Duffy the Disney Bear

Duffy the Disney Bear ( ダッフィー ) is a Disney ballpark stuffed bear that can be found at the Tokyo Disney Resort, Hong Kong Disneyland, Disneyland Paris, Shanghai Disneyland, Disney Cruise Line and once at Disneyland and Disney California Adventure Park in California, and Walt Disney World in Florida.
Reading: Duffy the Disney Bear
Duffy has two Mickey Mouse features, similarly shaped face and hip Mickey birthmark. Duffy is unique among Disney characters in that he was not first featured in a Disney movie or television show [ 1 ] until he made his television debut in the 2010 Disney Parks Christmas Day Parade. And on June 30, 2020, The Disney Parks posted on YouTube a stop apparent motion short called “ Morning Glories [ 2 ] “ featuring Duffy and Friends and then again in 2021 with another arrest gesture inadequate called “ Spring Surprise [ 3 ] “ .
history [edit ]
The Disney Bear was primitively created for and briefly sold at Disneyland ‘s Downtown Disney Once Upon a Toy patronize in Orlando in 2002 as a singular product for its opening. With The Oriental Land Company executives looking for fresh ideas and the teddy bears being culturally popular, the company adopted the character in 2004, giving it a name, a boater suit and a backstory. They aggressively marketed it in the Tokyo DisneySea park. [ 1 ] He was added as a walk-around character, becoming a regular character in 2005. [ 4 ] In 2005, the give birth, as “ My First Disney Bear, ” was the boys ‘ stand-in plaything given out at the Perfectly Princess Tea Party at Disney ‘s Grand Floridian Resort and Spa. [ 5 ] As Duffy ‘s popularity grew, executives started to retheme a sting the “ Old Cape Cod ” area at Tokyo DisneySea to add Duffy, which included changing the indicate “ Donald ‘s Boat Builders ” at the Cape Cod Cook-Off Theatre to “ My friend Duffy ”, which tells the story of how Duffy comes to life. And due to Duffy ‘s popularity amongst japanese fans, limits were set on the numeral a guest could buy. Women aged 20 to 35 lined up at stores with any new costume passing. [ 1 ] Through the One Disney theme-park/corporate inaugural of sharing IP/ideas, Duffy the Disney Bear was exported to the early Disney Parks. Duffy was released at the American Disney parks on October 14, 2010. He then joined Hong Kong Disneyland Resort on November 19, 2010. In 2012, he appeared in Disneyland Paris. And during the Disney Dreamers Everywhere event in 2013, ShellieMay joined in. [ 1 ] DisneySea began expanding the Duffy Universe. On January 15, 2010, ShellieMay was announced and on January 22 debuted in the park as Duffy ‘s friend. [ 6 ] The Disney Bear was the first base of three Duffy and Friends toys to be introduced at Tokyo DisneySea. On June 30, 2014, they introduced Gelatoni the Cat. [ 5 ] And then StellaLou the Bunny, was introduced on March 23, 2017, as separate of the Easter celebration. [ 4 ]
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The future three friends debuted at other Disney Parks and Resorts. On April 30, 2018, Hong Kong Disneyland debuted CookieAnn the Dog. [ 5 ] ‘Olu Mel the Turtle was introduced at Aulani on July 17, 2018. [ 7 ] recently on June 15, 2021, a new acquaintance for Duffy was announced to appear soon at Shanghai Disneyland as separate of the fifth anniversary. [ 8 ] Later on September 18, 2021, it was revealed on-line that the new friend would be LinaBell the Fox, who made her official debut in Shanghai on September 29. [ 9 ]
The Disney Bear ‘s Backstory ( 2002–2004 ) [edit ]
Duffy was previously known as “ The Disney Bear ” with an wholly different backstory. One day in Magic Kingdom, Mickey Mouse was walking around with his darling chemise give birth and wishes he had a best ally. Tinker Bell appeared and Mickey asked for a acquaintance. So she sprinkled pyxie dust and the hold transformed into Mickey ‘s silhouette and comes to life. then Mickey and the yield go on lots of adventures in Magic Kingdom. [ 10 ]
Duffy Bear ‘s Backstory ( 2004–present ) [edit ]
As the stream Duffy report goes, Mickey Mouse was a sea captain who sometimes felt alone because he would miss his friends and family. specially his sweetheart, Minnie Mouse. So one day, Minnie decided to make a particular teddy bear for Mickey. She besides made a bottle with a letter that said “ I hope this bear gives you happiness and luck ! ”. then, she placed everything in a duffel pocket. When Mickey got his show, he was very happy. And decided to name the digest Duffy. That night while he was asleep, Mickey had a dream that Duffy came to life dressed up as a bluejacket and said “ Mickey, let ‘s go on adventures together ! ”. The next day when Mickey woke up, the bear looked precisely like he was in the dream ! And Mickey swears even to this day that when he turned around, the wear winked at him. Mickey did n’t feel lonely anymore and started going on many adventures with Duffy, taking photos everywhere. When Mickey came back dwelling, he showed his friends all the adventures he had with Duffy. Everybody said many full things about the digest, but Goofy said it the best. He said, “ Gawrsh, that Duffy is one special bear ! ”. Soon, everybody besides wanted a Duffy hold, so Minnie got to work with Daisy Duck making Duffy ‘s for everyone. And every day, she would receive photos of their adventures with Duffy. sometimes, if you ‘re lucky, you could see Duffy walking back home from his adventures. But how ? He is just a teddy bear right ? well if you see him, you might besides say “ That Duffy is one special bear ! ” [ 1 ] [ 4 ]
[11] Duffy ‘s friends and others [edit ]
- All characters in Duffy and Friends are plush toys but come to life in Mickey’s imagination as well as in our imagination.[12] (For Tippy Blue, see below.)
- ShellieMay (January 22, 2010[6] debut @ Tokyo DisneySea) is a tan female teddy bear with a green bow and a seashell pendant, was made by Minnie Mouse for Duffy. Although Duffy and ShellieMay may be mistakenly seen as sweethearts, they are just good friends. (In fact, there are no romantic relationships among any of the characters in Duffy and Friends.) ShellieMay lives in Cape Cod in American Waterfront (Tokyo DisneySea).[5]
- Gelatoni (June 30, 2014 @ Tokyo DisneySea) is an artistic and creative green Tuxedo cat with a blue beret who sees beauty in everything. He is from Palazzo Canals in Mediterranean Harbor (Tokyo DisneySea)[5]
- StellaLou (March 23, 2017 @ Tokyo DisneySea) is a lavender rabbit with a blue flower, a tutu, and ballet shoes. She is determined to become a dancer, for which she doesn’t hesitate to work hard. She made limited appearances until August 31, 2017. On August 10, 2017, StellaLou made its first appearance at Hong Kong Disneyland. She is from New York in American Waterfront (Tokyo DisneySea).[13]
- CookieAnn (April 30, 2018 @ Hong Kong Disneyland) is a yellow dog with a chef’s hat who loves to combine different things to come up with unique recipes and ideas. She is from Main Street U.S.A (Hong Kong Disneyland). Her name was originally Cookie until it was changed to CookieAnn in 2019.[5]
- ‘Olu Mel (July 27, 2018 @ Aulani, A Disney Resort and Spa) is a shy turtle who loves making music with his ukulele. He feels very close to nature, and sometimes, he can play music with it. He is often found in Hawaii at Aulani. His costume character first appeared in Shanghai Disneyland on September 1, 2020 for Duffy Month. [14] His name was originally ‘Olu, until it was changed to ‘Olu Mel.
- LinaBell (September 29, 2021 @ Shanghai Disneyland) is a smart pink fox with a purple orchid who loves to solve problems and mysteries by finding clues using her trademark magnifying glass.[15]
- Tippy Blue is a secondary character in Duffy and Friends. He is not a plush toy like the rest of the characters in Duffy and Friends. Tippy Blue is a mailman seagull character who at times carelessly makes mistakes despite his good intentions. He has appeared in some Duffy stories and has narrated in the My Friend Duffy show in Cape Cod (Tokyo DisneySea).
Park attractions [edit ]
- “My Friend Duffy” show (at the Cape Cod Cook-Off Theatre in Cape Cod at Tokyo DisneySea)[1]
- Meet and Greet (Tokyo DisneySea American Waterfront in front of the S.S. Columbia)[4]
- Meet and Greet (Epcot’s World Showcase) ended Saturday, October 3, 2015[16]
- Meet and Greet “My Journeys with Duffy” (Main Street Cinema, Hong Kong Disneyland) Duffy with ShellieMay and Gelatoni; They were joined by StellaLou on 10 August 2017,[13] Cookie (later renamed CookieAnn) on 3 July 2018, and ‘Olu Mel (originally named ‘Olu prior to arriving in Hong Kong) on 20 November 2020.
- “Steps To Shine!” show (a show at the American Waterfront that is a successor to the previous show, “A Table Is Waiting” ). It ran from July 11, 2017 to March 19, 2018. It would be replaced by another show, “Hello, New York!” [17]
- The Duffy and Friends Show (near the entrance of Shanghai Disneyland). It started sometime in May 2017.
- Duffy and Friends: Celebrating Together show (near the entrance of Shanghai Disneyland). It ran from September 2 to September 30, 2020 for the Duffy Month. This is the first time CookieAnn and ‘Olu Mel speak.
- Duffy’s Bedtime Story (a show at the Disneyland Paris hotel). This is the first time Duffy and ShellieMay speak in English.
- Duffy’s Pre-Splashing Parade (a show that only runs in the summer at Shanghai Disneyland)
- A Duffy and Friends Celebration (a show that at the Storybook Theatre at Hong Kong Disneyland)
- Meet and Greet (on a boat at Tokyo DisneySea’s Mediterranean Harbor). A temporary way to meet Duffy, ShellieMay, Gelatoni, StellaLou, and Oul Mel due to the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions.