“ dutch flag ” redirects hera. For the calculator skill problem, see dutch national flag problem
The flag of the Netherlands ( dutch : de Nederlandse vlag ) is a horizontal tricolor of red, blank, and blue. The current design originates as a form of the deep sixteenth hundred orange-white-blue Prinsenvlag ( “ Prince ‘s Flag ” ), evolving in the early on seventeenth century as the red-white-blue Statenvlag ( “ States Flag ” ), the naval flag of the States-General of the Dutch Republic, making the dutch flag possibly the oldest tricolor flag in continuous use. [ 9 ] [ 10 ] It has inspired the Russian [ 11 ] and french flags. [ 12 ] [ 13 ] During the economic crisis of the 1930s, the erstwhile Prince ‘s Flag with the color orange gained some popularity among some people. To end the confusion, the colours red, white and blue and its official status as the national flag of the Kingdom of the Netherlands were reaffirmed by royal decree on 19 February 1937. [ 14 ]
Reading: Flag of the Netherlands
description [edit ]
Vruntschap of Jan van Hout (1575), the oldest known colour illustration of the Dutch flag. The flag is sticking out at the left of the top panel. of Jan van Hout ( 1575 ), the oldest known color illustration of the dutch flag. The masthead is sticking out at the left of the top jury. The home flag of the Netherlands is a tricolor flag. The horizontal fesses are bands of equal size in the colors from top to bottom, red ( officially described as a “ bright scarlet “ ), white ( silver ), and blue ( “ cobalt blasphemous “ ). The flag proportions ( width : length ) are 2:3. The color parameters were defined in November 1958 by the NEN ( former HCNN ) in as the follow : [ 15 ] [ 16 ] [ 17 ]
Bright vermilion
Cobalt blue
X=18.3 Y=10.0 Z=3.0
X=7.5 Y=6.6 Z=25.3
In this definition, the colors are defined using CIE-1931 color space and Standard illuminant C at a 45° slant. [ 18 ] The dutch ease up is about identical to that of Luxembourg, except that it is shorter and its loss and blue stripes are a black shade. [ 19 ] The similarity of the two flags has given rise to a national debate to change the flag of Luxembourg, initiated by Michel Wolter in 2006. [ 20 ]
symbolism [edit ]
Each band of semblance in the dutch flag holds some symbolism for the country. The red ring symbolizes courage, force, heroism, and robustness ; the white band, peace and honesty ; and the blue band represents watchfulness, truth, commitment, perseverance, and justice. [ 21 ]
history [edit ]
Middle Ages [edit ]
At the end of the fifteenth century, when the majority of the Netherlands provinces were united under the Duke of Burgundy, the Cross of Burgundy Flag of the Duke of Burgundy was used for joint expeditions, which consisted of a loss st resembling two cross, roughly-pruned ( knotted ) branches, on a ashen playing field. Under the by and by House of Habsburg this flag remained in practice .
prince ‘s flag [edit ]
In 1568 provinces of the Low Countries rose in rebellion against King Philip II of Spain, and Prince William of Orange ( 1533–1584 ) placed himself at the principal of the rebels. The etymology of the House of Orange is unrelated to the diagnose of the fruit or the color. custom of the colours orange, white and blue ( dutch : Oranje, Wit, Blauw, from french Orange, Blanc, Bleu ) was based on the livery of William and was first recorded in the siege of Leiden in 1574, when dutch officers wore orange-white-blue brassards. [ 22 ] The beginning known entire semblance depiction of the flag appeared in 1575 ( see image ). In Ghent in 1577, William was welcomed with a numeral of theatrical performance allegories represented by a young daughter wearing orange, blue and white. [ 23 ] The first denotative address to a naval flag in these colours is found in the ordonnances of the Admiralty of Zeeland, date 1587, i.e. concisely after William ‘s end. [ 22 ] The color combination of orange, white, and gloomy is normally considered the first Dutch sag. [ 2 ] The four-hundredth anniversary of the introduction of the dutch flag was commemorated in the Netherlands by the emergence of a postage pigeonhole in 1972. [ 24 ] That was based on the fact that in 1572 the Watergeuzen ( Gueux de mer, “ Sea Beggars ” ), the pro-Dutch privateers, captured Den Briel in name of William, Prince of Orange. however, it is uncertain whether they took an orange-white-blue iris with them on the event, although they surely started using an orange-white-blue tricolor reasonably late in the 1570s. It became late known as the Prinsenvlag ( “ Prince ‘s flag ” ) and served as the basis for the erstwhile South african flag, the flags of New York City and the Flag of Albany, New York, all three early dominions of the Dutch Republic .
Statenvlag [edit ]
loss as replacement for orange appeared adenine early as 1596, but more frequently after about 1630, as indicated by paintings of that time. Red gradually replaced orange ( 1630-60 ) as a signal of political change and growing dissociation of the Republic from the House of Orange. [ 25 ] It appears that anterior to 1664, the red-white-blue tricolor was normally known as the “ Flag of Holland ” ( Hollandsche Vlag ) ; named after one of the disgusting provinces. In 1664, the States of Zeeland, one of the other disgusting provinces, complained about this, and a resolution of the States-General introduced the appoint “ States Flag ” ( Statenvlag ), which the crimson, white and blue trichromatic will be known future. [ 26 ] The Dutch united states navy between 1588 and 1630 had constantly displayed the Prince ‘s Flag, and after 1663 constantly the States Flag, with both flag variants being in use during the period of 1630–1662. [ 27 ] The red-white-blue triband pin as used in the seventeenth hundred is said to have influenced the design of both the seminal russian masthead [ 11 ] and the french flag. [ 13 ] In turn, these two flags would belated influence may others .
flag of the Batavian Republic [edit ]
With the Batavian Revolution in the Netherlands in the death decade of the eighteenth century, and the subsequent conquest by the french, the name “ Prince ‘s Flag ” was forbidden and the red-white-blue of the Statenvlag was the entirely ease up allowed, analogous as it was to France ‘s own tricolor, chosen precisely a few months early, ironically influenced by that same Statenvlag. [ 28 ] In 1796 the crimson division of the flag was embellished with the figure of a Netherlands maid, with a leo at her feet, in the upper bequeath corner. In one hand she bore a shield with the Roman fasces and in the other a lance crowned with the cap of liberty. This flag had a animation equally brusque as that of the Batavian Republic for which it was created. Louis Bonaparte, made king of Holland by his brother the Emperor Napoleon, wished to pursue a strictly dutch policy and to respect national sentiments vitamin a much as possible. [ 29 ] He removed the inaugural of freedom from the flag and restored the old tricolor. His pro-Dutch policies led to conflicts with his brother, however, and the Netherlands were incorporated into the french Empire. In 1810 its iris was replaced by the imperial emblems .
modern flag [edit ]
In 1813, the Netherlands regained its independence and the Prince of Orange returned from expatriate and contemporaneous newspapers report that the red-white-blue flag was flown decorated with an orange Pennon /pennant and solid‐coloured orange flags were displayed in many places in the area as a sign of allegiance of the people to the House of Orange. [ 2 ] precisely before the outbreak of World War II, the Prince ‘s flag resurfaced again. Some people were convinced that orange, white, and blasphemous were the true color of the dutch flag, particularly members of the National Socialist Movement in the Netherlands. [ 14 ] To end the discussion, a royal decree established the color of the dutch flag as : ‘The colours of the ease up of the Kingdom of the Netherlands are crimson, blank and blue ‘ ( dutch : De kleuren van de vlag van het Koninkrijk der Nederlanden zijn rood, wit en blauw ). [ 30 ] It became the shortest decree in history, and was issued by Queen Wilhelmina on 19 February 1937. [ 31 ] [ 32 ] It was merely on 16 August 1949 that the demand coloring material parameters were defined by the Ministry of the Navy [ 15 ] as brilliantly vermilion ( red ), egg white and cobalt blue sky. The pennant is normally added on King ‘s Day ( dutch : Koningsdag, 27 April ) or other gay occasions related to the Royal Family .
Display and use [edit ]
Added orange pennant on Koningsdag The flag is customarily flown at government buildings and military bases in the Netherlands and overseas all class round. Private manipulation is more rare. merely on national holidays is there widespread private consumption. At the birthdays or weddings of specific members of the Royal House, an orange pennant is added to the pin. There are special non-holiday festivities or memorial occasions when the iris is flown, such as at the homes of students who have just graduated. The flag is then much accompanied by the graduate ‘s school bag hang from the point of the range pole. The flag can besides be displayed at times of sadness at half-mast ( or a bootleg pennant is added to the iris when hanging at half-mast is not possible ) as a sign of respect or national mourning. There are a phone number of flag flying days in the Netherlands. The holidays on which flags are put out by the politics, according to the flag instruction, are :
The dates mentioned in parentheses are the dates when the flags are put out, should the original scheduled ease up day fall on a Sunday, when possible. Exceptions are Remembrance of the Dead and Liberation Day, should one of them fall on a Sunday, the flags are put out anyhow. The Prime Minister of the Netherlands is responsible for announcing updates to the flag direction ( last given in 2013 when Queen ‘s Day on 30 April became King ‘s Day on 27 April ), announcing one-off flag days ( last given on 19 March 2019 to remember the Utrecht tram inject ), and announcing one-off modifications to the current ease up days ( last given in 2020 when the flags were put out at half-mast on 4 May the whole day alternatively of from 18:00, due to the 75-year anniversary of the liberation of the Netherlands and the COVID-19 pandemic ). When a member of the Dutch Royal House is born, the ease up direction will be determined some weeks before the child is expected. In the most recent occasions – in 2003, 2005 and 2007, when Princess Máxima was expecting Princess Amalia, Princess Alexia and Princess Ariane respectively, it was announced that immediately upon announcement of the give birth, the flags would be put out with the orange pennant. however, because Amalia and Ariane were born while dark already fell ( and Amalia was born on a Sunday ), the flag day was postponed until the next day .
Flags of current countries in the Kingdom of the Netherlands [edit ]
flag of Aruba [edit ]
pin of Aruba The national ease up of Aruba was officially adopted on 18 March 1976. The blue field represents the flip, the sea, peace, hope, Aruba ‘s future and its ties to the past. The two narrow stripes “ suggest the movement toward condition aparte ”. One represents “ the stream of tourists to sun-drenched Aruba, enriching the island a well as vacationers ”, the early “ industry, all the minerals ( gold and phosphates in the past, petroleum in the early twentieth century ) ”. In addition to sun, gold, and abundance, the yellow is besides said to represent wanglo flowers. The star has particularly complex symbolism. It is vexillologically unusual in having four points, representing the four cardinal number directions. These refer in turn to the many countries of lineage of the people of Aruba. They besides represent the four chief languages of Aruba : Papiamento, Spanish, English, and Dutch. The leading besides represents the island itself : a down of frequently red dirt bordered by white beaches in a bluing sea. The crimson besides represents blood shed by Arubans during war, past indian inhabitants, patriotic sexual love, and Brazil wood. The white besides represents purity and honesty.
Read more: Lille OSC
masthead of Curaçao [edit ]
flag of Curaçao The flag of Curaçao is a blue field with a horizontal scandalmongering stripe slightly below the midplane and two white, five-pointed stars in the quarter. The blue symbolises the ocean and flip ( the bottom and acme aristocratic sections, respectively ) divided by a yellow stroke representing the bright sun which bathes the island. The two stars represent Curaçao and Klein Curaçao, but besides ‘Love & Happiness ‘. The five points on each star symbolise the five continents from which Curaçao ‘s people come .
masthead of Sint Maarten [edit ]
flag of Sint Maarten The ease up of Sint Maarten is the national flag of the Dutch depart of Saint Martin island, which is a country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands. It was adopted on 13 June 1985. It resembles the War Flag of the Philippines .
Flags of early countries in the Kingdom of the Netherlands [edit ]
suriname [edit ]
The pre-independence flag of Suriname consisted of five colored stars ( from top left clockwise : white, total darkness, brown university, yellow, and bolshevik ) connected by an ellipse. The discolor stars represent the major ethnic groups that comprise the Surinamese population : the original Amerindians, the colonize Europeans, the Africans brought in as slaves to work in plantations and the Indians, Javanese and Chinese who came as apprenticed workers to replace the Africans who escaped bondage and settled in the backwoods. The ellipse represents the harmonious relationship amongst the groups .
Netherlands Antilles [edit ]
Flag of the Netherlands Antilles from 1959 to 1986
Flag of the Netherlands Antilles from 1986 to 2010, after the secession of Aruba Within the Flag of the Netherlands Antilles there were five stars that symbolise the five islands that made up the nation. While the colours red, white and blue denote to the flag of the Netherlands. A six-star version was used until 1986 when Aruba became its own area within the Kingdom. This original interpretation was adopted on 19 November 1959. This flag fell into neglect when the Netherlands Antilles was dissolved on 10 October 2010. The Islands of St. Maarten and Curaçao obtained their separate country condition within the Kingdom and the islands Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba are now oversea entities of the Netherlands .
Flags of erstwhile colonies of the Kingdom of the Netherlands [edit ]
New Holland ( Brazil ) [edit ]
The Flag of New Holland, besides known as the Flag of Dutch Brazil, was the flag used by the dutch West India Company for the territories that were under its control in Brazil from 1630 until 1654. The flag consists of three horizontal stripes in the color of the iris of the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands ( loss, egg white and blue ) and it displays a monogram on the cardinal stripe and a crown on the upper stripe, both gold-colored. The lineage of the monogram arsenic well as its initials and its mean is not known .
Netherlands East Indies [edit ]
For the majority of the being of the Netherlands East Indies the flag of the Vereenigde Oost-Indische Compagnie ( english : Dutch East India Company ) was used. When the VOC became bankrupt and was formally dissolved in 1800. its possessions and debt were taken over by the government of the Batavian Republic. The VOC ‘s territories became the Netherlands East Indies and were expanded over the course of the nineteenth hundred to include the hale of the indonesian archipelago. As such the flag of the Batavian Republic and Kingdom of the Netherlands were used. The ease up of the Netherlands has been said to be the origin of the indonesian flag. To symbolise the intention of forcing out the dutch, the indonesian nationalists would rip apart the dutch flag. They tore off the bottom third of the flag, and separated the bolshevik and white colours from the amobarbital sodium tinge. [ 33 ]
Netherlands New Guinea [edit ]
The Morning Star flag ( indonesian : Bintang Kejora ) represented the Netherlands New Guinea from 1 December 1961 until 1 October 1962 when the territory came under administration of the United Nations Temporary Executive Authority ( UNTEA ). The flag is normally used by the West Papuan population including OPM supporters to rally self-government human rights support and is popularly flown on 1 December each year in defiance of indonesian domestic laws. The flag consists of a crimson vertical band along the hoist slope, with a white five-pointed star in the center. The iris was first raised on 1 December 1961 and used until the United Nations became the district ‘s administrator on 1 October 1962 .
Related flags [edit ]
Flags influenced by the flag of the Netherlands [edit ]
The flags below are influenced by the dutch flag in color use and plan as a resultant role of a shared history ( as flags of former colonies ) or economic relations, which is the character for the russian flag. [ 34 ]
- The flag of the Boer Republics, Transvaal, the Orange Free State and Natalia Republic and the flag of South Africa from 1928 to 1994 are all based on the flag of the Netherlands, or the predecessor Prince’s flag. These were in turn part of the inspiration for the present South African flag.
- The flag of Hesse-Nassau is identical to that of the Netherlands. The Dutch royal house originates from the Duchy of Nassau.
- The flag of Shanghai Municipal Council in Shanghai International Settlement included multiple flags to symbolize the countries have participated in the creation and management of this enclave in the Chinese city of Shanghai. The Dutch flag was put along with old Swedish civil ensign (spread vertically), the Austrian flag and old Spanish merchant ensign at the lower shield, and all of them were upside down.
- The flag of New York City, originally New Amsterdam in the Dutch colony New Netherland, was designed after the Dutch flag.
- The flag of Albany originally Beverwijck in the Dutch colony New Netherland, was designed after the Dutch flag.
- The flag of Schenectady County, New York was designed after the Dutch flag.
- The flag of Nimba County, Liberia similar to the Dutch flag, superimposed with Liberian flag in the canton.
- The flag of Labuan and flag of Johor Bahru in Malaysia similar to the Dutch flag, with a crescent and star in the center.
- The flag of Chin National Front in Myanmar similar to the Dutch flag, with two hornbills in the center.
Pan-Slavic colours [edit ]
The russian ease up in turn is believed to have influenced many flags of other Slavic countries, resulting in many red-white-blue style tribands in other parts of Europe. Peter the Great of Russia was building a new russian Navy by and large on dutch standards ; therefore the russian merchant flag at sea would be the anatropous colors of the dutch flag .
See besides [edit ]
References [edit ]
Netherlands at Flags of the World
Read more: Paris Saint-Germain F.C.