history [edit ]
George Safford Parker, the fall through, had previously been a sales agent for the John Holland Gold Pen Company. He received his beginning fountain pen refer patent in 1889. [ 3 ] In 1894 Parker received a patent on his “ Lucky Curve ” fountain pen tip, [ 4 ] which was claimed to draw overindulgence ink back into the pen barrel when the penitentiary was not in function. The company ‘s beginning successful penitentiary, released in 1899, was the Parker Jointless. The Lucky Curve feed was used in respective forms until 1928. [ 5 ]
several models of the Parker 51, regarded as the most widely used model of fountain playpen
Reading: Parker Pen Company
From the 1920s to the 1960s, before the growth of the ballpoint playpen, Parker was either number one or number two in global writing instrument sales. In 1931, Parker created Quink ( quick drying ink ), which eliminated the necessitate for blotting. [ 6 ] In 1941, the ship’s company developed the most wide used model of fountain pen in history ( over $ 400 million worth of sales in its 30-year history ), the Parker 51. [ 7 ] [ 8 ] manufacture facilities were set up over the years in Canada, United Kingdom, Denmark, France, Mexico, USA, Pakistan, India, Germany ( Osmia-Parker ), Brazil and Argentina. [ citation needed ]
In 1954 Parker released the Jotter ballpoint [ 9 ] pen with its original nylon body and turn back “ V ” cartridge holder. The Jotter would go on to sell over 750 million units during its history. In 1955, the ship’s company introduced its Liquid Lead pencil which used liquid graphite to write like a pen. unfortunately, the Scripto company had introduced a similar product called Fluidlead a few months previously. To avoid a costly patent fight the companies agreed to parcel their formulas with each other. [ 10 ] The company bought retailer and catalog company Norm Thompson in 1973, and then sold it in 1981. [ 11 ] In 1976 Parker acquired Manpower just as the irregular staff market was surging. In meter Manpower provided more tax income than the pen business. A 1982 spinoff, Sintered Specialties, Inc., became SSI Technologies, a manufacturer of automotive sensors. [ citation needed ] A management buyout in 1986, moved the party ‘s headquarter to Newhaven, East Sussex, England, which was the original localization of the Valentine Pen Company previously acquired by Parker. In 1993 Parker was purchased by the Gillette Company, which already owned the Paper Mate post – the best-selling disposable ballpoint. In 2000 Gillette sold its writing instruments division to the company Newell Rubbermaid, whose Sanford Stationery Division became the largest write instrument manufacturers in the world at that time, simultaneously owning such post names as Rotring, Sharpie, Reynolds deoxyadenosine monophosphate well as Parker, PaperMate, Waterman, and Liquid Paper. [ citation needed ] With commercial rival increasing upon the Parker Jotter ‘s classic metal ink refill cartridge design from low monetary value generic copies produced in China, as Parker ‘s unique design patent for the cartridge expired, Parker ‘s sales began to be drastically adversely involve. In July 2009 Newell Rubbermaid Inc. in response announced that it had decided to close down the Parker production factory at Newhaven in England with the dismissal of 180 employees from the facility, and relocate production to France. [ 12 ] The following month, Newell Rubbermaid Inc. announced that the factory in Janesville, Wisconsin, was besides to close the remaining operation there producing Parker Pens ( which eliminated a foster 153 fabricate jobs ). The company bid release stated : “ This decision is a reply to structural issues accelerated by market trends and is in no means a expression on the highly valued work performed by our Janesville employees over the years. ” Newell Rubbermaid offered ‘transitional employment services ‘ along with severance pay in compensation to the dismissed work force. [ 13 ] [ 14 ] subsequently, Parker has abandoned its traditional retail outlets in North America. While some of its former basic Jotter pens may be found in retailers such as Office Depot, the Parker line has been moved to upscale “ luxury ” retailers in an desertion of its former business model of quality fabricate combined with mass market appeal and pricing. [ citation needed ] With this commercial strategic move Parker besides altered its traditional merchandise guarantee on its high end pens, changing the former life guarantee to a biennial guarantee limitation. [ 15 ] Parker Pen Co. was an aviation pioneer. The interest of Parker Pen Co. about aircraft came from Kenneth Parker, son of the founder, he enlisted in the fledgling air service and, after flight train at Miami Air Base, Kenneth was assigned to military officer prepare in tactical maneuvers at Pensacola Naval Air Station, Florida. From their first gear company business plane, the Parker Duofold Fairchild, they used it as an innovative ad weapon inviting his dealers. [ 16 ] Between the 1920s and 1960s, Parker maintained a considerable atmosphere fleet .
celebrated models [edit ]
Key models in the company ‘s history include :
- Jointless (1899)
- Jack Knife Safety (1909)
- Duofold (1921)
- Vacumatic (1932)
- “51” (1941)
- Jotter (1954)
- 61 (1956)
- 45 (1964)
- 75 (1964)
- Classic (1967)
- 25 (1975)
- 180 (1977)
- Arrow (1982)
- Vector (1986)
- Duofold International (1987)
- 95 (1988)
- Sonnet (1993)
- Parker 100 (2004)
Parker 25 [edit ]
The Parker 25 was a pen introduced by the Parker Pen Company in 1975. Created by the celebrated designer Kenneth Grange based on a detail brief, [ 17 ] it was manufactured in Newhaven, England and produced in a kind of different versions until 1999. [ 18 ] An attention-getting, contemporary-looking pen, with chiefly steel components, the Parker 25 was intended to revive the party ‘s fortunes. As The Guardian wrote, ‘ ( Grange ‘s ) authoritative Parker write had the machined shininess of a bullet. In fact, its tapering barrel was inspired by an american space rocket, a kind that enabled the hat to be the same diameter as the penitentiary no matter which end it was attached to. ‘ [ 19 ] It was low-cost enough to become a staple entry-level pen for both work and leisure uses – and for secondary school students at a clock when fountain pens were still obligatory in many british schools. advertise slogans used to market Parker 25s included ‘Modern as Tomorrow ‘, ‘Space Age Design, Space Age Performance ‘, ‘European Styled ‘ and ‘Contemporary, Highly Functional Design ‘. [ 20 ]
Parker 25 flighters Parker 25s were issued in several variants : initially, fountain penitentiary, ballpoint, fiber charge and mechanical pencil. [ 21 ] A rollerball exemplar was introduced in 1981, and fiber tips were phased out a couple of years former. While the big majority of Parker 25s were ‘flighters ‘, with a brushed sword polish, felt black and later white versions were issued between 1978 and 1987. The pens had four different pare colours – blue ( the most common ), black, green, and most rarely of all, orange. Orange trim Parker 25s were discontinued in 1976 following a copyright quarrel with Rotring, and surviving examples are very seek after. A strike feature of all Parker 25s is the square fictile tassie logo on the clip. The earliest mark I Parker 25 spring pens dating from the beginning year of production sport a classifiable breath hole in the nib. While the original models had a apartment credit card traffic circle on top of the hood, Mark III and IV pens have a round ridge on this inner cap. Pens manufactured from 1980 have letter date codes which were changed every quarter. Those manufactured from 1990 are stamped ‘Made in UK ‘ ; earlier pens were inscribed ‘Made in England ‘. Pens without any manufacture stamps, or inscribe ‘Made in Aust ‘, are identical rare. Parker 25s were all assembled in Britain by hand [ 22 ] – unlike Jotters, Vectors and other mass marketplace pens – and were very minimalist, comprising between 9 and 11 components. The 25 was an extremely successful pen for Parker commercially, specially during its first decade or so of production. [ 23 ] A number of promotional versions were made up to ordain, featuring caller logo on the barrel ( the matte black and white versions were much branded in this way ), cartridge holder or capital. Some pen fans are rather disparaging about the Parker 25, which lacks the condition of the legendary Parker Duofold [ 24 ] or the storied Parker 51. [ 25 ] But in recent years they have been enjoying a revival, their space senesce search evoking nostalgia for the concluding quarter of the twentieth century. The Parker 25 was flush given the award of an exhibition stand at the Victoria and Albert Museum. [ 26 ]
Parker Vector [edit ]
Parker Vector stainless steel ballpoint pen The harbinger to the Parker Vector was introduced in 1981. It was a bare cylindrical plastic cap and barrel roller-ball penitentiary called the “ Parker RB1 ”. [ 27 ] In 1984, Parker added the FP1 ( “ Fountain Pen 1 ” ), with basically the lapp design. The RB1 and FP1 models were produced until 1986, at which meter Parker revised the penitentiary by lengthening the crown and shortening the barrel and renaming the newly pen the “ Vector Standard ”. soon, there are four models available ( in plastic and steel ) : the spring pen, capped rollerball, pushbutton ballpoint, and pushbutton pencil. [ 28 ]
Read more: Real Sociedad
US Presidential Parkers [edit ]
Bill Clinton Parker Insignia Set Parker Jotters were a favorite choice of President John F. Kennedy for signing legislation and to give as gifts. [ 29 ] indeed, consecutive presidents from Kennedy to Clinton used Parker pens for these purposes, and Parker retained a particular representative, John W. Gibbs, to handle White House orders. In one of his early years in office, Lyndon Johnson ordered no less than 60,000 Parker pens. LBJ would use up to 75 pens to sign each important document and circular, writing different strokes of the letters of his name with different pens, and giving them all away to allies and supporters with small type certificates. After Parker ceased to be an American-owned party, late presidents switched to using A. T. Cross Company pens. [ 30 ]
Products [edit ]
Products offered by the Parker Pen Company as of 2012 : [31]
gallery [edit ]
Sonnet in box
Fountain pen tip
Gold I.M. pen
Frontier ballpoint
Sonnet, 1993
Challenger, 1938
See besides [edit ]
References [edit ]
Read more: Real Sociedad