Republic of TurkeyUseNational flag and ensignProportion2:3Adopted1844 (Ottoman flag)
1936 (standardized)DesignA red field with a white star and crescent slightly left of center.[1]
form masthead of Republic of TurkeyNameFlag of the President of TurkeyUsePresidential StandardProportion2:3
The flag of Turkey, officially the Turkish flag [ 2 ] ( turkish : Türk bayrağı ), is a red flag featuring a white star and crescent. The flag is often called al bayrak ( the loss flag ), and is referred to as al sancak ( the red standard ) in the turkish national hymn. The current design of the turkish pin is directly derived from the deep Ottoman flag, which had been adopted in the late eighteenth hundred and acquired its concluding imprint in 1844. The measures, geometric proportions, and accurate tone of crimson of the sag of Turkey were legally standardized with the turkish Flag Law on 29 May 1936. [ 3 ]
history [edit ]
The headliner and crescent flag of the Ottoman Empire, a recently 18th-century design officially adopted in 1844
Reading: Flag of Turkey
The star and crescent design appears on Ottoman flags beginning in the deep 18th or early nineteenth hundred. The white star and crescent moon on bolshevik as the flag of the Ottoman Empire was introduced 1844. [ 4 ] After the declaration of the Republic of Turkey in 1923, the modern country maintained the last flag of the Ottoman Empire. proportional standardizations were introduced in the turkish Flag Law of 1936. [ 3 ]
legendary origins [edit ]
In accounting for the crescent and leading symbol, the Ottomans sometimes referred to a legendary dream of the eponymous laminitis of the Ottoman house, Osman I, in which he is reported to have seen a moon rising from the breast of Sheikh Edebali whose daughter he sought to marry. “ When wax, it descended into his own breast. then from his loins there sprang a tree, which as it grew came to cover the solid populace with the shadow of its green and beautiful branches. ” Beneath it Osman saw the earth spread out before him, surmounted by the crescent. [ 5 ]
legal footing [edit ]
Fundamentals of the turkish flag were laid toss off by turkish Flag Law No. 2994 on 29 May 1936 during the Republic menstruation of Turkey. turkish Flag Regulation No. 2/7175 dated 28 July 1937, and Supplementary Regulation No. 11604/2 dated 29 July 1939, were enacted to describe how the flag law would be implemented. The turkish Flag Law No. 2893 dated 22 September 1983, and Published in the Official Gazette on 24 September 1983, was promulgated six months after its publication. According to Article 9 of Law No. 2893, a legislative act including the fundamentals of the execution was besides published .
construction [edit ]
Colors [edit ]
In an RGB color space, the loss color of the turkish iris is composed of 89 % red, 3.9 % k, and 9 % amobarbital sodium ( in hexadecimal color code # E30A17 ). In a CMYK color space, it is composed of 0 % cyan, 95.6 % magenta, 89.9 % chicken and 11 % black. It has a imbue angle of 356.4 degrees, a saturation of 91.6 %, and a lightness of 46.5 %. The crimson color on the turkish flag is vivid red and this color can be obtained by blending # FF142E with # C70000. The closest websafe coloring material is : # d11919. The colors approximation is listed below :
Colors scheme
0, 96, 90, 11
0, 0, 0, 0
Dimensions [edit ]
The specification below, given by turkish Flag Law, implies that the distance between ( the left edge of ) the inner set of the crescent and a upright line connecting the two pointed ends of the crescent is 279⁄800 G = 0.34875 G ; frankincense, the impart point of the star intrudes about 0.0154 G beyond that line .
construction tabloid
Distance between the centre of the outer crescent and the seam of the white band
Diameter of the circle around the star
Distance between the centres of the inner and outer circles of the crescent
Diameter of the inner circle of the crescent
Distance between the inner circle of the crescent and the circle around the star
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Diameter of the outer circle of the crescent
Width of the white hem at the hoist
Display and use [edit ]
The turkish Flag in erect format
The National Cockade of Turkey
state institutions [edit ]
The flag is constantly displayed prominently in state institutions from schools to ministries. The Çankaya Mansion, Parliament, ministries, schools, military, councils, governors buildings, muhtar ‘s offices, bridges, airports, and every state owned build in the state features one or more turkish flags .
Uniforms [edit ]
On military uniforms the flag is displayed on a patch either on the right shoulder or on the front of the consistent. Helmets can display the flag besides on the front or the sides. Flight suits, dark blue uniforms, Jandarma uniforms and others feature the masthead on shoulder patches or helmets. Along with uniform several emblems and patches display the flag with prominence or minor change .
Days of display [edit ]
Turkey celebrates many national events such as battle victories and Republic Day. People come to the streets with their flags to celebrate such days. On early occasions the public uses the flag heavily when protesting or commemorating certain events or deaths respectively. Statues and monuments may be draped with the masthead while marches and songs are played. On television receiver screens the flag is displayed in celebration of such events besides with the portrayal of Atatürk following to it. The sag may besides be presented at half staff in bereaved of tragic events or important days .
Funerals [edit ]
The flag has a big display on country and military funerals. A burial flag is always draped over the dead person coffin and is carried by the military patrol or relatives of the deceased. Soldiers of all types and the Presidential Guard besides carry the coffin at times. many attendees besides feature the pin on their lapels along with an double of the deceased .
gallery [edit ]
See besides [edit ]
Notes and references [edit ]
- Türk Bayrağı Kanunu, the Turkish text of the Turkish Flag Law No. 2893 dated September 22, 1983, establishing the proportions, production, and rules of usage of the flag of Turkey
- Turkey at Flags of the World
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