelms Seirin with the current score of 15 – 2 for Kaijō. Kise tells Kagami and Kuroko he ‘ll stop using Perfect Copy as it is excessively tiering copying the abilities of the Generation of Miracles, but tells them that he has completed his mission, immediately that Kaijō has the first step. Seirin counterattacks and Kagami gets the ball. He prepares to shoot but misses. On the sidelines, Murasakibara comments on how Seirin is rushing excessively much to catch up in score and that this is making them play poor. On the judiciary, Riko decides for a member change, substituting Izuki for Furihata. [ 126 ]
Furihata enters the court but ascribable to the coerce his maneuver is poor. Kasamatsu uses his find to steal the ball from Furihata, which Kuroko steals back. [ 127 ] Furihata gets the ball again and Kuroko tells him that everything will be alright, telling him he was besides nervous in his debut pit, by tripping and getting a nosebleed. Furihata passes the ball to Kagami who was about to go in a 1-on-1 battle against Kise. however, Furihata tells him to stop and Kagami passes the ball binding to Furihata. Kaijō ‘s coach notices that with the accession of Furihata, Seirin ‘s atmosphere has changed. Furihata passes the testis to Kuroko who uses his invisible Pass to pass the ball to Kiyoshi. Kiyoshi gets the ball and passes it to Hyūga who makes the basket, raising Seirin ‘s points .
Kaijō counterattacks and Furihata tries to steal the ball from Kasamatsu. He fails but Kuroko attempts to steal the ball a well, failing adenine well, with Kasamatsu evading both of them. [ 128 ] Kasamatsu shoots but misses, resulting in a rebound. Kiyoshi gets the rebound and passes it to Hyūga. Furihata uses a screen to get Kuroko off of his chump. When Moriyama was about to steal the ball, Kuroko appears passing the ball to Furihata. Furihata then scores the basket for Seirin. [ 129 ]
Riko calls out for a substitution realising this is arsenic far as Furihata can go. After the interval ends, Izuki is substituted back in and the game continues. Both teams keep scoring the basket, leading to the score of 25 – 17, with Kaijō still in the lead. Kise and Kagami face each other in 1-on-1 battles and keep parry and scoring points. suddenly Kaijō calls out for a substitution for Kise due to the injury to his peg. The match resumes, and Kagami passes the ball to Kuroko who attempts to shoot his Phantom Shot. Kuroko makes the basket, raising Seirin ‘s score. After Kuroko scores, Kasamatsu tells his teammates that he has figured out the unavowed behind the Phantom Shot. [ 130 ] Kaijō keep scoring points, resulting in the grudge of 34 – 27. On Seirin ‘s bench Koganei asks Riko if this is the right time to substitute Kuroko out as his Misdirection will run out. Riko agrees but tells Koganei that they will keep him on the woo a a small longer. If he runs out of Misidrection, they will have Misdirection Overflow to use .
Riko tells Mitobe to get fix for the substitution, while on the court, Kuroko gets the ball and attempts to shoot. Kasamatsu comes to block him, and when Kuroko shoots, Kasamatsu having figured out the unavowed behind the shoot, stops it. [ 131 ] Everyone is surprised as Seirin calls for a player substitution. Riko notes that this is the worst time for them to be substituting Kuroko, giving off the mental picture that they are doing so because he has lost. Kuroko apologises for his mistake and for disturbing the flow of the game. The bench members then ask him if he is in shock absorber. Kuroko confirms but tells them that Seirin did n’t lose yet because they have a dependable ace. [ 132 ]
Kuroko is benched as his teammates take the lead in score from Kaijō, 62 – 77. On Kaijō ‘s bench, Kise demands from his coach to let him in. When he went to asks for a substitution Kuroko appears asking for a substitution a well. Both Kise and Kuroko are substituted in for the concluding four minutes of the match. [ 133 ] As the two of them enter the bet on, on the sidelines, Aomine comments that it ‘s the climax. On the court, Kuroko tells Kagami that they wo n’t know who has won until they hear the final buzzer. The meet resumes and Kise uses his perfective Copy to score. Kagami passes the ball to Kuroko who uses his Ignite Pass Kai to pass the ball to Kagami again. Kagami then attempts to dunk but is stopped by Kise. Kise copies Kuroko ‘s Ignite Pass Kai to pass the ball to his teammate who scores. [ 134 ] On the bench, Riko realises that Seirin can not win without stopping the Perfect Copy .
Seirin calls for a fourth dimension out as Riko tells the team that Kise ‘s Perfect Copy time limit has increased. Kuroko interrupts her, saying that they do n’t need to stop Kise. [ 135 ] Everyone agrees with Kuroko ‘s design and before the time out ends, Hyūga tells everyone that missing baskets is not allowed. The match resumes and Kagami has the ball stolen by Kise who uses Akashi ‘s Emperor Eye. Kuroko catches the ball, stealing it back for Seirin. Kuroko passes the ball to Hyūga who attempts to shoot a 3 pointer but is blocked by Moriyama. Kobori wins the rally battle and passes the testis to Kasamatsu. Kise receives the ball again but is then faced by Kuroko in a 1-on-1 battle. Kise passes Kuroko, knowing Kagami is behind Kuroko planning to steal the ball. After passing Kuroko, Kise is ready to face Kagami, when abruptly Kuroko along with Izuki who uses his Eagle Spear, try on to steal the ball. Kise, however, evades passing the ball to Kasamatsu. [ 136 ] Kasamatsu passes back to Kise who alley hoops the basket. Kaijō slowly catches up to Seirin in points as Moriyama passes the ball to Kise, who then uses Kuroko ‘s Phantom Shot against Kagami and scores. [ 137 ] Kaijō scores and Seirin realise the support Kaijō is receiving from the audience and bill that it is as if they are the bad guys. Hyūga attempts to shoot a 3 cursor but misses. Kuroko catches the ball but the referee stops him as the ball goes to Kaijō. After getting the ball, Kise goes for a dunk, however, Kagami stops him, failing him in the process. Kise gets a release give. Kagami approaches Kise and tells him that he does n’t think Seirin are the bad guys. He tells Kise that this is Seirin ‘s drama and that they are deciding the plot. During the bind out, both Hyūga and Kuroko make fun of Kagami ‘s instruction, along with everyone else in Seirin. [ 138 ] Kuroko, however, tells Kagami that his words gave him an estimate of breaking through the Perfect Copy. [ 139 ] Kuroko tells everyone that if they can predict Kise ‘s future moves, then they have a prospect of stopping the Perfect Copy. On the sidelines, Akashi comes to the same termination and tells his teammates that the last two minutes will be the most difficult play. On Seirin ‘s bench, Kuroko tells his teammates that he will need to observe Kise but in the meanwhile they will have to resist him. Seirin do they cheer before they go rear on the woo, Kaijō notice Seirin ‘s emotional state coming back noting they will be stronger now. Kise makes his free shots, raising Kaijō ‘s grade to 72 – 77. After scoring, Kise faces Kagami and uses his perfective Copy to block him. When Kagami loses the ball which was going off bounds, Hyūga jumps and throws the ball to his teammates, falling down. Kuroko asks him if he is all right but Hyūga tells him not to worry as there is something else he should focus on. [ 140 ] Through both team ‘s desperate efforts, the audience started to cheer for both teams. Kise scores the basket, resulting in Kaijō taking a lead in points, 78 – 77. On the sidelines, Akashi notes that the next attack will be Seirin ‘s last chance and if Kuroko does n’t have a solution by then, it will be Seirin ‘s defeat. Seirin calls for a meter out as the familiar faces in the crowd note that this will be the last luck for one. Akashi tells his teammates that the result of the match will depend on Kuroko, while his teammates most likely think that Seirin will lose. Akashi agrees but entirely if Kuroko was not there, and tells them that his expectations might not be turned over. [ 141 ] On the terrace, Kuroko tells his teammates that he has seen a lot of Kise but tells them that it is still incomplete. Noting that the future action will be their last opportunity to see all of Kise. Kuroko then tells everyone his design. Riko and everyone else is surprised as Riko notes that they will be taking a huge gamble. Kiyoshi tells everyone to follow the plan .
The time out ends and Momoi along with Aomine notice the change in Seirin ‘s fighting emotional state. [ 142 ] Seirin has the ball as they use their run and gunman offense. Hyūga receives the ball from Kiyoshi but is then confronted by Kise. Kise comes to steal the ball but Kuroko on the spur of the moment appears, stealing the musket ball back. [ 143 ] Kagami gets the ball and prepares to dunk when Kise comes to block him. Kagami calm manages the dunk and raises Seirin ‘s score to 78 – 79. It ‘s Kaijō ‘s counterattack when Kuroko approaches Kagami and tells him he has found a solution, following the design they discusses during the time out. [ 144 ] As Kise gets the ball, he is faced by Kuroko again in a 1-on-1 battle. As he faces Kuroko, Kise remembers his inaugural impressions of Kuroko and how they have changed over prison term. He now gladly accepts Kuroko as his equal, this being the argue he must absolutely win. [ 145 ]
Kise prepares to pass Kuroko but is on the spur of the moment surprised when Kuroko goes on for a steal. Kise copies Aomine to evade Kuroko but is then faced by Kagami. Kise uses Akashi ‘s Ankle Break to make Kagami fall, Kagami, however, stands back up forcing Kise to use the Ankle Break twice. Kise is then faced by Hyūga and Kiyoshi, making him use Murasakibara ‘s Thor Hammer. Kagami notes that everything has gone according to plan up until now, and that they have predicted everything Kise has done. Kise realises Seirin ‘s intentions of leading him to that position, when on the spur of the moment Izuki uses his eagle Spear to steal the ball from Kise. [ 146 ] Kise steals the ball back and passes it to Kasamatsu who then makes the shoot. Everyone nowadays believes that Kaijō has already won but Himuro still notices that Seirin has not given up .
Kiyoshi grabs the ball and passes it to Kagami who runs to the basket. Akashi realises that this is Seirin ‘s last attack and notes that even though Kuroko can not defeat Kise, he has not given up on the catch. Kagami is faced by Kise who on the spur of the moment appears before him. Kagami goes on to shoot a Meteor Jam but Kise jumps adenine well to block him. While shooting, Kagami realises that his injection will miss, when on the spur of the moment Kuroko appears behind him telling him to pass. Both Kagami and Kise are surprised, noting that it is already besides late to stop the blastoff as it is already leaving Kagami ‘s hand. Kagam throws the ball on the basket, bouncing off and falling to Kuroko. Kuroko receives the ball and shoots with his Phantom Shot. Kuroko makes the shot when the final examination buzzer is heard, resulting in Seirin winning the meet. [ 147 ] Seirin wins the match and Kise approaches Kuroko to congratulate him on his winnings. Kuroko then tells him that flush though he has won the match, he was not able to stop him. Kise then tells Kuroko that they will battle again adjacent class. On the sidelines, Rakuzan leaves knowing that their opponent in the finals will be Seirin. [ 148 ]
Kuroko tells his new teammates about his past. From the meter his basketball mania started to the time he spent with the Generation of Miracles in Teikō. After hearing Kuroko ‘s fib everyone knew that their adjacent opponent, Rakuzan, would not be easy to beat. With Akashi and three of five uncrowned Kings, it would be near impossible to win. however, Seirin musters up the courage and everyone decides that showing Seirin ‘s true lastingness is adequate to win the match. After everyone leaves Kagami ‘s apartment where they listened to Kuroko ‘s story, Hyūga tells Kiyoshi that it ‘s strange for Kuroko to talk this much as he is alway mum. Up until nowadays he was n’t fully considered a part of the Seirin team, but now that he has opened up to them he is. On the day of the finals, good before the match, Kuroko is in Seirin ‘s gymnasium train for the finals match which will determine the winner of the Winter Cup. He remembers everything that has happened thus far since he joined Seirin. He then tells himself that he will vent all those feeling on Akashi. [ 149 ] Kuroko then leaves leaving Tetsuya # 2 behind where Alex will pick him up subsequently .
During the warm-up, Kuroko was practicing with the rest of his teammates. Until his testis rolls up to Akashi who then throws it back to Kuroko. Akashi asks him if he has found the solution to his question which is “ What is Victory ? ”. Kuroko confirms and Akashi replies by telling him to show him his basketball. Kuroko then tells him that it will not be his basketball he will be showing, but Seirin ‘s basketball. Akashi accepts Kuroko ‘s challenge as the warming up ends. [ 150 ]
The finals match is beginning and all of the players are announced onto the woo. When Kuroko is announced in the crank line-up, the familiar faces in the crowd remark on how Kuroko received many cheers from the spectators. They besides comment on how Kuroko has become a great musician. finally when all of the starter members line up and bow, the equal commences. The tip-off starts and Kagami gets it resulting in Seirin ‘s ball. Kagami passes the ball to Izuki who then passes it to Kuroko. Kuroko uses his Ignite Pass Kai to pass the ball far to Hyūga. [ 151 ] Hyūga did n’t catch the ball as Kuroko used excessively much force in his legislate. Hyūga fumbled and got the ball. When he attempts to score the basket he is stopped by Mibuchi who then tells him that if he would n’t have fumbled he would have made the shoot. Rakuzan gets the ball and Nebuya attempts to score the basket when he is stopped by Kagami. It ‘s Seirin ‘s ball again and Kiyoshi passes the ball to Kagami who is marked by Akashi. Kagami then remembers the history of Kuroko ‘s past and tells himself that it ‘s not merely Kuroko ‘s fault. He then musters up his decision and uses his Meteor Jam to score on top of Akashi, entering the Zone .
Kagami keeps scoring baskets after baskets, the score now being 4 – 0 for Seirin. Kuroko along with everyone else is surprised by this. On the bench, Riko decides that alternatively of stopping Kagami, they will go along with it. She then decides to substitute Kuroko out for Mitobe. Mitobe being better in defense. Kuroko was disappointed, even though he went on the court with broad fighting spirit. [ 152 ] Koganei tells Kuroko that he should n’t worry and tells him that the audience wants to see more of him. Riko agrees and tells Kuroko to preserve his force. Kuroko agrees and watches as the play continues .
Akashi began marking Kagami, resulting in Rakuzan raising their points. With the score of 15 – 9, Riko decides to substitute in Kuroko, in oder to keep the break in points. As the ball goes out of bounds, Kuroko enters the game again. The hearing is excited to see Kuroko again, but Furihata notices that the Rakuzan players noticed Kuroko ‘s presence and notices that the audience noticed his bearing vitamin a well. He then wonders if Kuroko ‘s lack of bearing is fading. As the match resumes, Kagami has the ball but is marked by Hayama. He passes the ball to Kuroko who then uses his erupt Pass to pass the ball to Hyūga who catches the ball and attempts a 3-pointer. [ 153 ] He is however blocked by Mibuchi and misses the shoot. It ‘s Rakuzan ‘s musket ball when Hyūga asks Mibuchi if he touched the ball, with Mibuchi replying that he did a little but that Hyūga should’t worry about that .
It ‘s Rakuzan ‘s counterattack and Hayama uses his debauched drivel to make the basket. Kuroko notices that something is wrong, but still keeps on playing. Furihata notices that since the startle of the match, Kuroko was not able to cut away from any of the Rakuzan players. With everything he has observed, Furihata decides to tell Riko that something is wrong with Kuroko. Just when Furihata was going to tell Riko that something is wrong, on the court, the Rakuzan players have intercepted Kuroko ‘s pass and have stolen the testis. [ 154 ] Seirin and the companion faces in the push were shocked as Kuroko ‘s passes have been broken. Hyūga asks Mibuchi what they did, with Mibuchi replying that they precisely just saw the ball and went to steal it .
Akashi approaches Kuroko and tells him that back in middle school he told Kuroko to focus on the variation of his passes and not letting him master shooting or dribbling. If he were to learn how to dribble and shoot, Kuroko would lose his ability to hide his presence. Akashi then tells him that Vanishing Drive along with Phantom Shot are brassy techniques and that there would be no means they would n’t stand out. Adding the doorbell beater at the conclusion of Seirin ‘s match against Kaijō in the Winter Cup. Akashi tells Kuroko that he will never be able to become a apparition again, and tells him that it ‘s an act of folly that ‘s intolerable to watch. He then tells Kuroko that he is no long the Phantom Sixth world but a merely an average player with no rate any. Akashi leaves by saying that he is disappointed in Kuroko. [ 155 ] On the sidelines, Aomine realises why Akashi did not teach Kuroko how to shoot. The restless feel he had when he was teaching Kuroko how to shoot has proven to be correctly. As the peer continues, Kuroko is guarded by Rakuzan ‘s phone number 5, unable to shake him off. Akashi steals the ball from Izuki which goes off bounds, resulting in Seirin ‘s ball. Seirin has a actor substitution and Kuroko comes out of the game. The familiar faces in the consultation comment that it is the best thing to do properly now as Kuroko wo n’t be of any use anymore. Riko tells Kuroko to sit adjacent to her and tells him not to give up, as he will be going back in the game soon. Kuroko is surprised, but Riko tells him that she will give him 3 minutes of the first Quarter, telling him that it ‘s for the sake of victory. [ 156 ]
On the court, Tsuchida updates the perch of the players with Riko ‘s plan, and that is that there ‘s absolutely no way they will win without Kuroko and that is why they will take on the challenge of continuing with Kuroko ‘s poor plays. Telling them that Kuroko, Riko and everyone else will plan for Kuroko ‘s metempsychosis or search for a touch for it. The players on the court are motivated, as it is ultimately time for them to repay Kuroko for saving them all this time. Hyūga tells them that they are not repaying him, but that teammates should naturally look out for each other. The game continues and the score evens up 15 – 15, with both teams tied. Seirin calls for a musician substitution and Kurok is substituted back in. Riko apologises to Kuroko for sending him on the court in his state, but Kuroko thanks her. [ 157 ] The audience and the Rakuzan players were storm to see Kuroko come back into the game .
Kuroko has the ball and he attempts to use his Vanishing Drive. [ 158 ] however, the Vanishing Drive did n’t oeuvre and Kuroko did n’t get rid of his mark. Kuroko continues on to the hoop and now attempts to use his Phantom Shot to score the basket. The Phantom Shot was blacked arsenic well and Rakuzan steals the ball. Hayama attempts to score the basket but is stopped by Kagami, however, Mibuchi manages to save the ball and scores for Rakuzan. The familiar faces in the push comment on how Kuroko is leaving such a high hole, but placid Seirin is managing to keep up the score. The beginning quarter ends with the score of 21 – 21 .
Before the begin of the second base stern, Riko decides to substitute Kuroko out again. Realizing they wo n’t find a solution in fair three minutes, they will have to gather intel and watch the television recordings to gather more data. Kuroko agrees and Furihata gives him a towel, noticing Kuroko ‘s shake in frustration. [ 159 ] Kagami tells Kuroko to cheer up, telling him that they will decidedly need his passes if they want to win. flush though he is completely helpless they somehow made it through the first quarter, telling Kuroko to leave it to him. Kuroko then tells him that he understands what he is trying to say, but tells him that he should be more tactful in the manner he phrases it. Kuroko gathers up the courage and tells everyone that he will decidedly come back to the court, in order to win. [ 160 ] Everyone is subject with Kuroko ‘s answer and tell him that there is still a chance for them to succeed in the second quarter. They mention Rakuzan ‘s number 5 and how there is nothing noteworthy about him, having Mitobe mark him would be no problem .
The interval ends and the game continues. Kuroko is suddenly surprised when he notices that Rakuzan ‘s act 5 disappears and habit Misdirection. Akashi name Mayuzumi the new model of the Phantom Sixth man and tells everyone that he is better than the old model ; Kuroko. During the game Mayuzumi notices that Kuroko is observing him to find any clues in orderliness to revive his Misdirection. When Furihata comes back from marking Akashi, back onto the bench, he tells Kuroko precisely how torment he feels due to his weakness and tells him that he strives to become stronger. Kuroko agrees and tells him that he is the same. [ 161 ]
Rakuzan overwhelms Seirin, with the stream mark of 37 – 62. On the sidelines, Murasakibara comments that even if Kuroko were to come back into the game, it would already be excessively late as the dispute in points is besides wide. He continues on to say that a miracle wo n’t happen. As the irregular one-fourth ends, the audience comments that Rakuzan has completely crushed Seirin ‘s will due to their dispute in strength and due to the large difference in points. During the interval, Hyūga tries to get the team ‘s liveliness up. They decide on their tactics and their next motion, and besides note that Kuroko did not come up with a solution however so they will have to continue on without him. As the interval ends, Kuroko fist bumps Kagami and tells him that he is counting on him. Kagami tells him not to worry and leave it to him. [ 162 ]
Seirin grows even more desperate as the steer deviation is not shrinking. Due to Mibuchi ‘s proficiency, Hyūga receives a technical foul, resulting in a interval. The audience comments on how Seirin ‘s ray of hope has vanished and that they are wholly crushed. On the bench, Kuroko remembers how Kagami told him that they have been friends this whole time and remembers merely how gladiolus he is to be playing basketball. Kuroko then remembers Ogiwara ‘s farewell words, where he told Kuroko that he could not move a limb under the frozen gaze of the Generation of Miracles, but believes that one day Kuroko would surely face them and melt that ice. [ 163 ] Kuroko starts to cry and tells everyone that he wo n’t accept this .
Everyone, was surprised when Kuroko told them that evening if it was pointless, he wanted to become numeral one in Japan with everyone. [ 164 ] Everyone then starts questioning him if he has come up with an estimate. Kuroko tells them that he does n’t know yet but turns to Riko and asks her to let him onto the court yet again. The Generation of Miracles were all surprised when they saw Kuroko coming spinal column to the motor hotel. [ 165 ] The Rakuzan members remark that even though Kuroko came back to the court, there ‘s not anything he can do to change the score. Akashi approaches Kuroko and asks him of his design. Telling him that it ‘s hard to believe that he even thinks he has a chance of victory. He then questions him how long he will stay so affirmative. Kuroko then tells him that it ‘s not the room he is thinking of it, and tells him that he is fighting because he wants to win. No matter what the result end up being, until the identical end, he wo n’t run away. Akashi then tells him that he has inane determination. [ 166 ]
The game continues as Seirin remember Kuroko ‘s words during the interval. He told them that he has nothing that can cure him of his condition but tells them that he has an estimate. Kuroko uses a screen to get Mibuchi off Izuki ‘s mark. Izuki then passes to Koganei who makes the basket. Mibuchi notes that Kuroko ‘s screen was effective but that he did n’t do anything remarkable however. During Rakuzan ‘s counterattack Mayuzumi gets the ball and faces Kuroko on a 1-on-1 battle. [ 167 ] Mayuzumi well passes Kuroko and attempts to shoots the basket, but is however stopped by Kagami. Seirin steals the ball and the current score is 44 – 65, with Rakuzan hush in the run .
Again it ‘s Rakuzan ‘s counterattack and Mayuzumi has the ball again, as he faces Kuroko again on a 1-on-1 battle. [ 168 ] On the sidelines, Takao wonders if Kuroko is doing this on purpose while the Rakuzan members wonder if this is a combination dally between Kuroko and Kagami. Mayuzumi passes Kuroko again and heads towards the basket. The consultation notification that no one is going to guard Mayuzumi, even Kiyoshi who had the opportunity. Mayuzumi makes the dart, scoring for Rakuzan. On the sidelines, Imayoshi notes that Seirin is letting Mayuzumi shoot as he is the weakest member of Rakuzan and has low probability of making the inject. Realizing this, Mayuzumi is angered that Seirin is underestimating him. Deciding that from now on he will go all out. He passes Kuroko again and scores the basket. [ 169 ] Mayuzumi approaches Kuroko and tells him that the previous model of the Sixth Man has no way of stopping the new and better model, and tells Kuroko that he has no find of winning against him .
Seirin scores a basket and it ‘s Rakuzan ‘s counterattack. Kuroko approaches Mayuzumi and remembers what Takao told him long ago, about the competition of your own kin. Kuroko then tells Mayuzumi that he is regretful and that he does’t intend on surrendering the style of the Phantom Sixth Man fair however. Just as Kuroko said that, Mayuzumi loses sight of him and Kuroko appears between Hayama and Nebuya, intercepting their pass. [ 170 ] Akashi and the rest of the Rakuzan members were surprised at good how Kuroko has managed to disappear. Kuroko steals the ball resulting in Seirin ‘s counterattack. Kuroko dribbles when Hayama goes to mark him. He was expecting Kuroko to use his Vanishing Drive but rather Kuroko passes the ball to Kagami who dunks. The hearing cheers as Seirin is somehow able to hold on. The bench Seirin members besides rejoice as they have last scored. Kuroko and Kagami dislodge fists as it ‘s finally prison term for their counterattack. [ 171 ]
On the sidelines Takao asks Midorima if Kuroko ‘s miss of presence has returned to which Midorima disagrees. On the court, Mayuzumi realises that Kuroko ‘s lack of bearing did not come spinal column as he did n’t use the vanish drive when he had the probability. Mayuzumi gets the ball again and faces Kuroko again. Mayuzumi then realises what Kuroko has been doing and asks him if he has been overwriting him. On the sidelines, Midorima tells Takao that Kuroko was simply making Mayuzumi stand out more than himself. If there is a bright alight, then the attention will be diverted onto the bright light rather than on the smaller one. Kuroko was just making Mayuzumi the bright abstemious than he is. Midorima then concludes by saying that Mayuzumi has dug a sculpt for the modern model of the Phantom Sixth man. [ 172 ] Mayuzumi passes the musket ball to Hayama who attempts to shoot. however, due to the pass being excessively low, Hayama misses which results in a rebound conflict which Kiyoshi wins. Seirin counterattacks as the Kaijō players note that Kuroko has been changing the patterns of his maneuver in holy order to stay unpredictable to the Rakuzan players. The Rakuzan players being familiar with his passes, would make it more difficult to pass, thus Kuroko is changing his patterns. Murasakibara besides comments that this wo n’t be adequate to beat Akashi .
As Akashi steals Seirin ‘s ball, Kagami remembers Kuroko ‘s decision and remarks on how amazing Kuroko is. Kagami then enters the Zone once again to face Akashi. As Kagami is marking Akashi, Akashi passes to Mayuzumi who gets Kuroko off of his notice and uses his distraction to pass the musket ball to Nebuya. Nebuya catches the ball and scores the basket. Mayuzumi notes that if he devotes himself completely to the shadows, he will be able to stop Kuroko overwriting him. Seirin scores during their attack, and now it is Rakuzan ‘s counterattack. Mayuzumi gets the ball and faces Kuroko again. [ 173 ] Mayuzumi remarks on how Kuroko is annoying and that tied if his finish is to let Mayuzumi pass him, he acts as if he does n’t want to let him. Mayuzumi then tells himself that he wo n’t play along in Kuroko ‘s set up and starts to dribble due to the five second rule being already up. Mayuzumi dribbles and passes Kuroko attempting to shoot. [ 174 ]
Mayuzumi questions himself on why he has passes Kuroko knowing wax well that he should n’t have. Kagami stops Mayuzumi ‘s film as Seirin counterattacks. On the sidelines, Murasakibara and Kise explain that the Phantom Sixth valet needs an iron will and entire dominance of their action, not acting on their natural reflexes. Kise then comments that Mayuzumi can do some things better than Kuroko, but there are some things in which he can never beat Kuroko. The things such as the career as the sixth man and the will to fight for the team. On the court Mayuzumi realises that Kuroko has completely overwritten him as Kuroko disappears and uses his inconspicuous Pass to pass the musket ball to Kiyoshi. On the sidelines Kise comments that Mayuzumi does n’t have the weight of determination from being in the shadows. [ 175 ]
Kiyoshi dunks, raising Seirin ‘s score, the current score being 52 – 71. On the sidelines, the conversant faces remark that Kagami is keeping the pressure on Akashi in defensive structure and Kuroko is on the offense getting points. They note that now there is hush hope for Seirin, with the power of light and shadow. [ 176 ] Rakuzan calls for a time out and the Seirin members gather on the bench replenishing their intensity, when Hyūga apologises to Kiyoshi for his careless play. Kiyoshi tells him that he should n’t worry and thet they will need him to come back soon. The interval ends, and the match continues. Everyone was surprised when Mayuzumi came back to the court, due to losing his misdirection. Akashi faces Kagami again when on the spur of the moment Akashi ‘s pass disappears. Passing the ball to Mibuchi who then scores the basket. Kuroko notes that Mayuzumi did n’t do anything and that Akashi is simply using him to divert Kagami ‘s attention to him, in rate to have successful passes. Kuroko notes that akashi is only using Mayuzumi as a tool to let passes through, this being Mayuzumi only current use. [ 177 ]
Kuroko uses his ignite Pass to pass the ball to Koganei who makes the basket. Rakuzan counterattacks when Akashi passes the ball to Nebuya who then dunks. The Seirin members note that the current treatment of Mayuzumi is hardhearted. Kagami shoots raising the seduce to 56 – 78 with Rakuzan placid in the go. Hayama has the ball and decides to use five fingers ascribable to his aggravator with Izuki. Hayama passes Izuki with his speed drool and scores. During Seirin ‘s counterattack, Kuroko uses his pass to pass to Kiyoshi who scores the basket .
Izuki faces Hayama again, but is unable to stop him. This prison term Izuki tells his teammates that he will decidedly stop Hayama. Izuki faces Hayama again, but Hayama passes him again. After passing Izuki, Hayama notices Kuroko trying to stop him, but invades Kuroko angstrom well, when on the spur of the moment Kagami stops Hayama when he was attempting to shoot. [ 178 ] Kuroko catches the ball and uses his cyclone Pass to pass the ball to Koganei who passes to Izuki, who then passes to Kagami who dunks .
It ‘s Rakuzan ‘s counterattack and Hayama can not pass the testis ascribable to his teammates being guarded. He notices that Mayuzumi is free and passes to him. In his heed, Mayuzumi tells himself that Hayama is an idiot for passing to him and asks himself if he has forgotten who is marking him. Hayama realises his mistake when suddenly Kuroko intercepts the pass, stealing the ball and communicate to Kagami who then scores. [ 179 ] Seirin has managed to score consecutive points .
After his revival, Kuroko has only been passing the ball using his invisible Pass, not using any of his techniques such as the Phantom Shot or the Vanishing Drive, since he now is in full mindful of the risks for diminishing his weak presence if he uses any of them. The 3rd quarter ends with the score of 68 – 88, with a 20 points difference for Rakuzan. On the terrace, Hyūga tells Kuroko and everyone else that he ‘s coming back into the game. After the pause ended, Kuroko encouraged Hyūga telling him that he is counting on him, since the fourth quarter will only last for 10 minutes. [ 180 ] Hyūga replies that by saying it politely, Kuroko made him even more anxious. Seirin do their cheer before coming rear on the court. Kuroko approaches Kagami who tells him that he is nearing his terminus ad quem, but tells Kuroko that he will play angstrom long as it takes since his opposition is Akashi. As the couple resumes, Kuroko uses the Ignite Pass to pass the ball to Hyūga who then scores a 3-pointer. [ 181 ]
Seirin manages to close the gap in points. however, when Akashi enters the Zone, Seirin is overwhelmed by him. Kuroko tries to defend the basket and jumps with Kiyoshi to block Akashi, however, the latter passed the two and scored. [ 182 ] As Akashi continues to play in the Zone, Seirin is defenseless resulting in the score of 78 – 90 for Rakuzan. Seirin entrust their hopes to Kagami but Kuroko thought it was besides big of a burden for him alone to bear. Kuroko suggests that himself and Kagami should team up to stop Akashi. Kagami is hesitant at first but then realised his mistakes from before and agreed to Kuroko ‘s help. [ 183 ] Hyūga puzzled as to how the two could take on Akashi, approaches Kuroko and questions him on his design. Kuroko notes that the only remainder between Kagami and Akashi is the Emperor Eye which he will try to make up for the miss. [ 184 ]
During Seirin ‘s counterattack Izuki passes the ball to Kuroko who, outside of Akashi ‘s sector of defensive structure, passes the testis to Kiyoshi to score. Kiyoshi is however stopped by Akashi who steals the ball. During Rakuzan ‘s counterattack, Kuroko and Kagami double team Akashi who is headed for the basket. Akashi passes Kagami easily using his emperor Eye, however, he notices that Kuroko is moving faster than himself. [ 185 ] It was revealed that Kuroko had awakened his own Emperor Eye which can only predict the movements of his teammates. Due to the intensity of the bond and trust Seirin partake, Kuroko ‘s Emperor Eye is foster ahead in predicting the future than Akashi ‘s Emperor Eye. Kuroko steals the ball from Akashi, shocking everyone and passes the ball to Kagami. [ 186 ]
Kagami recieves the ball and passes Hayama who went to block him well. Out of frustration of having a employee turnover happen from him, Akashi catches up to Kagami cursorily thinking he can not possibly lose as he is absolute. just as Akashi is about to use his own Emperor Eye to steal the ball back, Kuroko snaches the ball away from Kagami using his Quasi-Emperor Eye, preventing Akashi from stealing it. [ 187 ] Kuroko and Kagami do an alley-oop but Akashi goes to guard Kagami again. Kagami manages to overwhelm Akashi and score the basket out of his will to win for his team. There is lone a 10 decimal point difference between the two teams as Seirin is lento catching up, the sexual conquest being 82 – 92. After the counterattack, Kuroko notices Kagami ‘s tire and that he is nearing the end of his Zone. Kagami assures him that he can inactive hold on. [ 188 ]
A time-out is called and Riko considers substituting Kagami out. Kagami denies saying they will lose the momentum if he would be taken off. Kagami stays in the game as the time-out ends. [ 189 ] As the game continues, Rakuzan is showing very poor people play, chiefly Akashi whose genial submit is in discouragement due to the jolt of his loss against Kuroko and Kagami. Akashi ‘s poor looseness is reflected onto his teammates ampere well who can not coordinate well without their target precaution. Kiyoshi approaches Kuroko and asks him if he is worrying about Akashi, and if he is that he is making a error. Kuroko denies, since they do not have the lea certain for that. [ 190 ] Seirin manages to score baskets in a row due to Rakuzan ‘s poor play, which results to the score of 90 – 92, a one basket dispute. Rakuzan calls for a time-out, in which the actual Akashi re-awakens .
The game continues and Kuroko with Kagami continue their jazz band free rein. Kagami notices the change in Akashi as he tries to steal the ball but fails. Kuroko uses his Quasi-Emperor Eye to intercept Akashi, but the latter is not taken aback as Akashi tells Kuroko “ It ‘s been a while, has n’t it ? Kuroko ”, indicating the switch in personalities. [ 191 ] Akashi evades both Kuroko and Kagami as he passes the ball further to Mibuchi, who scores the basket. Both Kuroko and the rest of the Generation of Miracles have notices that the previous Akashi has come back. Kuroko informs his teammates of this and tells them that he is far more formidable than ahead. [ 192 ] The bet on continues but the difference in points is getting wider once again, 96 – 101. Seirin poster that the wholly Rakuzan team has now entered the Zone due to Akashi ‘s second base ability. [ 193 ] Seirin manages to score some points but are overwhelmed by Rakuzan and Akashi. Hayama receives the ball and dribbles to Seirin ‘s basket. He is confronted by Kagami who tries to block him. not being able to advance further, Hayama passes the ball to Akashi who further passes it to Mayuzumi who does an alley-oop with Nebuya. [ 194 ] Kuroko and Seirin notice that Kagami has ultimately run out of the Zone. meanwhile, a cryptic person in the push mutters Kuroko ‘s name .
On the bench, Riko notices Kagami ‘s tire but has no mean of making a time-out due to the current circumstances. back on the court, both Hyūga and Kiyoshi are overwhelmed by Mibuchi and Nebuya who mark them, and overpower them. Rakuzan easily receives the musket ball as Hayama gets it. He dribbles by Izuki who tries to block him but fails. Hayama evades Izuki but is confronted by Kuroko and his Quasi-Emperor Eye. Kuroko tries to steal the ball but clog alternatively due to his fatigue duty. The ball is still in Rakuzan ‘s possession. [ 195 ] Riko notices that it is not just Kagami, but the solid team which is fatigues, compared to Rakuzan who hush have stamina reserves left. Riko loses hope of victory as there is nothing else left to do. [ 196 ]
From the crowd, a person cheers on for Seirin and besides calls out to Kuroko. Kuroko turns around and notices that the person is Ogiwara. [ 197 ] Ogiwara turns to Mochida who besides came to spectate with him and tells him to cheer on for Seirin angstrom well. Ogiwara then takes out a basketball and shows it to Kuroko with a smile, indicating he has regained his rage for basketball. Seeing the sight, Kuroko cries but smiles ampere well. Following Ogiwara ‘s exemplar, Aomine stood up deoxyadenosine monophosphate well encouraging both Kuroko and Kagami not to give up. Kise follows, along with his teammates, as soon all of Seirin ‘s past opponents cheer them on. Seirin is taken aback, realising they carry the hopes of the teams they have defeated arsenic well. [ 198 ] Kagami tells Kuroko that the cheering very does energise you, something to which Kuroko agrees. Seirin are prepared to face Rakuzan again as they have regained their spirits .
The bet on continues and Kagami is determined to open the 2nd door of the Zone. The companion faces in the herd note Kagami ‘s intentions but question if he can truly enter, as it is Seirin ‘s death chance to win. On the court, Akashi notices a exchange in the Seirin players. There is no luminary change in them but the huge imperativeness they are giving off. [ 199 ] Akashi passes the ball to Hayama who receives it and tries to shoot. He is confronted by Kagami who tries to block him. Hayama notes that Kagami has entered the Zone once again. Knowing it could happen, Hayama predicted it and evades with a inverse lay-up but is blocked by Hyūga alternatively. Rakuzan is surprised by Seirin ‘s tactics. [ 200 ]
Akashi notices that Seirin is synchronizing their plays to match Kagami ‘s and wonders how they are able to do that. On the sidelines, Aomine finally realized what the real number zone is, something which Akashi realized ampere well. Aomine laughs in realization that there is no ‘gatekeeper ‘ before the second door, but actually Kuroko as the conduit who is standing there. Kagami last opens Zone ‘s second gear door from which all of his teammates emerge from. Kagami and Kuroko continue their coordination meet but this time, along with the pillow of the team, which is the Direct Drive Zone. [ 201 ] Kagami is in control of the ball but is faced by Nebuya and Hayama who tries to block him. Kiyoshi is without a mark but has no means of matching with Kagami ‘s rush while he is in the Zone. Despite this, Kiyoshi decides to trust in his instincts and his bind with his team to synchronize his movements with Kagami and successfully perform an alley-oop. Seirin scored a basket, which surprises the stallion Rakuzan team. [ 202 ] As the audience cheer, Akashi realizes that frankincense is the dependable form of the Zone. On the sidelines, the Generation of Miracles all realize that they can not win alone anymore. meanwhile, Ogiwara compares the current Seirin with Teikō Junior High, them being a pitiless team which crushes their opponents with no clemency, leaving them in despair, while Seirin is a team which encourages people to love basketball even more. [ 203 ]
On Rakuzan ‘s counterattack, Mibuchi gets the ball but is guarded by Hyūga. Mibuchi fakes and advances further to the basket but is faced by Kagami immediately. With a warning from Akashi, Mibuchi evades and passes to Nebuya. however, Kuroko appears and intercepts the pas. [ 204 ] Kagami receives the ball again and passes to Hyūga who goes for a shoot but is stopped by Mayuzumi. Rakuzan gets the ball rear and Akashi has the testis and uses his Ankle Break to make Kagami fall and score a basket for his team. [ 205 ] Akashi claims that the victors will be Rakuzan as Seirin has only 41 seconds left, with a 7-point dispute. During Seirin ‘s counterattack, Rakuzan is excerpting great atmospheric pressure on them. Izuki has the ball but is ineffective to pass to Kagami due to him being doubly teamed by Hayama and Mayuzumi. rather, Izuki passes to Kiyoshi who passes the ball far to Hyūga. Hyūga is marked by Mibuchi as he passes the ball to Kuroko who performs a lateral long pass to get the ball to Kagami who shoots and scores the basket. [ 206 ] Seirin raised their points but the score hush maintains in Rakuzan ‘s party favor, 101 – 105 .
Imayoshi notices that everyone is getting fired up except for Izuki who remains calm. Izuki uses his Eagle Eye to steal the ball from Mibuchi and Nebuya. Seirin counterattacks again as they advance to the basket with only eight seconds left. Izuki wants to pass the ball to Kagami but is placid double-teamed by Rakuzan players. [ 207 ] alternatively, Izuki passes to Hyūga who calls out for the ball. Hyūga receives the ball but is guarded by Mibuchi. Seeing as it is the alone way to score in this situation Hyūga decides to copy Mibuchi ‘s “ Earth ” tear and successfully score the three-pointer along with a afoul from Mibuchi due to the shot ‘s nature. Hyūga receives a absolve throw. Seirin trusts Kiyoshi with the bounce. [ 208 ]
Everyone gets in the position for the barren throw as Hyūga gets into put as well. Hyūga remembers everything which has led him to where he is now as he sheds tears for everything that has happened. Hyūga shoots as the ball misses and everyone goes for the rebound. [ 209 ] Kiyoshi gets the rebound and the Rakuzan players wonder who he will pass the testis to. Mayuzumi notices that when he thought of who did n’t go for the ball, he thought of Kuroko instantaneously. As Kuroko receives the musket ball. [ 210 ] The Rakuzan players remark that Kuroko did not shoot during the match at all and realise that it was for this very consequence. Akashi appears as he tries to block Kuroko from shooting. [ 211 ] Akashi tells him that this is the conclusion, but Kuroko tells him differently and adds that he is a shadow. [ 212 ] Kuroko performs an alley-oop with Kagami as the latter dunks and the doorbell beater is heard. Seirin come forth as victors of the equal. [ 213 ]
Seirin cheer as they are announced as this year ‘s champions of the Winter Cup. meanwhile, the Rakuzan players are shocked of their kill, adenine well as Akashi who last realized what get the better of is like. Akashi describes frustration as huge pain in the breast as he approaches Kuroko and extends his arm for a handshake. Tears are seen on Akashi ‘s face as he congratulates Seirin and Kuroko on their victory. [ 214 ] Kuroko and Akashi shake hands and agree to play with each other again in the future. The ceremony begins and Seirin are given their trophies, along with the Winter Cup. Seirin ‘s opponents in the consultation leave, preparing to train for the future. [ 215 ]
A few weeks late, Seirin continue their practices for future matches so they are not left behind by the rest of the teams who are training arsenic well. They noticed that Kuroko is missing and Kagami goes to get him in the cabinet room. Kagami finds Kuroko who apologizes for being late due to getting a photograph from Momoi, which was taken on his birthday. The two join the remainder of the team as the visualize in Kuroko ‘s locker is shown with himself and the rest of the Generation of Miracles playing street ball. Kuroko has renewed his friendship with his past teammates, as he continues to train for future matches with them. [ 216 ]
The Seirin basketball team is training in the gymnasium when Riko informs them of Team Jabberwock, a USA streetball basketball team which was invited to Japan to play against a japanese university team. rather of joining the group for a fracture, Kuroko and Kagami continue to practice, which their teammates note is ascribable to the team ‘s Interhigh results. [ 217 ] Riko dismisses the team to continue training while inviting one of them to watch the match with her, which will be Hyūga. On the day of the match, Kuroko and Kagami watch the event thought television receiver, but when Team Strky – the japanese university team, is defeated in a mock room, Kuroko and Kagami angstrom well as all of the basketball players in the region are angered by the mocking gameplay of Team Jabberwock. When Kagetora proposes a replay, Team Jabberwock accept to face the new team in a calendar month ‘s time. late on, Kagetora gathers the Generation of Miracles adenine well as Kuroko and Kagami and forms the revenge team, Team Vorpal Swords to defeat Team Jabberwock. [ 218 ] As Team Vorpal Swords fix for their education, Momoi appears and embraces Kuroko. Kagetora introduces Momoi and Riko as the team ‘s director and adjunct coach but besides the team ‘s substitutes which are Hyūga, Takao and Wakamatsu. [ 219 ] After the introductions, the team begins their train. During practice, Riko notices how solid the team is but comments on their synchronization which is hapless .
The team takes a break to get briefed on Team Jabberwock ‘s gameplay and stylus of play. Momoi informs them on silver who has massive strength, travel rapidly and jumping power. She besides informs them on Gold, who did n’t reveal all of his capabilities so far. The team merging ends with the team getting excited to face the impregnable opponents. meanwhile, Kagetora excuses himself to go pay for Team Jabberwock ‘s expenses. Kuroko spares one last count at the video before returning to rehearse. After six days, the team ‘s synchronization has improved but its still not perfect. Riko, however, notes that as they do n’t have anymore time, the alone thing left for them to do is to trust the team. Kagetora excuses himself again to go to the club where team Jabberwock is. As Kagetora leaves, Kise and Kagami remember the time when they faced a group of bullies at a streetball court. When Aomine asks them where Kuroko is, the two comment that he is missing. [ 220 ]
In the baseball club, Gold questions Kagetora on why he had brought a kid with him, only for Kagetora to notice Kuroko when he introduces himself. Kuroko introduces himself as a penis of the adversary team and starts questioning Gold on why “ monkeys ” can not play basketball as it is for everyone, which he is then mocked for. Having heard enough, Gold stands up and kicks Kuroko to the ground and onto the board. [ 221 ] After falling, Kuroko is pulled on his hair by Gold who threatens him for lecturing him. Gold promptly pulls back as a fist is aimed at him, which is Kagami and the Generation of Miracles arriving to help Kuroko. [ 222 ] team Jabberwock recognize that they are their opponents for the mach and start to mock them on how decrepit they are. Before Silver, Kagami and Aomine could start a fight, Akashi stops them and suggests battling it out on the court, to which Kuroko agrees. team Vorpal Swords leave with the injure Kuroko, promising to defeat Team Jabberwock. [ 223 ] On the day of the match, the Generation of Miracles are chosen as the starters while Kuroko and Kagami are on the bench. The couple begins with Aomine scoring the first points of the game. [ 224 ] The first quarter ends up in the favor of Team Vorpal Swords, however, the team is still conscious of Jabberwock ‘s forte. After the break and onto the second stern, Silver begins to show his genuine skills, overwhelming both Aomine and Murasakibara .
After getting behind on points, Kagetora calls for a time-out and decides to member change Akashi and Midorima for Kuroko and Kagami in order to gain more forte to combat Silver. Murasakibara disagrees but after Akashi ‘s persuasion, the giant agrees and the team goes back on the court. [ 225 ] As the Jabberwock players comment Kuroko, they mock the team for giving up already as they placed a weak musician on the team. The match resumes and with the team play of Kagami and Aomine, they manage to stop Silver and his advances. Murasakibara passes the ball to Kuroko, who is unnoticed by the Jabberwock players. [ 226 ]
“ | This guy’s strength is completely different from the rest of us. It belongs in a different world. | ” |
— Shintarō Midorima, comparing Kuroko to the Generation of Miracles |
Physical Ability | 3/10 | ![]() |
Technique | 5/10 | ||
Stamina | 5/10 | ||
Mental Strength | 10/10 | ||
Special Ability | 10/10 | ||
Though Kuroko is reasonably weak, his talents allow him to play a central function in any team. Possessing a wonderfully observant eye in accession to his ability to blend in invisibly to any environment, Kuroko can perform imperceptible passes and about unstoppable steals, getting the testis to and between his teammates faster than opponents can react. His near-invisibility makes him highly susceptible to on-court injuries however. Further, his endowment is not effective indefinitely. If he is left in play besides long, opponents grow used to his mismanagement tactics ; as such, he must be placed on the bench at varying points in any match to prevent this. Kuroko is fabulously authoritative for Seirin having been called a trump card. He by and large plays on the status of small forward based on defesive matchups and substitution strategies, but in holocene chapters his stats list his status as a questionmark. This is because Kuroko is difficult to place in one of the five set basketball positions, his function in the team applies to none of those, but largely as a pass-first point guard duty based on size and sink abilities .
Kuroko is naturally hard to notice indeed he developed a act proficiency using that “ invisibility ”. He simply behaves as if another musician will get the ball and not him. Plus, he tries vitamin a a lot as possible to not showing emotions to reduce his already fallible presence. [ 227 ] He pushes the opponents to focus their attention to person else and then steps in by chance. When the opposition ca n’t see him, it is much easier to steal the ball. Misdirection is a proficiency that fools the opposition ‘s senses. Kuroko uses his distraction in function of his teammates. He must make eye-contact with the passer while doing his misdirection and so the eyefield of the other players becomes a “ mirror ” for Kuroko ‘s position. This besides marks the key to disabling Kuroko ‘s misdirection. The player guarding him must just stop looking at Kuroko, but look at the passerby and derive Kuroko ‘s place from him. [ 228 ] so far, the merely person adequate to of doing that is Imayoshi. not lone that but the new skills he has learned such as the “ Vanishing Drive ” and “ Phantom Shot ” has made his “ lack of presence ” wear out. This is simply because these skills require a hold to the ball and the herd starts to notice him because of this. This is the main reason Akashi did n’t teach him how to shoot .
Kuroko diverts the attention away from him, to another player and to the ball
Kuroko stealing Kasamatsu ‘s ball using his misdirection Kuroko must make eye-contact in order to use misdirection
invisible communicate
Following from his distraction, Kuroko uses himself as a relay for passes and redirects the testis to another player by equitable gently touching it. He receives the ball from another actor and immediatly changes its course to a dislodge actor. This pass is very hard to predict and about constantly leads to a basket. The true form of this pass, according to Midorima, is a tap pass, which allows Kuroko to change steering of the musket ball without touching the ball for a long menstruation. This is the only type of pass that works well with his distraction because of minimal contact with the ball .
Ignite Pass
As an extension of his regular die, Kuroko can besides move the ball even quicker. He alone does this if his imperceptible crack can be intercepted at some point. When he receives the testis, he punches it directly to a unblock musician. This way, the wedge behind the pass will increase greatly and the ball will move much faster. This pas is besides called the Acceleration Pass. But because this pass is very potent, only some players can catch it succesfully, in Junior High school lone the Generation of Miracles were capable of receiving this pass. In Seirin, Kuroko lone passes this room to Kagami and occasionally to Teppei Kiyoshi. [ 229 ] After their harsh train in Summer, according to Aida Riko all second years now are capable to receive it however it ‘s irritating for them as Hyuga said. Teppei Kiyoshi besides noted when the first time he received this pass in street basketball tournament he could catch it but not endlessly .
Ignite Pass Kai
A new, upgrade version of the Ignite Pass. rather of merely thrusting the musket ball using the handle of his hand, he besides puts a hard spin on it. He spins his arm and wrist cycle and circle and creates a rotation around the ball. By doing this, like a gunfire, Kuroko puts more acceleration and baron behind the pass by transferring the rotation of his arm to the ball. The ball is therefore potent that it can even pass the Generation ‘s ace, Aomine. He learned this in the winter coach clique, under the train of Kagetora .
cyclone pass
When the opponents score, Kuroko takes the ball, spins very flying and releases the ball to fly across the wholly court. The pass is very fast and knock-down, and flies in a straight trace from the get down to the end of the course, which is perfect for fast-break. Someone remarks it as Ichiro ‘s laser shine ( Ichiro is a celebrated japanese baseball outfielder ). He first showed this in the plot against Shūtoku High, in a fast-break with Kagami against Midorima. [ 230 ] In their second match, Kuroko showed his broad court pas without spinning inaugural. [ 231 ]
Vanishing driveway
After being thoroughly defeated by Daiki Aomine, Kuroko trains himself to evolve his looseness style. Given the absolute presence and importance of the ball in act, it had been previously thought impossible for Kuroko to maintain his mismanagement while in possession of the ball ; as such the time he spends handling the ball on court is highly minimal. He has overcome this former limit, and has developed the ability to imperceptibly move past players while dribbling the ball, creating his own ‘vanishing ‘ drive. The ability is effective enough to pass through the defenses of Shintarō Midorima, a member of the Generation of Miracles, and can besides pass Takao ‘s Hawk ‘s Eye. [ 232 ] Kazuya Hara has speculated that Kuroko uses blinking to bypass the refutation, but this has been proven wrong. The real explanation of this skill was given by Midorima, in Seirin ‘s second match against Tōō. The skill is basically a cross-diagonal move ( a duck-in ) to where the adversary ‘s eye battlefield ca n’t see. Kuroko bends over in a specific slant at drives following a specific route, that the opponent has it identical unmanageable to follow. [ 233 ] But the actual Vanishing Drive is a collaboration with Kagami. Similar to Kuroko ‘s misdirection, Kagami draws the attention of the opposition to him, just for a second gear, and that makes it possible for Kuroko to pass his opponent successfully.
The entirely one indeed far to have beaten the Vanishing Drive, is Aomine. He countered it and stole the ball by closing his eyes, making Kagami ‘s distraction ineffective. Because of the two ‘s common understand about basketball, and by following Kuroko ‘s breath, Aomine was able to crush down the Vanishing Drive. [ 234 ]
Misdirection Overflow
A skill Kuroko developed after completing his Vanishing Drive. He realized that if he can activate his regular distraction and divert the attention away from him, that the opposite is besides on-key. This is that when his distraction has run out and his bearing on the court is beginning to show. The sudden appearance of a tenth musician will attract the care of the early players. By measuredly running out of misdirection, he is giving his teammates the ability of the Vanishing Drive. The effects are clearly : Kuroko has run out of his even moves, but his teammates can now use the Vanishing Drive freely. [ 235 ] [ 236 ] There is however, besides a grave accent downside to the consumption of this technique. The first is that it must only be used at the very end of the equal. It ‘s the like with his regular distraction, he ca n’t keep fooling the opponents for excessively long. The second is that while he is using this ability, he is besides showing the secret behind it. In other words, mismanagement would never work against the lapp opponent frankincense rendering the replay an inevitable personnel casualty in the future with this. [ 237 ]
Phantom Shot
Because Kuroko wo n’t be such a threat anymore now that the datum of his inability to shoot is known amongst the Yōsen High team. Because of this reason, Kuroko began training on his shoot, but lone with failing attempts to score. Kuroko brought Aomine in to train him and he told him that while normal players pass with the palm of their hands, Kuroko passes like a normal actor shoots, with his wrist and fingertips. In his inject, he tries to do the lapp, but a pass and a guess are wholly different, then Kuroko has trouble with gauging the distance to the hoop. [ 238 ]
Because of this, Aomine pushed Kuroko to learn a new fritter by himself, the Phantom Shot. The kernel is to use the palm of his hand to thrust the ball forward, although that will mess up the shoot position. [ 239 ] Further more, because of the shoot put, the ball is lower than a usual shot. rather of shooting the ball over one ‘s head, the Phantom Shot releases from the chest. The opponent naturally looks lower because of the ball ‘s place, so his horizon is limited. By a fast free, Kuroko can shoot the ball through the opponents field of vision, like a floater with less discharge. [ 240 ] Using the Phantom Shot, Kuroko made the inaugural basket in front man of Murasakibara, the tallest actor in all of Japan, frankincense scored the first base point against Yōsen in the whole tournament. Kuroko used his Phantom Shot in the whole Yōsen match, and Murasakibara could not block any of them, though Kuroko missed some himself. however, as explained by Akashi, if he were to keep using this move, like his vanishing driveway, it would diminish his fallible presence, causing him to stand out and be noticed by the crowd, disallowing him to become a shadow always again, since the Phantom Shot requires Kuroko to hold the ball. The mystery to stopping this injection however, is backing off and keeping distance to Kuroko. That way, the field of vision will not be limited downwards and the ball is visible. Kasamatsu is the first gear one to figure this out, after which he successfully closed in on Kuroko and blocked the dart .
To use his distraction Kuroko needs to analyze and predict the movements of his opponents. This allows him to observe the demeanor and habits of others but by and large his teammates. Kuroko acquired his version of the Emperor Eye from the deep faith and bond he has forged with his teammates backed by his observation skills. His emperor Eye can not predict the movements of his opponents ( unless he has played with them before ) but quite the teammates who he is familiar with. [ 241 ] Kuroko besides uses this to change his pass routes and to change the management of his teammates passes if he sees the ball will be stolen with that pass. With his own Emperor Eye, Kuroko has filled the alone gap that separates Kagami and Akashi. By looking alone at Kagami, Kuroko predicted the future even faster than Akashi and caught up to him. He even prevented a likely steal by taking the ball from Kagami and made an alley-oop to the latter, taking down Akashi and forcing him out of his zone. This besides became the key to realizing the condition for opening the doorway to the true Zone.
Kuroko-Kagami Alley-Oop
A move that Kuroko and Kagami frequently execute. One of the opponents tries to pass, but Kuroko intercepts the ball. He smacks the ball onto the reason in the focus of the basket. Kagami jump senior high school in the sky, grabs the ball and dunks it in. They have first showed this in the match against Shinkyō Academy [ 242 ] and did it again in the game against Seihō High. [ 243 ] The comination started off from a missed shoot from Kuroko on a wide open lay-up attempt and Kagami followed it up. The alley-oop jazz band can besides come from a Phantom Shot, as shown on the game-winning shoot at Winter Cup .
A rumple to this is that a dart immediately from a bye silent counts as an alley-oop, barely like Midorima ‘s Sky Direct 3P, so on the concluding shoot against Kaijo, where Kagami bounced the ball of the corner of the backboard, and Kuroko beat the doorbell with a Phantom shoot to win the bet on still counts as such case .
Kuroko and Kagami are beneficial friends. They met when they both joined the Seirin basketball team and after discovering that their different plays complement each other, they make a promise to become the best in Japan. When playing together they understand each early perfectly, which makes them a “ deadly cub duet. ” Kuroko describes his partnership with Kagami as “ apparition and clean. ” Kagami is the light and Kuroko supports him as his tail ; when the light becomes stronger, the shadow grows deoxyadenosine monophosphate well. They have frequently won matches due to their cooperation play. [ 244 ] [ 245 ] Satsuki has besides mentioned how see Kuroko and Kagami together reminds her of how Kuroko and Aomine used to be during their early days in Teikō. In the Character Bible both Kuroko and Kagami have cited each other as the teammate they get along with the best. They often hang out together at school, with Kuroko acting his usual self and Kagami responding with comically exaggerated wrath or annoyance. Kagami ‘s square approach to basketball is besides one of the reasons Kuroko was able to turn his back on the Generation of Miracles ‘ way of play .
“ | When it comes to basketball, we do think alike. | ” |
—Tetsuya Kuroko, to Daiki Aomine |
Aomine and Kuroko met when Aomine heard a certain rumor from Momoi saying that there is a ghost in the 3rd string gymnasium. Aomine did n’t believe her and discarded the rumor, however, Aomine however went to the 3rd string gymnasium to see for himself. When he entered the gymnasium, he met Kuroko and Aomine immediately acknowledged his rage for basketball. Aomine agreed to drill with Kuroko after school and the two became very close. When Aomine introduced Kuroko to Akashi, he was promoted into the 1st string. In the 1st drawstring, Aomine and Kuroko played together and stayed after practice to practice on their own, besides going home together .
Aomine was Kuroko ‘s best acquaintance and “ inner light ” back at Teikō Junior High School. Aomine was crank at first, when Kuroko was hush third base stringer. That did n’t matter to Aomine, because he saw the lapp total of basketball passion in Kuroko that he has. They practiced in concert after prepare and quickly became friends to the target where Aomine calls Kuroko Tetsu. When Kuroko was promoted to playing with the starters, his play was identical in synchronize with Aomine. Aomine once stated that the two have very little in common but that basketball is what brings their friendship together. Midorima once said their way of shimmer is so compatible to the point of annoyance. Outside of the court they would hangout and grab frost cream together after practices or games .
Over time Aomine changed : he became stronger and finally lost his passion for basketball because he was besides hard for his opponents and winning was no longer fun. Kuroko tried convert him that Aomine would finally find a formidable opponent, but during the championships Aomine dominated the rival once again and deemed that he can beat himself as everyone else sucked. From then on the two grew more distance between them as they were no longer friends and Kuroko quit Teiko basketball. When the two were first brought together, Aomine however showed the same attitude he had at the end of his Junior High school days. It was shown that Aomine expressed indifference when Midorima pointed out Kuroko would face him during the Inter-high championships. During the game Aomine oversleep and did n’t show up till the moment quarter, though during the second half of the plot Aomine wholly destroyed Seirin stopping Kuroko including his erupt exceed, misdirections among others. Aomine approches Kuroko at one period during the match and predicate that he is disappointed in Kuroko because has n’t improved much since playing at Teiko and mentions that his current basketball abilities would n’t beat him, besides bringing up Akashi ‘s prediction that Kuroko ‘s style would n’t bring winning basketball .
Kuroko and Aomine have met up a few times between the interhigh championships and Winter Cup, as each time their talks would heat up and challenges would be made. During their match in round 1 of the Winter Cup Touou still towered over Seirin, but Seirin gradually got better and better over the course of the match. At one point during the match, Kuroko used his Vanishing Drive against Aomine it first worked but Aomine was able to stop it after seeing it a few times. He besides finally stole his Ignite Pass Kai passing, crushing his will wholly. The match would then turn into a match-up between Kagami and Aomine as the two now were reasonably evenly matched .
by chance, Kuroko comes second into the match and uses his Misdirection Overflow helping Seirin score a few points. finally Kuroko besides forces Aomine to miss a basket. At the peak of his excitement and gratitude toward Kuroko, Aomine goes into “ The Zone ”, the pinancle state of concentration that only few chosen athlete can achieve takes control of the match. Kagami then follows suit and enters “ Zone ” as well and during the stopping point seconds, as he and Aomine are stuck in a stalemate until Kagami finally gains the upper hand and finally win against Aomine. After the match, he and Kuroko bump fists once again and promise to compete again. Because of the hard match, Aomine regained his passion and enjoyment and sees Kuroko as his ally once again. Aomine even agreed to help Kuroko develop his Phantom Shot, when Kuroko came for his help to teach him shooting .
“ | I’ve thought of Kise-kun as my rival. | ” |
—Tetsuya Kuroko, approximately Kise |
back in Teikō, Kuroko was Kise ‘s personal teacher before he made it as a regular in the first string. Kuroko, as personal teacher of Kise, did n’t outwardly show any signs of acknowledging his display of disrespect, even when Kise challenged him for a descry as Teikō ‘s regular .
Kise witnessed Kuroko ‘s skill as phantom musician afterwards and found a regard for him ; in his opinion Kuroko ‘s way of playing is a type of sacrifice for the team ‘s sake and so far Kuroko does n’t see it as a sacrifice which, for him, makes Kuroko evening more perplex. [ 246 ] Kuroko became one of few people Kise acknowledges and since then he has called Kuroko as ‘Kurokocchi ‘. Since then, whenever they meet, Kise acts overly-friendly and remembers their friendship by saying that he and Kuroko were close friends, even though Kuroko claims that they have n’t been more friendly than convention. In the Character Bible, he even goes vitamin a far as to say that Kuroko was the person he was closest to in Junior High educate ( although Kuroko said that he himself was closest to Aomine ). Since their first match together, Kise has admired Kuroko to the indicate of obsession. He constantly tries to bring up Kuroko in conversations and tries to be in concert with him adenine much as possible, particularly in the anime ‘s ending omakes. Note however that Kuroko can see through Kise ‘s friendly dissemble by asking him to stop acting sarcastically as in Episode 3 when the latter claims he has been crying himself to sleep because Kuroko had rejected his invitation to join Kise in Kaijo .
Kuroko occasionally plays with Kise ‘s attitude by ignoring him but he acknowledges their friendship. When Kise ‘s heed was about to darken during his match against his early teammate from Teikō Junior High, Shōgo Haizaki, Kuroko stood up in the crowd and yelled out to Kise that he believed in him [ 247 ], which encouraged Kise – leading him to unlock his “ Perfect Copy ” and defeat Shōgo Haizaki. It was later revealed in the semi-finals of the Winter Cup that Kuroko had always felt a biased competition with Kise, because evening though he was Kuroko ‘s first trainee, he had promptly surpassed him. Kise was happy when he heard this, state, “ That is n’t equitable a compliment … that kind of stuff truly sets me on open fire ! ” [ 248 ] Kise is besides the beginning member of the Generation of Miracles who starts changing thanks to Kuroko. Midorima remarks that after his loss he reverted back to his state before the consecutive championships .
“ | He’s the man I fell in love with. | ” |
—Satsuki Momoi, about Kuroko |
Kuroko and Momoi are friends from Junior High school. At beginning, Momoi did n’t think much of him, due to his size and miss of presence off the court. however, after seeing him commit and prove his worth on and off the woo, her impression changed and became amazed at his decision. She occasionally became surprise and even flustered everytime he surprised her with his presence, which made her wonder why she was so flustered around him and began to wonder if it was cause she developed feelings for him. Because of Momoi ‘s naivete, she fell in love with him after Kuroko gave her release ice-cream. [ 249 ] In the -Replace- novel, it is revealed that he once challenged to take on five high schoolers in a basketball match by himself because they were harrassing Momoi, former causing her to fall more profoundly in love with him. Being the coach of the basketball team, Momoi grew closer to an oblivious Kuroko and made advances ; these have been as of even unanswered by Kuroko, who on his part seems to be forgetful .
Momoi actually sees herself as Kuroko ‘s girlfriend, while Kuroko keeps denying this. They have gone on a date before, but while Momoi sees it romantically, Kuroko alone perceives it as friendly. careless, he cares for her very much and is very kind to her, defends her, and at times grows angry on her behalf. due to his natural feel of dealing with women, Kuroko can comfort Momoi and knows how to act on dates ; this allows him to be able to cheer up Momoi quite well. such was when Aomine said very harsh things to her, a tearful Momoi operate to Kuroko and told him what happened, to which he managed to cheer her up stating Aomine was barely angry and did n’t actually mean it and told her everything would be all right, to which she was grateful. furthermore, Momoi would seem to be the one character Kuroko treats with most care, saving her from hood and accompanying her whenever she is alone, which is particularly seen in the light novels .
just like the early members of the Generation of Miracles, Kuroko and Midorima admit and respect each other ‘s skill. Kuroko admitted that he has a hard time getting along with Midorima, a opinion Midorima shared partially because of their purportedly discrepant blood types. Midorima besides did not like Kuroko ‘s choice of high school, saying he could not stand the fact that he acknowledges Kuroko, who in hurt of his lacking animalism is skilled enough to stand as his equal, and even he went to a modern and unknown team who could not utilize his baron to the fullest. [ 250 ] Midorima has therefore army for the liberation of rwanda shown adept reason of the theories behind Kuroko ‘s skill, the antonym of Aomine whose understand of Kuroko is by instinct and their early partnership. Kuroko once bluffly stated Midorima is thus chic but sometimes he is dumb when arguing over the best basketball technique with Kise. In Kuroko ‘s public opinion his three-pointer is amazing but the deserving of points only goes so far, and that Kagami ‘s dunk that bring up team ‘s morale ca n’t be measured in comparison. Midorima has shown his consideration and caution for Kuroko when he gifted the latter with a bird key chain on his birthday .
“ | He went beyond my expectations. | ” |
—Seijūrō Akashi, describing Kuroko ‘s skill |
Before meeting Kuroko, Akashi was not satisfied with the stream Teikō team and wanted a variety. A 6th man who would change the flow of the game whenever the situation required it. When he saw Kuroko for the beginning meter, he thought that Kuroko would be that very player, a 6th man. After seeing Kuroko, Akashi questioned him and pushed him in the right direction to making his own style of play, based on his miss of presence. Three months late, Kuroko approaches Akashi and lets him know he has set on a dash and Akashi decides to test Kuroko in a practice match. Kuroko shocks and impresses the beginning string players, including Akashi, and is admitted into the team with Akashi ‘s serve. During this meter Akashi was very supportive of Kuroko and helped him overcome his nervousness and doubts. During Kuroko ‘s beginning match, Akashi helped Kuroko polish his “ mismanagement ” and helped him develop his manner of fun he uses nowadays.
When the Generation of Miracles began changing and realising their dependable potentials, Akashi changed drastically, which made Kuroko realize that there are two Akashi ‘s, the Akashi he knew and the other Akashi, emerged from the switch in the team .
Akashi holds very high expectations for Kuroko. Showing that even in the most despairing situations, he believed in team Seirin ‘s victory when everyone else did n’t, largely because of Kuroko ‘s influence on the team. He was besides surprise when Kuroko revealed his new skills, the “ Ignite Pass Kai ” and “ Misdirection Overflow ” showing that Kuroko did indeed surpass his expectations. Some time after when there was a half time during the game between Rakuzan and Shūtoku, Akashi and Kuroko met for a short time. It was the foremost time they met again after the hatchway ceremony. In this short-change meet Akashi warns Kuroko that if he ‘s planning to fight against him, he would have to be careful. Telling Kuroko that he is the one that found Kuroko ‘s hide potential first gear and that Kuroko would come to know what that means. After Rakuzan and Seirin won their matches it was last decided who the two teams in the finals would be. Kuroko ‘s team Seirin and Akashi ‘s team Rakuzan. When Akashi and Rakuzan lost in the Winter Cup finals, Akashi experienced frustration for the first time and describes it as huge pain in the thorax. however, due to this annoyance he is able to appreciate playing basketball and suffer Kuroko. [ 251 ] It is shown that Akashi respects Kuroko for defeating him as both of them renew their friendship and play together again in streetball basketball. [ 252 ] In the novel ‘Replace ‘, Kuroko mentioned “ if Akashi was a teacher, it would make lessons very comfortable to understand. ” This likely refers to their clock back at Teikō when Akashi was Kuroko ‘s personal teacher .
Although Kuroko likes Murasakibara as a person, Kuroko and Murasakibara do n’t get along well because of Murasakibara ‘s miss of love for basketball. This is why, in cattiness of common respect to each other ‘s skill, they could n’t get along when it comes to basketball. Outside of basketball, Kuroko describes Murasakibara as “ a kid with a screw loose. ” As for Murasakibara, Kuroko ‘s earnestness irritates him, but he does acknowledge him in some way like other Generation of Miracle members. Murasakibara besides frequently makes fun of and teases Kuroko by petting him on the head, something that visibly annoys Kuroko. [ 253 ] Aomine once pointed out that the way they view basketball is excessively different : Murasakibara has been winning with merely talent and no rage, while Kuroko has struggled to get where he was with feat but no endowment. Kuroko dislikes Murasakibara ‘s bad substance abuse of discouraging who tried their best to play basketball, this repeatedly sparked arguments between them back in Junior High school .
In the fifth grade, Kuroko became concerned in playing basketball after watching a match on television receiver. Kuroko started practicing on a nearby court. Kuroko soon met Ogiwara, a cheerful boy from the region. Ogiwara taught Kuroko how to play basketball and they cursorily became best friends. In Junior High, after Ogiwara ‘s team lost to Teikō, Ogiwara was crushed and lost the will to play basketball. however, he still believed in Kuroko. The wristband that Kuroko wears symbolizes their friendship and Ogiwara ‘s religion in Kuroko. During the concluding round of the Winter Cup, Ogiwara abruptly appeared with his teammate. He held a basketball in his hired hand, and boosted the morale of Kuroko and the Seirin team. not a lot is known about their interaction after the match, but it can be assumed that Ogiwara does not harbour any veto feelings toward Kuroko .
Kuroko is highly respectful ( in his own deadpan way ) of his seniors and friendly with the early first-years. He is quite close to Teppei Kiyoshi, who he sees as the big brother he never had. He does, however, slightly fear the coach Riko Aida, like the remainder of the team for her deadly cook skills and the constant wrestle moves she performs on him when angry .
- Kazunari Takao, during the Shutoku vs Seirin match at Interhigh, Takao expressed his dislike towards Kuroko due to how similar their playing styles are and sees him as a rival.[254] Despite this, he is often paired with Kuroko and hides with him to spy on conversations between Kagami and Midorima.[255]
- Makoto Hanamiya, Hanamiya has earned Kuroko’s wrath due to his sadistic nature and joy of injuring players who play basketball with passion. Hanamiya enjoyed taunting Kuroko, but Kuroko’s basketball passion eventually silenced Hanamiya.[256]
- Papa Mbaye Siki, Kuroko was often irritated being called a kid by Papa. Papa had the impression that the Generation of Miracles weren’t such a big deal and Kuroko proved him wrong.[257]
- Chihiro Mayuzumi, was Kuroko’s match-up during the Winter Cup Final. After Kuroko’s lack of presence began to fade away, Kuroko was shocked to see that Mayuzumi had the same misdirection ability as him. When Kuroko was subbed back in the 3rd quarter, Mayuzumi arrogantly expressed that he is superior to Kuroko, who he views as an old model. Reminiscing about Takao’s words, Kuroko finally understood the meaning behind regarding a dislike for their own kind. Kuroko refused to give up the title of Phantom Sixth man and finally regained his ability after overwriting Mayuzumi by making him stand out. The two share some similarities, they both have weak presences, both enjoy reading books and they both met Akashi.
- “I am a supporting actor, a shadow. But a shadow will become darker if the light is stronger and it will make the white of the light stand out. As the shadow of the main actor, I will make you, the light, the number one in Japan.“[258]
- “When you come to hate something you liked, it is incredibly painful.“[259] (to Taiga Kagami)
- “But there’s no meaning if you win alone! You said you wanted to defeat the Generation of Miracles – but you think just like them! And even if we defeat Shūtoku “your way”, no one will be happy! (…) In that case, what’s “victory”? Even if you have a higher score than your opponent when the final whistle blows… If there’s no one happy, is it “victory”?“[260] (lecturing Taiga Kagami)
- “The possibility of victory is only 0% when all the players give up. I refused to make it 0% myself. It’s not over” (to Aomine Daiki)
- “… Stop messing around. I chose to fight because I believed the basketball of Generation of Miracles was wrong. But they would never do anything as dirty as what you’ve done… !! Using such methods, don’t you dare ruin our- our senpai’s- everyone’s dreams!!“[261] (to Makoto Hanamiya)
- “Not next time… We’ll win now!!“[262]
- “The ace shouldering everyone’s feelings, never looses.. I believe in Kagami-kun…!“[263] (to Daiki Aomine)
- “I definitely won’t lose to someone like you, who rejects other people’s hard work.“[264] (to Atsushi Murasakibara)
- “Basketball’s not so simple, that you can win just by being big, Murasakibara-kun.” [265](to Atsushi Murasakibara)
- “The title of Phantom Sixth Man. I’m sorry but… I don’t feel like surrendering it yet.“[266] (to Chihiro Mayuzumi)
- Tetsuya’s surname Kuroko means “beauty spot, prompter, black figures, stagehand, face mole/dark mole, mite” (黒子).
- Kuroko is an actual Japanese term. It stands for “stagehands” in Japanese theater.[267] The stagehands are the roles of animals, puppets, objects,… fullfilled by the hands of a regular actor. But only his hands are seen, the actor himself is dressed in black and is supposed to be “invisible”. This is a clear reference to Kuroko’s playing style.
- The kanji “黒” (Kuro) in his name means black, hinting to him being the “shadow” towards Taiga Kagami.
- On the first character poll, Kuroko ranked first, with 2625 votes. He won again on the second poll, this time with 2242 votes.
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- ↑Kuroko on Wikipedia
- ↑ Kuroko no Basuke chapter 78, page 16
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- ↑ Kuroko no Basuke chapter 114, page 18
- ↑ Kuroko no Basuke Extra 1
- ↑ Kuroko no Basuke chapter 1, page 10
- ↑ Kuroko no Basuke chapter 148, page 14-15
- ↑ Kuroko no Basuke chapter 227, page 9
- ↑ Duet Series Vol. 9 ’ south Mini Drama
Read more: Azerbaijan Premier League
- ↑ Duet Series Vol. 9 ’ randomness Mini Drama
- ↑ Kuroko no Basuke Special CD Vol. 5 featuring Kagami Taiga
- ↑ Manu Ginobili Ignite Kai Pass