1. Andress, David. The Terror, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York, 2005, p. 12-13
  2. Lever, Évelyne, Louis XVI, Librairie Arthème Fayard, Paris, 1985
  3. Hardman, John. Louis XVI, The Silent King. New York : Oxford University Press, 2000. p. 10 .
  4. Hardman, John. Louis XVI, The Silent King. New York : Oxford University Press, 2000. p. 18.
  5. Fraser, Antonia, Marie Antoinette, pp.100–102
  6. Fraser, Antonia, Marie Antoinette, p.127
  7. Fraser, Antonia, Marie Antoinette, pp.166–167
  8. Fraser, Antonia, Marie Antoinette, p.164
  9. Fraser, Antonia, Marie Antoinette, p.122
  10. Zweig, Stefan ( 1933 ). Marie Antoinette: The Portrait of An Average Woman.

  11. Fraser, Antonia ( 2001 ). Marie Antoinette: The Journey.

  12. Lever, Evelyne ( 2001 ). Marie Antoinette: Last Queen of France.

  13. Cronin, Vincent ( 1974 ). Louis and Antoinette.

  14. “ Dictionary of World Biography ”. generator : Barry Jones. Published in 1994 .
  15. Hardman, John. Louis XVI, The Silent King. New York : Oxford University Press, 2000. p. 4 .
  16. Hardman, John. Louis XVI, The Silent King. New York : Oxford University Press, 2000. p. 37-39 .
  17. Andress, David, ( 2005 ) The Terror, pp.13

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  18. Doyle, William ( 2001 ). The French Revolution: A Very Short Introduction. New York : Oxford University Press. pp. 26–27.

  19. John Hardman, Louis XVI, Yale university Press, New Haven and London, 1993 p126
  20. Baecque, Antoine de, From Royal Dignity to Republican Austerity: The Ritual for the Reception of Louis XVI in the French National Assembly (1789–1792), The Journal of Modern History, Vol. 66, No. 4 ( December 1994 ), p.675 .
  21. The Oxford Illustrated History of the British Army ( 1994 ) p. 130 .
  22. Jonathan R. Dull, The French Navy and American Independence: A Study of Arms and Diplomacy, 1774–1787 ( 1975 ) .
  23. On finance, see William Doyle, Oxford History of the French Revolution ( 1989 ) pp. 67-74 .
  24. The influence of sea power upon history, 1660–1783, by Alfred Thayer Mahan, p. 461: , by Alfred Thayer Mahan, p. 461 : [ 1 ]
  25. Hardman, John, Louis XVI, The Silent King, New York : Oxford University Press, 2000. p.127 .
  26. price, Munro, Louis XVI and Gustavus III: Secret Diplomacy and Counter-Revolution, 1791–1792, The Historical Journal, Vol. 42, No. 2 ( June 1999 ), p. 441 .
  27. J.M. Thompson, The French Revolution ( 1943 ) identifies a series of major and minor mistakes and mishaps, pp. 224-227
  28. Timothy Tackett, When the King Took Flight ( 2003 ) ch. 3
  29. Timothy Tackett, When the King Took Flight ( 2003 ) p. 222
  30. Liste chronologique des généraux français ou étrangers au service de France, morts sur le champ de bataille… de 1792 à 1837, A. Leneveu, rue des Grands-Augustins, n° 18, Paris, 1838, p. 7 .
  31. Dunn, Susan, The Deaths of Louis XVI: Regicide and the French Political Imagination, Princeton : Princeton University Press, 1994, pp. 72-76 .
  32. G. Lenotre, Vieilles maisons, vieux papiers, Librairie académique Perrin, Paris, 1903, pp. 321-338 ( in French )
  33. Hardman, John ( 1992 ). Louis XVI. Yale University Press. p. 232.

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  34. Louis XVI ‘s death words heard before the drums covered his part : Je meurs innocent de tous les crimes qu’on m’impute ; je pardonne aux auteurs de ma mort ; je prie Dieu que le sang que vous allez répandre ne retombe pas sur la France.
  35. Andress, David, The Terror, 2005, p. 147 .