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Cedric Diggory
Reading: Cedric Diggory
Biographical information
1977 [ 1 ]
Between 1 September and 30 October
24 June, 1995 [ 2 ] ( aged 17 )
Little Hangleton cemetery, England, Great Britain
(aged 17)
Blood status
[ 3 ] Pure-blood (possibly) or Half-blood
[ 4 ] British or Irish
Also known as
[ 5 ]
Ced (by Amos Diggory
- Quidditch Captain[6]
- Seeker[2]
- Prefect[2]
- Triwizard Champion[2]
Physical information
Human [ 6 ]
[ 6 ]
Hair colour
[ 7 ]
Eye colour
[ 7 ] [ 8 ]
Relationship information
Family members
- Amos Diggory[2] (father)
- Mrs Diggory[2] (mother)
- Eldritch Diggory (possible relative)
- Diggory family
Cho Chang
Magical characteristics
Lord Voldemort [ 9 ]
12¼ ”, Ash, Unicorn haircloth [ 2 ]
Hufflepuff [ 6 ]
- Diggory family
- Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry[2]
- Hufflepuff
- Hufflepuff Quidditch team[6]
- Hippogriff Club[10]
- Circle of Khanna[11]
- Death Eaters (alternate timeline)
[ Source ]
- “ Remember Cedric. Remember, if the time should come, when you have to make a choice between what is right and what is easy, remember what happened to a boy who was good, and kind, and brave, because he strayed across the path of Lord Voldemort. Remember Cedric Diggory. “
- — Albus Dumbledore’s eulogy to Cedric[src]
Cedric Diggory ( September / October, 1977 – 24 June, 1995 ) was a british ace who was the son of Amos Diggory and his wife. He started attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1989, and was sorted into the Hufflepuff House. During his clock at school, he was a prefect and captained the Hufflepuff Quidditch team, playing as Seeker. In his one-sixth year Cedric put his name forward to compete in the Triwizard Tournament. He was selected as the Hogwarts Triwizard Champion and, although overshadowed in the urge by the entrance of Harry Potter, Cedric enjoyed about overwhelm back from the student body, and after the first two tasks, tied with Harry for first place. Cedric and Harry completed the Third Task together. Both took halt of the Triwizard Cup, which transported them to the Little Hangleton cemetery, where Cedric was murdered by Peter Pettigrew with the Killing Curse, on the orders of Lord Voldemort. During the following duel between Harry and Voldemort, Cedric ‘s echo reappeared during Priori Incantatem, and helped the echoes of Harry ‘s parents, Bertha Jorkins, and Frank Bryce hold off Voldemort long enough for him to escape. His merely request was for Harry to take his body back to his parents, which Harry honoured. In 2020, Diggory ‘s participation in the Triwizard Tournament and subsequent end was the topic of Albus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy ‘s time-travel antics at the request of Amos. They sought to save Cedric and created an surrogate timeline where Cedric survived and became part of the Death Eaters, because of the humiliation they caused him when they tried to save his life. Cedric ‘s master and epic life and death was late restored .
early animation
Cedric was born in either September or October of 1977, to Amos Diggory and his wife. He grew up near Ottery St Catchpole, [ 2 ] a small township located in Devon, England. When he was seven years previous, his founder enjoyed bragging about him. [ 12 ]
Hogwarts years
- “ I said to him, I said — Ced, that’ll be something to tell your grandchildren, that will… you beat Harry Potter ! “
- — Amos Diggory bragging about Cedric[src]
First year
Cedric started attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry on 1 September, 1989 and was Sorted into Hufflepuff House. soon after starting Hogwarts, Cedric became a democratic scholar at the school, and people talked about him constantly. [ 13 ]
He was introduce when Madam Pomfrey was petrified, and recounted the event to Albus Dumbledore, Severus Snape, Jacob ‘s sibling, and Penny Haywood. [ 14 ] After the Circle of Khanna was founded, Cedric ‘s acquaintance Ben Copper, one of the founders of the group, invited him to join. Cedric spent much of his time in the group training duelling with Ben and Diego Caplan. [ 11 ] One fourth dimension during train, his arm was broken as a result of Ben casting a while Cedric was not expecting, and he had to be sent to the Hospital Wing. He was soon healed by Chiara Lobosca. [ 15 ]
He distinguished himself as both an academic and acrobatic scholar. At some point, he became Seeker of his house ‘s Quidditch team. [ 6 ]
Fifth year
- “ Harry looked wildly around. Cedric Diggory was pelting up the field, and a tiny speck of gold was shimmering in the rain filled air between them… “
- — Cedric Diggory playing Quidditch in his fifth year[src]
In 1993, Cedric became a Prefect and Captain of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team. On 7 November, he led his team against Gryffindor in the beginning catch of the educate year. [ 16 ] Originally, the couple should have taken space between Gryffindor and Slytherin, but Draco Malfoy played on the fact that his arm had been injured by the hippogriff Buckbeak to get out of playing in stormy conditions. During the match, Cedric and Harry Potter contested the Golden Snitch. however, Harry was overcome by the presence of Dementors and fell from his sweep. Cedric caught the Snitch, but arsenic soon as he realised what had happened to Harry, he immediately offered to replay the equal. Oliver Wood was said to have declined the offer, feeling that Cedric had won the peer bonny and hearty. [ 6 ] When Harry got back his Firebolt broomstick, Cedric was among those who congratulated Harry on his ownership of the broomstick. [ 6 ]
sixth year and death
- “ The Hogwarts Champion, is Cedric Diggory! “
- — Albus Dumbledore announcing Cedric as a the Hogwarts Champion[src]
In the summer of 1994, Cedric attended the Quidditch World Cup with his father, travelling to the game with the Weasleys, Harry Potter, and Hermione Granger as he and his father lived close to the Burrow. [ 2 ] Cedric started his sixth year in September 1994, the same class that the Triwizard Tournament was reinstated. Being of old age, Cedric submitted his name to the Goblet of Fire for the casual to become the Hogwarts Champion. On 31 October, the Goblet chose the champions to represent the three schools ; Fleur Delacour for Beauxbatons, Viktor Krum for Durmstrang, and Cedric himself for Hogwarts .
Cedric joined the other champions in a small room off the Great Hall, and was surprised to learn that after he had left the Hall, the Goblet had produced a fourth list — Harry Potter. Harry claimed that he did not swindle and put his name in, and while no-one think he was telling the truth, Cedric was kind to Harry. Cedric late asked Harry how he managed to cheat, and Harry again told him that he never cheated. Though Harry felt Cedric did not believe him, he remained kind and appeared to be okay with what Harry was telling him. [ 2 ]
Triwizard Champion
- Ollivander : “ Ah, now, this is one of mine, isn’t it? Yes, I remember it well. Containing a single hair from the tail of a particularly fine male unicorn… must have been seventeen hands; nearly gored me with his horn after I plucked his tail. Twelve and a quarter inches… ash.. pleasantly springy. It’s in fine condition…. You treat it regularly? “
- Cedric Diggory: “Polished it last night.“
- — Cedric having Mr Ollivander examine his wand[src]
In the weeks that followed his choice, Cedric was supported by the majority of the school, evening the Slytherins. Enchanted badges became democratic around the school that read Support CEDRIC DIGGORY — the REAL Hogwarts Champion!, then changed to read POTTER STINKS. Cedric, however, was not fond of the badges and asked his friends not to wear them. As separate of the Tournament, Cedric took separate in the Wand weighing ceremony conducted by Garrick Ollivander, who deemed his scepter “ pleasantly springy “, and posed for photos for the Daily Prophet. however, his entry into the Tournament was wholly overlooked by Rita Skeeter ‘s article on the event in favor of Harry, a site about which his father was most displease. [ 2 ]
first job
- Harry Potter : “ Cedric, the first task is Dragons. “
- Cedric Diggory: “What?“
- Harry Potter: “Dragons. They’ve got four, one for each of us, and we’ve got to get past them“
- Cedric Diggory: “Are you sure?“
- Harry Potter: “Dead sure. I’ve seen them.“
- Cedric Diggory: “But how did you find out? We’re not supposed to know…“
- — Harry informing Cedric about the first task[src]
In the months before to the First Task, Cedric was informed by Harry that the first job was to get past a draco. Cedric was the only Champion not to be mindful of them, and Harry felt it was only fair to tell him therefore everyone would be on an even foot. [ 2 ]
On 24 November, the Champions gathered and randomly selected miniature versions of a dragon with a count on them to indicate the regulate in which they would face them. Cedric drew the swedish Short-Snout and the number one slot, so entered the arena first gear to attempt to retrieve the golden egg it was guarding. Facing the dragon, Cedric transfigured a rock ‘n’ roll into a Labrador to distract the creature. While the draco turned to chase the chase, Cedric went for the Golden egg. Although he retrieved it, the dragon lost interest in the pawl, preferring to go after Cedric. The dragon burned Cedric on the side of his face, and he barely managed to get away from it. He was tended to by Madam Pomfrey, who applied an orange paste to his confront to heal the wreathe. [ 2 ]
Yule Ball and Second Task
- Cedric Diggory : “ Listen… I owe you one for telling me about the dragons. You know that golden egg? Does yours wail when you open it? “
- Harry Potter: “Yeah.“
- Cedric Diggory: “Well… take a bath, okay?“
- Harry Potter: “What?“
- Cedric Diggory: “Take a bath, and — er — take the egg with you, and — er — just mull things over in the hot water. It’ll help you think…. Trust me. Tell you what, use the prefects’ bathroom. Fourth door to the left of that statue of Boris the Bewildered on the fifth floor. Password’s ‘pine fresh’. Gotta go… want to say good night —“
- — Cedric returning Harry’s previous favour[src]
Like all the Champions, Cedric had to work out the hint hide in the golden egg to prepare for the Second Task. He was aided by Barty Crouch Jnr, disguised as the new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor Alastor “ Mad-Eye ” Moody, who told him to take it into the bath and listen to it submerged. He took it into the prefects ‘ toilet on the fifth shock, and opened the egg subaqueous. He heard the hint, but it took him a while to figure out that it referred to the merpeople in the lake. [ 2 ]
- Harry Potter : “ Who are you going with? “
- Cho Chang: “Oh, Cedric. Cedric Diggory.“
- — Cho Chang telling Harry Potter that she is going to the Yule Ball with Cedric[src]
At Christmas, Cedric was required to attend the Yule Ball, a traditional part of the Triwizard Tournament. He asked Cho Chang to attend the ball with him, and she accepted. Towards the end of the ball, Cedric found Harry and told him to take the egg into the bath and “ mull things over in the hot water “ as he had done. As refund for warning him about the dragons, he gave Harry access to the Prefect ‘s Bathroom to work out the clue. [ 2 ]
On 24 February, the Second Task took place. Having deciphered the hint in the aureate egg, Cedric knew he had to breathe subaqueous for at least an hour and retrieve something that had been stolen from him. He effectively employed the Bubble-Head Charm, and reached the merpeople village soon after Harry. He found that his something that he would “ sorely miss “ was Cho, and rescued her. He warned Harry — who was worried about the early “ hostages ” — to hurry up, then swam to the surface. He arrived one minute outside the hour time terminus ad quem, and received forty-seven points. After two tasks, he was tied for inaugural invest with Harry. [ 2 ]
Third Task
- Cedric Diggory : “ You take it. You should win. That’s twice you’ve saved my neck in here. “
- Harry Potter: “That’s not how it’s supposed to work. The one who reaches the cup first gets the points. That’s you. I’m telling you, I’m not going to win any races on this leg.“
- Cedric Diggory: “No.“
- Harry Potter: “Stop being noble. Just take it, then we can get out of here.“
- Cedric Diggory: “You told me about the dragons. I would’ve gone down in the first task if you hadn’t told me what was coming.“
- — Cedric offering Harry Potter victory in the maze[src]
anterior to the Third Task, Cedric, along with the early Champions, joined Ludo Bagman to view the maze that was being grown on the Hogwarts Quidditch lurch. Along with Harry, Cedric was dismayed to see the Quidditch sales talk overgrow, but was assured by Bagman that the slope would be returned to convention following the conclusion of the Tournament. [ 2 ]
On 24 June, Cedric was joined by his parents, who had been invited to watch the Third Task. During the meet, his don confronted Harry over the coverage he had been receiving in the bid at the expense of his son. Cedric tried to calm him down and explain that it was not Harry ‘s defect, then apologised to Harry. [ 2 ]
Because they were tied for beginning home, Cedric entered the tangle with Harry. They split up, each hoping to be the first to get to the Triwizard Cup placed in the center of the maze. soon after, Cedric encountered one of Rubeus Hagrid ‘s now gigantic Blast-Ended Skrewts, and narrowly escaped being burned by it. After the Skrewt, Cedric came across Viktor Krum. Krum — who was under the Imperius Curse at the time — attacked Cedric with the Cruciatus Curse. He was saved by Harry, who stunned Krum, and reluctantly photograph crimson sparks into the air to mark Krum ‘s position, so that the Durmstrang champion could be retrieved from the tangle. Despite being concisely united, he and Harry split aside again to seek the cup. [ 2 ]
Cedric spotted the cup, and sprinted towards it arsenic fast as he could. From his left, an Acromantula break onto the way and attacked him. His baton was knocked out of his hand, but the timely arrival of Harry distracted it adequate for Cedric to recover his own scepter. Although the giant spider was besides potent to be brought down by a single enchantment, Harry and Cedric both stunned it at the like time. Recovering, the two of them found themselves next to the Triwizard Cup. Having been saved by Harry doubly in the maze, Cedric urged him to take the Cup. The two argued about who should take it and win the Tournament, each pointing out that they had been helped by the early. finally, Harry suggested that they both take it for a Hogwarts victory. please, Cedric helped the injured Harry towards the Cup, and they both took control of it. Their touch activated the Cup, which had been turned into a Portkey, and the two of them were transported away. [ 2 ]
fiddling Hangleton cemetery and end
- From high above his head, he heard a high, cold voice say, “kill the spare.” A swishing noise and a second voice, which screeched the words to the night: “Avada Kedavra!” A blast of green light blazed through Harry’s eyelids, and he heard something heavy fall to ground beside him. Cedric was lying spread-eagled on the ground beside him. He was dead.” kill the spare.
Read more: France national football team
- — Harry witnessing Peter Pettigrew murdering Cedric[src]
The Portkey deposited both Cedric and Harry in an obscure cemetery. Confused, Cedric recommended proceeding with wands out until they knew what was going on. soon after their arrival, Peter Pettigrew emerged from the dark carrying the belittled human body of Lord Voldemort. At this point Harry ‘s scratch pain with acute pain, upon him being in close proximity to Voldemort. Voldemort ordered Pettigrew to “ Kill the spare “, and he used Voldemort ‘s own scepter to murder Cedric with the Killing Curse. Harry heard Cedric ‘s torso hit the ground. [ 2 ]
Assisting Harry Potter
Although dead, Cedric still had a character to play in the night ‘s events. After Voldemort was reborn, he and Harry engaged in a duel, during which their wands — which shared a wand kernel from the same phoenix — connected, creating the effect known as Priori Incantatem, the backward spell consequence. Voldemort ‘s wand began regurgitating the last spells it had cast in overrule .
Cedric ‘s shadow emerged from Voldemort ‘s baton, along with the shadows of Frank Bryce, Bertha Jorkins, and James and Lily Potter. Cedric ‘s “ echo ” asked Harry to take his body bet on to his parents while he helped the others. Harry agreed, and when he broke the wand connection, the shadows advanced on Voldemort, shielding Harry. Harry used the opportunity to take hold of Cedric ‘s torso, then summon the Cup to himself and transport them both back to Hogwarts. [ 2 ]
- “ The Ministry of Magic, does not wish me to tell you this. It is possible that some of your parents will be horrified that I have done so — either because they will not believe that Lord Voldemort has returned, or because they think I should not tell you so, young as you are. It is my belief, however, that the truth is generally preferable to lies, and that any attempt to pretend that Cedric died as the result of an accident, or some sort of blunder of his own, is an insult to his memory. “
- — Albus Dumbledore speaking highly of the late Cedric Diggory[src]
Cedric ‘s body was returned to the grounds, and Harry clung to it, refusing to let it go until Albus Dumbledore pulled him away. The crowd that had gathered for the Third Task erupted into screams when they realised what had happened, and Cedric ‘s parents were bereaved by the destine that had befallen their son ( although his mother attempted to console herself by reflecting that Cedric had not suffered in death, and that he had died after winning the Tournament, believing that the victory would have made him happy ). [ 2 ]
- Main article: Memorial feast to Cedric Diggory
Cedric ‘s death was widely felt throughout the school, and on 26 June the Leaving Feast was turned into a memorial for him, with black banners replacing the house colors. Dumbledore delivered a protection to Cedric, and relayed the events that had led to his death to the scholar torso, telling them, against the explicit wishes of the Ministry of Magic, that the young Hufflepuff had been murdered by Lord Voldemort himself. [ 2 ]
- Harry Potter : “ So, according to you, Cedric Diggory dropped dead of his own accord, did he? “
- Dolores Umbridge: “Cedric Diggory’s death was a tragic accident.“
- Harry Potter: “It was murder. Voldemort killed him, and you know it.“
- — Harry arguing with Dolores Umbridge over Cedric’s death[src]
The Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge refused to accept Harry Potter ‘s claims that Lord Voldemort had returned, and tried to hush up Cedric ‘s death, claiming that it was a freak out accident during the Tournament that killed him. He besides slandered Harry Potter as a liar and questioned Albus Dumbledore ‘s sanity. [ 17 ] In death, Cedric proved to be an inhalation to many students at Hogwarts. His end was dear and was tragic adequate to cause evening those who disliked Harry to believe his claims of Voldemort ‘s return. During the educate year after Cedric ‘s end, Hogwarts was under the alert eyes of the british Ministry of Magic with Dolores Umbridge, a high-level Ministry official being employed as Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher. She constantly told students that Harry lied about Cedric ‘s death and refused to teach any hardheaded charming. [ 17 ]
This started a rebellion amongst the students, and they formed Dumbledore ‘s Army, an alliance against Umbridge that taught students how to prepare themselves for the sidereal day that Lord Voldemort announced his return. During the D.A ‘s meetings, Cedric was a key point of matter to, with students wanting accounts of how he died, and his former girlfriend, Cho, seeking ease from Harry, by asking whether Cedric would have survived if he had known what they were being taught. Harry, in turn, assured her that Cedric had known what he ( Harry ) was teaching the other students, but Cedric was plainly ineffective to match Voldemort ‘s have and evil, and that Harry himself had made it back through commodity luck, preferably than greater endowment. [ 18 ] Later on that year, merely when demonstrable proof of the Dark Lord ‘s restitution was presented, did Fudge believe Voldemort had indeed returned and that Cedric was actually murdered. [ 17 ] Cedric was thereafter remembered as person who had not strayed across the dark path and whom had stood up to Voldemort. Harry continued to honour him by keeping a badge that read “ Support Cedric Diggory ”. [ 19 ]
Alternate timelines
By 2020, Cedric ‘s father, Amos, was even greatly grieving for his son ‘s death. When he found out Harry Potter had retrieved a Time-Turner, he begged Harry to use it to save Cedric. Harry stated that it was dangerous to meddle with fourth dimension, but his own son, Albus Potter, secretly agreed to it along with his acquaintance, Scorpius Malfoy. Although they managed to create alternate realities ( including one where Cedric lived ), it changed time excessively much and they had to restore the original timeline. indeed, the one timeline where Albus and Scorpius succeeded their goal of saving Cedric actually humiliated him in public, causing him to join the Death Eaters in bitter hatred for society ; he ended up killing Neville Longbottom, therefore preventing Nagini ‘s death, which in turn prevented Voldemort from being killed, and Harry was killed in act, therefore leading to an age of iniquity where Voldemort ruled. Albus and Scorpius prevented an attack at changing prison term a third fourth dimension by Delphi during the third base task with the help oneself of Cedric himself who rescued the two from the Dark wiccan, thinking that it was part of the task. In 2021, Harry visited Cedric ‘s grave, which was placed on a beautiful hill. He shared this experience with his son, Albus Potter, explaining that he came to say regretful for a biography that was stolen and that he visits every year on the anniversary of Cedric ‘s death. He tells Albus that Cedric was a big sorcerer and that he did not deserve his destiny. [ 20 ]
physical appearance
- Angelina Johnson : “ He’s that tall, good-looking one, isn’t he? “
- Katie Bell: “Strong and silent.“
- — A discussion regarding Cedric’s physical appearance[src]
Cedric was a improbable and extremely fine-looking young man with cheat features, darkness hair, and undimmed grey eyes. Although he was a Seeker ( a side normally taken by belittled and unaccented players ) he was well-built and beefy. [ 6 ] Because of his handsomeness, Cedric caught attention from numerous girls – Angelina Johnson commented that he was “tall and good-looking”, while Katie Bell agreed that he was “strong and silent”. even Pansy Parkinson, who normally had something negative to say about everyone ‘s appearance, acknowledged his good looks. The fact that Fleur Delacour tried to use her Veela allure on him to charm him into becoming her date for the Yule Ball was further proof of how attractive he was to the opposite sex .
personality and traits
- Amos Diggory : “ Ced’s talked about you, of course. Told us all about playing against you last year…. I said to him, I said — Ced, that’ll be something to tell your grandchildren, that will…. You beat Harry Potter! “
- Cedric Diggory: “Harry fell off his broom, Dad. I told you… it was an accident….“
- Amos Diggory: “Yes, but you didn’t fall off, did you? Always modest, our Ced, always the gentleman… but the best man won, I’m sure Harry’d say the same, wouldn’t you, eh? One falls off his broom, one stays on, you don’t need to be a genius to tell which one’s the better flier!“
- — Cedric’s modesty regarding his achievements[src]
Cedric was said to be an embodiment of the qualities of Hufflepuff House. He had a sense of fair play : during the 1993 Gryffindor/Hufflepuff match, despite his capture of the Golden Snitch ( which ensured his team ‘s victory ), Cedric immediately offered to replay the match once he found out that his opponent, Harry Potter, had fallen from his broom due to the charm of the Dementors. [ 6 ] Later on, he provided Harry with information as to how to decipher the golden egg hint for the Second Task. After Harry saved him in the maze, Cedric realised that Harry was the one who truly deserved to take the Triwizard Cup, and had no scruple with openly acknowledging it, which actually resulted in an controversy of sorts between them. This sense of fair play and his ability to accept there were those who were better than him is a definite testament to his nobility and his grace. He besides appeared to possess a strength of character that was not unlike Harry ‘s. This came into play when Fleur ‘s turning the force of her Veela capture on him while asking him to be her date for the Yule Ball. He refused, for he already had a date. Hence, it could be said that Cedric was a world of his word with noteworthy inner force, specially given how he was able to successfully resist the tempt of Veela capture ( which could be overwhelming ) and keep his previously made promise. Besides all this, Cedric was truly minor, telling his father that his victory in the Gryffindor/Hufflepuff Quidditch match had not been a truly fair one. All the female Gryffindor Chasers described him as being “strong and silent”, suggesting that he was sensible enough to speak merely when it was absolutely necessary. He was besides politely civilized to foreigners : though he supported Ireland during the 1994 Quidditch World Cup final, he was still civil to Viktor Krum ( who was from Bulgaria ). The fact that his spirit ‘s last request to Harry had only been to take his consistency back to his parents besides proved that he loved his parents dearly. While this side of him was never seen in the original timeline, he appeared to have a sense of honor and importance for his title at the school. This was proven by the fact that in one of the alternate timelines, in which he was humiliated during the Triwizard Tournament, this feel of overplus finally led him to join the Death Eaters. This means that if his pride or status had ever been shot down adequate, this feel of wrath would have turned him over to the Death Eaters .
charming abilities and skills
- “ Cedric Diggory, who also used the Bubble-Head Charm, was first to return with his hostage, though he returned one minute outside the time limit of an hour. We therefore award him forty-seven points. “
- — Ludovic Bagman praising Cedric’s impressive use of the Bubble-Head Charm during the Second Task of the Triwizard Tournament[src]
Given Cedric ‘s relatively smooth and successful engagement in the Triwizard Tournament, he was a adept and competent charming in his own proper. [ 2 ] He was besides an carry through Quidditch player. [ 6 ]
- Flying: As the Captain and Seeker of the Hufflepuff Quidditch team, Cedric was a skilful and accomplished flyer and Quidditch player, especially since the position of Seeker was generally considered to be the hardest position to play. In particular, he was noted to have a very fast swerve.[6] He even defeated Harry Potter once in a match, although this had been due to the presence of Dementors causing Harry to fall off his broom,[6] but many still considered it an impressive display of his flying abilities.[2]
- “ You were the best, you know, no competition. Cedric did this weird thing where he Transfigured a rock on the ground… turned it into a dog… he was trying to make the dragon go for the dog instead of him. Well, it was a pretty cool bit of Transfiguration… “
- — Ron Weasley regarding Cedric’s talent for transfiguration[src]
- Charms: Cedric was shown to be proficient in charm-work, using a successful Bubble-Head Charm during the second task of the Tournament, and took the subject at N.E.W.T.-level, meaning he must have achieved either an “Exceeds Expectations” or “Outstanding” at O.W.L. level. He also used the Wand-Lighting Charm to illuminate his dark surroundings whilst navigating the maze of the Third Task, along with casting the Red Sparks to alert the defeat of Viktor Krum.[2] Furthermore, Cedric was shown to be very talented in the casting of defensive charms,[18] such as the Disarming Charm and Stunning Spell;[2] he was capable of using the Stunning Spell to stun and defeat an Acromantula, a highly dangerous beast in the maze of the Third Task with Harry Potter’s help.[2]
- Indomitable willpower: Cedric was shown to possess an exceptionally strong willpower that could rival that of Harry’s. For instance, he was able to successfully resist Fleur’s Veela charm and honour his previous arrangement with Cho. This was no easy feat, as Veela charm could be particularly powerful and Fleur seemed to be turning on the full force of it upon him.[2]
Amos Diggory
- “ A memorial? I am not interested in a memorial — not anymore. I am an old man — an old dying man — and I am here to ask you — beg you — to help me get him back. “
- — An elderly Amos Diggory expressing his desire to see Cedric again to Harry Potter[src]
Amos Diggory was vastly proud of his son and his achievements, particularly when he beat Harry Potter during a Quidditch match in 1993, dismissing Cedric ‘s insistence that Harry had fallen off his broom because of Dementors just before Cedric caught the Snitch. During the Triwizard Tournament, Amos was outraged that the Daily Prophet wholly overlooked the fact that Cedric was besides a Hogwarts champion in prefer of Harry Potter, and made no mention of him at all. Despite his son trying to point out that it was n’t Harry ‘s fault, Amos countered by remarking that Harry had n’t done anything to correct them. [ 2 ] After Cedric ‘s death, Amos was overcome with grief. Along with his wife, he visited Harry in the hospital annex, and thanked him for bringing his son ‘s body back, and assured Harry that he was n’t to blame for his son ‘s death. [ 2 ]
Cho Chang
- “ Well, obviously, she’s feeling very sad, because of Cedric dying. Then I expect she’s feeling confused because she liked Cedric and now she likes Harry, and she can’t work out who she likes best. Then she’ll be feeling guilty, thinking it’s an insult to Cedric’s memory to be kissing Harry at all, and she’ll be worrying about what everyone else might say about her if she starts going out with Harry. And she probably can’t work out what her feelings toward Harry are anyway, because he was the one who was with Cedric when Cedric died, so that’s all very mixed up and painful. “
- — Hermione Granger talking about Cho’s sadness over Cedric’s death[src]
Cho Chang started dating Cedric when he asked her to be his collaborator for the Yule Ball. She was very taken with him, and they, along with the other Champions and partners, opened the dance at the Ball. During the Second Task, Cho was the “ something ” that Cedric would “ sorely miss “, and was placed into a bewitched rest. Taken beneath the waves of the lake to the Merpeople ‘s village, Cedric rescued her. During the award of points for the tax, she gave him a burn look. Cedric and Cho besides went on a date at Madam Puddifoot ‘s Tea Shop during the class. [ 2 ] Cedric ‘s death hit her hard, and she cried a lot over him. [ 2 ] In the following year, she grew closer to Harry, and was confused by her feelings for him, and felt guilty over them. however, their relationship was not to last, as she soon began using their relationship to talk about Cedric and try to get some blockage over his death, which ultimately failed as Harry disliked talking about it, and refused to, leading Cho to cry. [ 17 ]
Harry Potter
- Cedirc Diggory : “ So. We’re playing against each other again! “
- Harry Potter: “I s’pose.“
- Cedirc Diggory: “So… tell me… How did you get your name in?“
- Harry Potter: “I didn’t. I didn’t put it in. I was telling the truth.“
- Cedirc Diggory: “Ah… okay. Well… see you, then.“
- — Cedric being friendly towards Harry Potter[src]
Cedric and Harry had a relationship of common respect and friendliness, though they were not airless. In 1993, when Gryffindor and Hufflepuff played against each early in Quidditch, Cedric offered to replay the match after Harry was incapacitated by Dementors, though the Gryffindors refused, believing that Cedric caught the Golden Snitch carnival and square. [ 6 ] The surveil year, when Harry was selected as Hogwarts ‘ champion along with Cedric, Harry felt Cedric was doubting of Harry ‘s claims that he was not to blame, but he still disapproved of students wearing Support Cedric Diggory/Potter Stinks badges and discouraged it. They assisted each other multiple times during the Tournament out of thoroughly sportsmanship, agreeing in the end that they were equally winners. Both of them touching the Triwizard Cup led to Cedric ‘s murder, an consequence which haunted Harry for years. During Harry ‘s duel with Voldemort, his spirit appeared to assist Harry when the two wands connected. He asked Harry to bring his body back to his parents. When the joining was broken, he and the other spirits that appeared distracted Voldemort to buy Harry adequate time to escape to safety with his body .
- “ Harry… take my body back, will you? Take my body back to my parents…. “
- — Cedric’s echo to Harry Potter[src]
Harry risked his own life to fulfil Cedric ‘s request and retrieve his remains. He closely died as the Portkey was excessively far away to reach, forcing him to use a Summoning Charm. Harry would late use the death of Cedric ( along with the deaths of his beget and father ) as added motivation when fighting Lord Voldemort. [ 2 ] Cedric ‘s death allowed Harry to see thestrals at the begin of his fifth year. Harry avenged Cedric when he killed Voldemort at the end of the Battle of Hogwarts .
Pomona Sprout
- “ They are with Professor Sprout. She was Head of Cedric’s house, and knew him best. “
- — Albus Dumbledore in 1995, after Cedric Diggory’s death[src]
Because Cedric Diggory was a Hufflepuff student, Pomona Sprout respected him. When Harry Potter became the second Hogwarts champion in 1994, he felt that she had become distant with him as she was partial to Cedric because he was in Hufflepuff. [ 2 ] When Cedric Diggory was killed, she spoke to his parents, as she knew him best. [ 2 ]
- The name Cedric was unintentionally created by Sir Walter Scott in his Ivanhoe character Cedric the Saxon when he misspelt the name Cerdic. Cerdic was a sixth-century Saxon leader and the first king of Wessex.
- It is commonly believed that J. K. Rowling borrowed Cedric’s last name from Digory Kirke in C.S. Lewis’s Narnia series, as he is said to be one of her favourite authors.
Behind the scenes
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