พร, เม, ยร, ฤด, กาล, 2015, ภาษาอ, เฝ, าด, แก, ไข, งกฤษ, 2015, premier, league, เป, นการแข, งข, นพร, เม, ยร, ฤด, กาลท, บแต, เร, มจ, ดการแข, งข, นคร, งแรกในป, 1992, โดยจะเร, มต, นฤด, กาลว, นท, งหาคม, 2015, มเข, าร, วมแข, งข, นในล, โดยม, มเด, มจากฤด, กาลก, อน, แล. phriemiyrlik vdukal 2015 16 phasaxun efadu aekikh phriemiyrlik vdukal 2015 16 xngkvs 2015 16 Premier League epnkaraekhngkhnphriemiyrlik vdukalthi 24 nbaeterimcdkaraekhngkhnkhrngaerkinpi kh s 1992 odycaerimtnvdukalwnthi 8 singhakhm kh randomness 2015 5 mithimekharwmaekhngkhninlik 20 thim odymi 17 thimedimcakvdukalkxn aelaxik 3 thimthieluxnchnkhunmacakfutbxllikaechmepiynchiph odymi 2 thimthiideluxnchnodyxtonmti idaek wxtfxrd exexfsibxrnmth aelaxik 1 thimthiepnphuchnainrxbephlyxxf khux nxrichsitiphriemiyrlikvdukal2015 16chnaeliselsetxrsiti aechmpphriemiyrlik smyaerktkchnaexstnwilla niwkhasesilyuinetd nxrichsitiyufaaechmepiynslikxaresnxl elsetxrsiti aemnechsetxrsiti thxtnmhxtsepxryufayuorpalikaemnechsetxryuinetd esaaethmptncanwnkaraekhngkhnthnghmd380canwnpratuthnghmd1026 2 7 txnd phuyingpratusungsudaehrri ekhn 25 pratu 1 thimehyachnasungsudaemnechsetxrsiti 6 1 niwkhasesilyuinetd 3 tulakhm 2015 2 thimeyuxnchnasungsudaexstnwilla 0 6 liewxrphul 14 kumphaphnth 2016 2 pratusungsudnxrichsiti 4 5 liewxrphul 23 mkrakhm 2016 sthitichnatidtxknsungsud6 nd 3 thxtnmhxtsepxrsthitiimaephtidtxknsungsud15 north dakota 3 echlsisthitiimchnatidtxknsungsud19 north dakota 3 aexstnwillasthitiaephtidtxknsungsud11 neodymium 3 aexstnwillaphuekhachmmakthisud75 415 khn 4 aemnechsetxryuinetd 2 1 swxnsisiti 2 mkrakhm 2016 phuekhachmnxythisud10 863 khn 4 bxrnmth 1 3 sotksiti 13 kumphaphnth 2016 phuekhachmthnghmd13 851 698 khn 4 phuekhachmodyechliy36 451 khn 4 2014 152016 17 odyrwmaelw cnthungwnthi 1 knyayn kh sulfur 2015 sungepnwnsudthaythikarsuxkhayphuelninthwipyuorpaelapraethsxngkvscblng phriemiyrlikinvdukalninbwaepnvdukalthiichcanwnenginsuxkhaytwkninrakhathisungepnprawtisastr odyrwmaelwmimulkhathung 870 lanpxnd praman 47 850 lanbath aelahakrwmthungtnpithiphanma sungxyuinvdukalkxn kepnmulkhasungthung 1 000 lanpxnd praman 55 000 lanbath odythuxepnlikthiichenginmakthisudinyuorpdwy sahrbthimthiichengininkarsuxtwphuelnmakthisud khux aemnechsetxrsiti odyvdukalthiaelw khux aemnechsetxryuinetd dwykarsuxtw ekfin edx ebryenx inrakha 55 lanpxnd praman 3 025 lanbath rahim setxrling inrakha 49 lanpxnd praman 2 695 lanbath nxkcakniyngcayenginepnkhatwkhxngniokls oxtaemndi xik 33 lanpxnd praman 1 815 lanbath 6 aelathimthirakhabtrekhachmkaraekhngkhnthiaephngthisudinvdukalni khux xaresnxl odybtrekhachmraypisungthung 2 013 pxnd praman 110 715 bath khnathithimthimirakhabtrekhachmthukthisud khux sotksiti btrekhachmraypirakha 294 pxnd praman 16 170 bathroom 7 enuxha 1 thim 1 1 thitngaelasnam 1 2 thimaelachudaekhngkhn 1 3 epliynphucdkarthim 2 tarangkhaaenn 3 phlkaraekhngkhn 4 sthititlxdvdukal 4 1 karthapratu 4 1 1 phuthapratusungsud 4 1 2 aehth thrikhs 4 1 3 khlinchits 4 2 karlngoths 4 2 1 phueln 4 2 2 somsr 5 rangwl 5 1 rangwlpracaeduxn 5 2 rangwlpracapi 5 2 1 thimyxdeyiympracapikhxngphiexfex 5 2 2 phucdkarthimyxdeyiympracavdukalkhxngphriemiyrlik 5 2 3 nkfutbxlyxdeyiympracavdukalkhxngphriemiyrlik 5 2 4 nkfutbxlyxdeyiymaehngpikhxngphiexfex 5 2 5 nkfutbxlyxdeyiymaehngpikhxngsmakhmphusuxkhawxngkvs 5 2 6 nkfutbxldawrungyxdeyiymaehngpikhxngphiexfex 6 phuekhachm 7 xangxing 8 aehlngkhxmulxunthim aekikh exexfsibxrnmth exfewxrtn liewxrphul aemnechsetxrsiti aemnechsetxryuinetd niwkhasesilyuinetd nxrichsiti lxndxn esaaethmptn sotksiti snedxraelnd swxnsisiti wxtfxrd ewstbrxmmichxlebiyn aexstnwilla elsetxrsiti thimcak lxndxn xaresnxl echlsi khristlphaels thxtnmhxtsepxr ewstaehmyuinetdthitngkhxngthiminkaraekhngkhnphriemiyrlik vdukal 2015 16 xaresnxl echlsi khristlphaels thxtnmhxtsepxr ewstaehmyuinetdthitngkhxngthimcaklxndxn thimekhaaekhngkhnthnghmd 20 thim odyepn 17 thimcakinvdukal 2014 15 aelaxik 3 thimthieluxnkhuncakfutbxllikaechmepiynchip vdukal 2014 15 thitngaelasnam aekikh thim thitng snam khwamcu 8 exexfsibxrnmth bxrnmth dinkhxrt 11 464xaresnxl lxndxn hxlolewy exmiertssetediym 60 260aexstnwilla ebxrmingaehm willaphark 42 660echlsi lxndxn fulm saetmfxrdbridc 41 798khristlphaels lxndxn esanxrwud eslehistphark 25 073exfewxrtn liewxrphul kudisnphark 39 571elsetxrsiti elsetxr khingphawewxrsetediym 32 312liewxrphul liewxrphul aexnfild 44 742aemnechsetxrsiti aemnechsetxr extihdsetediym 55 097aemnechsetxryuinetd aemnechsetxr oxldaethrffxrd 75 653niwkhasesilyuinetd niwkhasesilxaphxnithn esntecmsphark 52 338nxrichsiti nxrich aekhrorword 27 010esaaethmptn esaaethmptn esntaemrissetediym 32 505sotksiti sotk xxn ethrnt briaethneniysetediym 27 740snedxraelnd snedxraelnd setediymxxfilt 48 707swxnsisiti swxnsi liebxrtisetediym 20 909thxtnmhxtsepxr lxndxn thxtnm iwtharteln 36 284wxtfxrd wxtfxrd wikharicord 21 500ewstbrxmmichxlebiyn ewstbrxmmich edxahxwthxrn 26 850ewstaehmyuinetd lxndxn xptnphark bulinkrawnd 35 345thimaelachudaekhngkhn aekikh hmayehtu thngaesdngchatinnepnipphayitkdkhxngfifa nkfutbxlaelaphucdkarxaccathuxmakkwa 1 sychati thim phucdkar1 kptnthim phuphlitesux spxnesxrexexfsibxrnmth haw exddi exddi hawthorn exlfikh thxmmi thxmmi exlfikh ecdispxrts 9 aemnchnkrup 10 xaresnxl aewngaekr xaraesn xaraesn aewngaekr xaretta miekl miekl xaretta phuma 11 exmierts 12 aexstnwilla xirikh aeblkh rksakar richads imkhah imkhah richads makhrxn 13 xinthuxichkhwikbukhs 14 echlsi hiddingkh kus kus hiddingkh rksakar ethrri cxhn cxhn ethrri xadidas 15 oyokhama 16 khristlphaels phardiw aexln aexln phardiw ecdinkh miel miel ecdinkh makhrxn 17 aemnchnkrup 18 exfewxrtn edwid xnsewirth oc rxyl rksakar cakilka fil fil cakilka xmobr 19 chang jiang 20 elsetxrsiti raniexri ekhladiox ekhladiox raniexri mxraekn ews ews mxraekn phuma 21 khingphawewxr 22 liewxrphul khlxphph eyuxrekin eyuxrekin khlxphph ehnedxrsn cxraedn cxraedn ehnedxrsn niwbalans 23 saetndardcharetxrd 24 aemnechsetxrsiti epeykrini manwyl manwyl epeykrini kngpani aewngsxng aewngsxng kngpani inki 25 exthihdaexrewy 26 aemnechsetxryuinetd fn khal luwi luwi fn khal runiy ewyn ewyn runiy xadidas 27 echforelt 28 niwkhasesilyuinetd ebniets rafaexl rafaexl ebniets okhlxchchini fabrisiox fabrisiox okhlxchchini phuma 29 wxngka 30 nxrichsiti nothing xelks xelks nothing martin rsesll rsesll martin exxreriy 31 xawiwa 32 esaaethmptn kumn ornld ornld kumn fngtux chuaes chuaes fngtux xadidas 33 wioh 34 sotksiti hiws scar set hiws chxwkhrxs irxn irxn chxwkhrxs niwbalans 35 ebt365 36 snedxraelnd xllarids aesm aesm xllarids oxech cxhn cxhn oxech xadidas 37 dafaebt 38 swxnsisiti frnechsok kuyodlin wileliyms aexchliy aexchliy wileliyms xadidas 39 cidbebilyuexfexks 40 thxtnmhxtsepxr opestion emarisiox emarisiox opestion oyris xuwok xuwok oyris xnedxrxamwr 41 exixex 42 wxtfxrd oflers kiek kiek oflers diniy thrxy thrxy diniy phuma 43 138 com 44 ewstbrxmmichxlebiyn phulis othni othni phulis efltechxr aedrern aedrern efltechxr xadidas 45 thiaexlsiebtewstaehmyuinetd bilich slaewn slaewn bilich onebil check commemorate onebil xmobr 46 ebtewy 47 1 tamraychuxin raychuxphucdkarthiminfutbxllikxngkvs chudkrrmkarphutdsinphlitody inki aelaphusnbsnunkhux xiex spxrts odylukfutbxlthiichinkaraekhngkhn khux inkioxedmphriemiyrlikhepliynphucdkarthim aekikh thim phucdkarkhnkxn ehtuthixxk wnthi xndbintarangkhaaenn phucdkarkhnihm wnthiidrbkaraetngtngewstaehmyuinetd name aesm xllarids sinsudsyya 24 phvsphakhm 2015 48 kxnerimvdukal slaewn bilich 9 mithunayn 2015 49 wxtfxrd name slawicha yxkhanxwich 5 mithunayn 2015 50 identify kiek oflers 5 mithunayn 2015 50 niwkhasesilyuinetd name cxhn kharewxr thukilxxk 9 mithunayn 2015 51 name stif aemkhkhlaern 10 mithunayn 2015 52 elsetxrsiti name inecl ephiyrsn 30 mithunayn 2015 53 name ekhladiox raniexri 13 krkdakhm 2015 54 snedxraelnd diagnose dik xdofkat laxxk 4 tulakhm 2015 55 xndbthi 19 name aesm xllarids 9 tulakhm 2015 56 liewxrphul name ebrndn rxdecxs thukilxxk 4 tulakhm 2015 57 xndbthi 10 name eyuxrekin khlxphph 8 tulakhm 2015 58 aexstnwilla appoint thim echxrwud 25 tulakhm 2015 59 xndbthi 19 identify ermi kard 2 phvscikayn 2015 60 swxnsisiti name aekri mngk 9 thnwakhm 2015 61 xndbthi 15 name xaln ekhxrtis rksakar 7 mkrakhm 2016 62 echlsi name oches murinoy khwamyinyxmrwmkn 63 17 thnwakhm 2015 64 xndbthi 16 diagnose kus hiddingkh 19 thnwakhm 2015 65 swxnsisiti name xaln ekhxrtis sinsudkarkhumthimrksakar 18 mkrakhm 2016 66 xndbthi 18 name frnechsok kuyodlin 18 mkrakhm 2016 66 niwkhasesilyuinetd name stif aemkhkhlaern thukilxxk 11 minakhm 2016 67 xndbthi 19 name rafaexl ebniets 11 minakhm 2016 68 aexstnwilla name ermi kard khwamyinyxmrwmkn 29 minakhm 2016 69 xndbthi 20 name xirikh aeblkh 29 minakhm 2016 70 exfewxrtn martiens orebrot orebrot martiens thukilxxk 12 phvsphakhm 2016 71 xndbthi 12 edwid xnsewirth rksakar 12 phvsphakhm 2016tarangkhaaenn aekikhxndb thimdkhk national liberation army chna esmx aeph id esiy bladderwrack khaaenn karphanekharxbhruxkartkchn1 elsetxrsiti C 38 23 12 3 68 36 32 81 phanekharxbsu yufaaechmepiynslik rxbaebngklum2 xaresnxl 38 20 11 7 65 36 29 713 thxtnmhxtsepxr 38 19 13 6 69 35 34 704 aemnechsetxrsiti 38 19 9 10 71 41 30 66 phanekharxbsu yufaaechmepiynslik rxbephlyxxf5 aemnechsetxryuinetd 38 19 9 10 49 35 14 66 phanekharxbsu yufayuorpalik rxbaebngklum a 6 esaaethmptn 38 18 9 11 59 41 18 637 ewstaehmyuinetd 38 16 14 8 65 51 14 62 phanekharxbsu yufayuorpalik rxbkhdeluxkrxbsam b 8 liewxrphul 38 16 12 10 63 50 13 609 sotksiti 38 14 9 15 41 55 14 5110 echlsi 38 12 14 12 59 53 6 5011 exfewxrtn 38 11 14 13 59 55 4 4712 swxnsisiti 38 12 11 15 42 52 10 4713 wxtfxrd 38 12 9 17 40 50 10 4514 ewstbrxmmichxlebiyn 38 10 13 15 34 48 14 4315 khristlphaels 38 11 9 18 39 51 12 4216 exexfsibxrnmth 38 11 9 18 45 67 22 4217 snedxraelnd 38 9 12 17 48 62 14 3918 niwkhasesilyuinetd R 38 9 10 19 44 65 21 37 tkchnsu futbxllikaechmepiynchip vdukal 2016 1719 nxrichsiti R 38 9 7 22 39 67 28 3420 aexstnwilla R 38 3 8 27 27 76 49 17prbprungkhxmullasud wnthi 22 phvsphakhm kh south 2016 aehlngthima phriemiyrlik kdkarcdxndb 1 khaaenn 2 phltangpratu 3 praturwm 72 C chnaelis R tkchn hmayehtu aemnechsetxryuinetd idphanekharxbekhaipelnin yufayuorpalik rxbaebngklum dwykarchnaelisin exfexkhph vdukal 2015 16 aelacbxndbthi 5 thaihokhwtacathuksngphanipyngthimxndbthi 6 intarangkhaaennkkhux esaaethmptn tngaetphuchnakhxng futbxllikkhph vdukal 2015 16 aemnechsetxrsiti inkhnaniidmikhunsmbtisahrbkaraekhngkhninsomsryuorpkhunxyukbxndbinlikkhxngphwkekha cudnicungtkmaxyuthithimchnaelisfutbxllikkhph yuorpalik rxbkhdeluxkrxbsam cathuksngphanipyngthimxndbthi 7 kkhux ewstaehmyuinetd sungepnthimxndbsungsudintarangkhaaennthiimidipaekhngkhninradbsomsryuorpphlkaraekhngkhn aekikhehya eyuxn1 ARS AST BOU CHE CRY EVE LEI LIV MCI MUN NEW NOR SOU STK SUN SWA TOT WAT WBA WHUxaresnxl 4 0 2 0 0 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 0 0 2 1 3 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 3 1 1 2 1 1 4 0 2 0 0 2aexstnwilla 0 2 1 2 0 4 1 0 1 3 1 1 0 6 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 2 4 0 1 2 2 1 2 0 2 2 3 0 1 1 1exexfsibxrnmth 0 2 0 1 1 4 0 0 3 3 1 1 1 2 0 4 2 1 0 1 3 0 2 0 1 3 2 0 3 2 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 3echlsi 2 0 2 0 0 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 3 0 3 1 1 5 1 1 0 1 3 1 1 3 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2khristlphaels 1 2 2 1 1 2 0 3 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 1 0 0 5 1 1 0 1 0 2 1 0 1 0 0 1 3 1 2 2 0 1 3exfewxrtn 0 2 4 0 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 0 2 0 3 3 0 3 0 1 1 3 4 6 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 0 1 2 3elsetxrsiti 2 5 3 2 0 0 2 1 1 0 3 1 2 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 3 0 4 2 4 0 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2liewxrphul 3 3 3 2 1 0 1 1 1 2 4 0 1 0 3 0 0 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 4 1 2 2 1 0 1 1 2 0 2 2 0 3aemnechsetxrsiti 2 2 4 0 5 1 3 0 4 0 0 0 1 3 1 4 0 1 6 1 2 1 3 1 4 0 4 1 2 1 1 2 2 0 2 1 1 2aemnechsetxryuinetd 3 2 1 0 3 1 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 3 0 3 0 2 1 1 0 1 0 2 0 0 0niwkhasesilyuinetd 0 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 0 0 1 0 3 2 0 1 1 3 3 6 2 2 2 0 0 1 1 3 0 5 1 1 2 1 0 2 1nxrichsiti 1 1 2 0 3 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 4 5 0 0 0 1 3 2 1 0 1 1 0 3 1 0 0 3 4 2 0 1 2 2esaaethmptn 4 0 1 1 2 0 1 2 4 1 0 3 2 2 3 2 4 2 2 3 3 1 3 0 0 1 1 1 3 1 0 2 2 0 3 0 1 0sotksiti 0 0 2 1 2 1 1 0 1 2 0 3 2 2 0 1 2 0 2 0 1 0 3 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 0 4 0 2 0 1 2 1snedxraelnd 0 0 3 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 3 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 2 1 3 0 1 3 0 1 2 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 2 2swxnsisiti 0 3 1 0 2 2 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 3 3 1 1 1 2 1 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 2 4 2 2 1 0 1 0 0 0thxtnmhxtsepxr 2 2 3 1 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 4 1 3 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 2 2 4 1 2 1 1 0 1 1 4 1wxtfxrd 0 3 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 3 0 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 0 0 0 1 2 2 2 1 0 1 2 0 0 2 0ewstbrxmmichxlebiyn 2 1 0 0 1 2 2 3 3 2 2 3 2 3 1 1 0 3 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 2 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 3ewstaehmyuinetd 3 3 2 0 3 4 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 0 2 2 3 2 2 0 2 2 2 1 0 0 1 0 1 4 1 0 3 1 1 1 xpedtlasudwnthi 17 phvsphakhm kh south 2016 aehlngkhxmul skxraelaphlkaraekhngkhnfutbxlbarekhlysphriemiyrlik 1khxlmndansaymuxhmaythungthimehya ti fa thimehyachna ehluxng esmx aedng thimeyuxnchna sahrbaemtchthikalngmathung xksr a hmaythung mibthkhwamekiywkbaemtchnnsthititlxdvdukal aekikhkarthapratu aekikh phuthapratusungsud aekikh newton wnthi 15 phvsphakhm kh s 2016 1 xndb phueln somsr pratu1 aehrri ekhn thxtnmhxtsepxr 252 esrkhiox xakuexor aemnechsetxrsiti 24 ecmi wardi elsetxrsiti4 oremlu lukaku exfewxrtn 185 riyad mahers elsetxrsiti 176 xxliwiey chiru xaresnxl 167 ecxremn edof snedxraelnd 15 oxdixxn xikhaol wxtfxrd9 thrxy diniy wxtfxrd 13 xaelksis sanechs xaresnxlaehth thrikhs aekikh phueln thim phbkbthim phl wnthi xangxing wilsn khllm khllm wilsn exexfsibxrnmth ewstaehmyuinetd 4 3 000000002015 08 22 0000 22 singhakhm 2015 73 ensmith stiewn stiewn ensmith exfewxrtn echlsi 3 1 000000002015 09 12 0000 12 knyayn 2015 74 sanechs xaelksis xaelksis sanechs xaresnxl elsetxrsiti 5 2 000000002015 09 26 0000 26 knyayn 2015 75 xakuexor esrkhiox esrkhiox xakuexor 5 aemnechsetxrsiti niwkhasesilyuinetd 6 1 000000002015 10 03 0000 3 tulakhm 2015 76 setxrling rahim rahim setxrling aemnechsetxrsiti exexfsibxrnmth 5 1 000000002015 10 17 0000 17 tulakhm 2015 77 iwnldum cxrcinioy cxrcinioy iwnldum 4 niwkhasesilyuinetd nxrichsiti 6 2 000000002015 10 18 0000 18 tulakhm 2015 78 ekhn aehrri aehrri ekhn thxtnmhxtsepxr exexfsibxrnmth 5 1 000000002015 10 25 0000 25 tulakhm 2015 79 okhen xaruna xaruna okhen exfewxrtn snedxraelnd 6 2 000000002015 11 01 0000 1 phvscikayn 2015 80 mahers riyad riyad mahers elsetxrsiti swxnsisiti 3 0 000000002015 12 05 0000 5 thnwakhm 2015 81 edof ecxremn ecxremn edof snedxraelnd swxnsisiti 4 2 000000002016 01 13 0000 13 mkrakhm 2016 82 aekhrorll aexndi aexndi aekhrorll ewstaehmyuinetd xaresnxl 3 3 000000002016 04 09 0000 9 emsayn 2016 83 xakuexor esrkhiox esrkhiox xakuexor aemnechsetxrsiti echlsi 3 0 000000002016 04 16 0000 16 emsayn 2016 84 maen sadioy sadioy maen esaaethmptn aemnechsetxrsiti 4 2 000000002016 05 01 0000 1 phvsphakhm 2016 85 chiru xxliwiey xxliwiey chiru xaresnxl aexstnwilla 4 0 000000002016 05 15 0000 15 phvsphakhm 2016 86 hmayehtu 4 phuelnthithakhnediyw 4 pratu 5 phuelnthithakhnediyw 5 pratu khlinchits aekikh nitrogen wnthi 15 phvsphakhm kh randomness 2016 87 xndb phueln somsr khlin chits1 epetxr echkh xaresnxl 162 dabid erectile dysfunction ekhxa aemnechsetxryuinetd 15 oc hart aemnechsetxrsiti aekhsepxr simekil elsetxrsiti5 xuwok oyris thxtnmhxtsepxr 136 exwerlyu okmis wxtfxrd 11 simng miyxael liewxrphul8 aeck btaelnd sotksiti 109 exedriyn ewstaehmyuinetd 9 wukch faebiyyski swxnsisitikarlngoths aekikh north wnthi 11 phvsphakhm kh s 2016phueln aekikh ibehluxngmakthisud 11 88 aeck khxlaebk niwkhasesil ibaedngmakthisud 3 88 wiketxr wanyama esaaethmptn somsr aekikh ibehluxngmakthisud 74 89 aexstnwillaibaedngmakthisud 6 89 esathaehmptnrangwl aekikhrangwlpracaeduxn aekikh eduxn phucdkarthimyxdeyiympracaeduxn phuelnyxdeyuympracaeduxn xangxingphucdkarthim somsr phueln somsrsinghakhm manwyl epeykrini aemnechsetxrsiti xxngedr xayiw swxnsisiti 90 knyayn emarisiox opechtion thxtnmhxtsepxr xxngtxni marsiyal aemnechsetxryuinetd 91 tulakhm xaraesn aewngaekr xaresnxl ecmi wardi elsetxrsiti 92 phvscikayn ekhladiox raniexri elsetxrsiti ecmi wardi elsetxrsiti 93 thnwakhm kiek sanechs oflers wxtfxrd oxdixxn xikhaol wxtfxrd 94 mkrakhm ornld kumn esaaethmptn esrkhiox xakuexor aemnechsetxrsiti 95 kumphaphnth emarisiox opechtion thxtnmhxtsepxr efresxr fxrsetxr esaaethmptn 96 minakhm ekhladiox raniexri elsetxrsiti aehrri ekhn thxtnmhxtsepxr 97 emsayn ekhladiox raniexri elsetxrsiti esrkhiox xakuexor aemnechsetxrsiti 98 rangwlpracapi aekikh thimyxdeyiympracapikhxngphiexfex aekikh thimyxdeyiympracapikhxngphiexfex 99 erectile dysfunction ekhxa xledxrewerild ebeyrin mxraekn ors mahers xlli kxnget paaeyt wardi ekhn thimyxdeyiympracapikhxngphiexfex idaek 99 phurksapratu dabid ed ekhxa aemnechsetxryuinetd kxnghlng exktxr ebeyrin xaresnxl ews mxraekn elsetxrsiti otbi xledxrewerild thxtnm hxtsepxr aednni ors thxtnm hxtsepxr kxngklang riyad mahers elsetxrsiti edel xlli thxtnm hxtsepxr exnokol kxnget elsetxrsiti dimithri paaeyt ewstaehm yuinetd kxnghna ecmi wardi elsetxrsiti aehrri ekhn thxtnm hxtsepxr phucdkarthimyxdeyiympracavdukalkhxngphriemiyrlik aekikh ekhladiox raniexri nkfutbxlyxdeyiympracavdukalkhxngphriemiyrlik aekikh ecmi wardi idthukesnxchux nkfutbxlyxdeyiympracavdukalkhxngphriemiyrlik 100 nkfutbxlyxdeyiymaehngpikhxngphiexfex aekikh rangwlnkfutbxlyxdeyiymaehngpikhxngphiexfex idaek riyad mahers 101 nkfutbxlyxdeyiymaehngpikhxngsmakhmphusuxkhawxngkvs aekikh rangwlnkfutbxlyxdeyiymaehngpikhxngsmakhmphusuxkhawxngkvs idaek ecmi wardi 102 nkfutbxldawrungyxdeyiymaehngpikhxngphiexfex aekikh rangwlnkfutbxldawrungyxdeyiymaehngpikhxngphiexfex idaek edel xlli 103 phuekhachm aekikhxndb thim rwm sungsud tasud echliy epliynaeplng1 aemnechsetxryuinetd 225 962 75 354 75 261 75 321 0 0 2 xaresnxl 180 039 60 080 59 963 60 013 0 0 3 aemnechsetxrsiti 107 549 54 331 53 218 53 775 18 5 4 niwkhasesilyuinetd 99 407 50 388 49 019 49 704 1 3 5 liewxrphul 87 782 44 102 43 680 43 891 1 7 6 echlsi 82 813 41 581 41 232 41 407 0 3 7 snedxraelnd 120 880 41 379 39 198 40 293 6 6 8 exfewxrtn 116 586 39 063 38 523 38 862 1 2 9 aexstnwilla 77 599 42 200 35 399 38 800 13 7 10 thxtnmhxtsepxr 71 869 36 004 35 865 35 935 0 6 11 ewstaehmyuinetd 104 741 34 977 34 857 34 914 0 1 12 elsetxrsiti 64 213 32 242 31 971 32 107 1 3 13 esaaethmptn 60 539 30 966 29 573 30 270 1 2 14 sotksiti 54 401 27 654 26 747 27 201 0 4 15 nxrichsiti 80 825 27 036 26 771 26 942 2 2 116 khristlphaels 75 194 25 295 24 732 25 065 2 6 17 ewstbrxmmichxlebiyn 72 085 24 564 23 256 24 028 4 1 18 swxnsisiti 20 678 20 678 20 678 20 678 0 6 19 wxtfxrd 60 234 20 166 20 011 20 078 20 5 120 exexfsibxrnmth 22 310 11 155 11 155 11 155 8 7 1rwm 1 655 288 75 354 11 155 35 985 0 5 prbprunglasudinndkaraekhngkhnemuxwnthi 14 knyayn kh south 2015 aehlngkhxmul 104 105 106 hmayehtu 1 thimthiimidlngelnemuxvdukalthiaelwinphriemiyrlikxangxing aekikh 1 0 1 1 Barclays Premier League Statistics Top Scorers ESPN FC Entertainment and Sports Programming Network ESPN subkhnemux 8 August 2015 2 0 2 1 Barclays Premier League football scores amp results premierleague com subkhnemux 24 singhakhm 2015 3 0 3 1 3 2 3 3 Premier League Summary whoscored com subkhnemux 8 singhakhm 2015 4 0 4 1 4 2 4 3 Barclays Premier League Statistics 2015 16 ESPN FC Entertainment and Sports Programming Network ESPN subkhnemux 8 singhakhm 2015 Premier League 2015 16 season to kick off early on Aug 8 8 mkrakhm 2015 subkhnemux 2 minakhm 2015 hna 19 txcakhna 17 kila phriemiyrlikthubsthitisuxnketa phriemiyrlikmuxetib phngtladndeta edliniwschbbthi 24 066 wnphvhsbdithi 3 knyayn ph south 2558 aerm 5 kha eduxn 9 pimaaem hna 19 txcakhna 17 kila punaechmpkhatwaephngsudphriemiyrlik thxffimisotns dwlaekhng phiaedng edliniwschbbthi 24 109 wnsukrthi 16 tulakhm ph sulfur 2558 khun 4 kha eduxn 11 pimaaem Premier League Handbook Season 2015 16 PDF premierleague com subkhnemux 8 August 2015 AFC Bournemouth reveal home kit for the 2015 16 season AFC Bournemouth uncover Mansion Group as Premier League shirt sponsor afcb cobalt united kingdom subkhnemux 30 June 2015 PUMA and Arsenal announce partnership Arsenal Broadband subkhnemux 23 June 2015 Arsenal football club in 150m Emirates deal BBC News 23 November 2012 subkhnemux 23 June 2015 Aston Villa secure fresh 15 million kit out cover with Macron Intuit QuickBooks announced as chief clubhouse patronize 9 January 2015 Chelsea agree whopping 300m kit deal with sportswear giants adidas casual Mail subkhnemux 23 June 2015 Chelsea seal 200m shirt sponsorship softwood with Yokohama Rubber The Guardian subkhnemux 23 June 2015 CPFC And Macron Sign New Kit Deal Crystal Palace FC subkhnemux 23 June 2015 Cabaye Signs For Palace cpfc conscientious objector united kingdom subkhnemux 10 July 2015 Everton agree five year consider with Umbro to supply club kits from begin of next season Daily Mail subkhnemux 23 June 2015 Blues Strike Record Chang Deal Everton FC subkhnemux 23 June 2015 Leicester City announce Puma Kit Deal footballshirtculture com subkhnemux 23 June 2015 2014 15 PUMA Home Kit nowadays On Sale lcfc com subkhnemux 23 June 2015 Liverpool announce criminal record breaking 300m kit cover with New Balance from adjacent season Daily Mail subkhnemux 23 June 2015 Liverpool perplex with shirt patron Standard Charter after penning two year annex Daily Mail subkhnemux 23 June 2015 Ogden Mark 4 May 2012 Manchester City s six year kit cope with Nike could earn the Premier League leaders up to 12million a year The Daily Telegraph London subkhnemux 23 June 2015 Taylor Daniel 8 July 2011 Manchester City bank record 400m sponsorship conduct with Etihad Airways The Guardian London subkhnemux 23 June 2015 Manchester United and Adidas in 750m manage over 10 years BBC subkhnemux 23 June 2015 Manchester United s 53m shirt conduct with Chevrolet unaffected despite likely absence of Champions League Telegraph Media Group subkhnemux 23 June 2015 Newcastle Unveil 2014 15 Away Kit nufc co united kingdom subkhnemux 23 June 2015 Newcastle Agree Four Year Wonga Deal nufc co united kingdom subkhnemux 23 June 2015 Norwich City Partners Norwich City FC subkhnemux 25 June 2015 Norwich City Partners Norwich City FC subkhnemux 25 June 2015 adidas to return for 2015 16 season Southampton FC subkhnemux 23 June 2015 Veho announced as new Main Club Sponsor Southampton FC subkhnemux 23 June 2015 Stoke City FC Announce New Balance Kit Deal Stoke City FC subkhnemux 23 June 2015 Stoke City bet365 put their shirts on Stoke City thisisstaffordshire cobalt united kingdom subkhnemux 23 June 2015 SAFC and adidas partnership extended Sunderland AFC subkhnemux 23 June 2015 Sunderland announce Dafabet as fresh club presenter Sky Sports subkhnemux 23 June 2015 Swansea Extend Adidas Kit Deal footballshirtculture com subkhnemux 23 June 2015 NEW SWANSEA CITY 14 15 KITS RELEASED subkhnemux 23 June 2015 Spurs announce 50million kit cope Daily Mirror subkhnemux 23 June 2015 AIA TO BECOME TOTTENHAM HOTSPUR S NEW PRINCIPAL PARTNER tottenhamhotspur com Tottenham Hotspur FC subkhnemux 23 June 2015 WATFORD FC HOME KIT 2015 16 Your time Is now world wide web watfordfc com subkhnemux 23 June 2015 138 COM Watford s New Principal Partner www watfordfc com subkhnemux 23 June 2015 West Brom extend Adidas distribute expressandstar com subkhnemux 23 June 2015 West Ham rhenium united with Umbro whufc com subkhnemux 23 June 2015 Hammers announce Betway sponsorship whufc com West Ham United FC subkhnemux 23 June 2015 West Ham United second managers abridge has ended BBC Sport subkhnemux 24 phvsphakhm 2015 Slaven Bilic West Ham appoint former defender as director BBC Sport 9 mithunayn 2015 subkhnemux 9 mithunayn 2015 50 0 50 1 Flores Installed as New Watford Head Coach Watford Football Club 5 mithunayn 2015 subkhnemux 5 mithunayn 2015 Newcastle United John Carver amp Steve Stone sacked by Newcastle BBC Sport 9 mithunayn 2015 subkhnemux 9 mithunayn 2015 Steve McClaren Newcastle appoint ex-husband England coach BBC Sport 10 mithunayn 2015 subkhnemux 10 mithunayn 2015 Leicester City sack director Nigel Pearson BBC Sport 30 mithunayn 2015 subkhnemux 30 mithunayn 2015 BBC Sport Claudio Ranieri Leicester City appoint ex Chelsea coach BBC Sport subkhnemux 13 krkdakhm 2015 Dick Advocaat Sunderland boss quits Premier League strugglers BBC Sport 4 October 2015 subkhnemux 4 October 2015 Sunderland appoint Sam Allardyce as fresh coach on two year consider BBC Sport 9 October 2015 subkhnemux 9 October 2015 Brendan Rodgers Liverpool boss sacked by club BBC Sport 4 October 2015 subkhnemux 4 October 2015 Liverpool FC confirm Jurgen Klopp appointment Liverpool F C 8 October 2015 subkhnemux 8 October 2015 Tim Sherwood Aston Villa coach sacked after eight months BBC Sport 25 October 2015 subkhnemux 25 October 2015 Remi Garde Aston Villa confirm antique Lyon emboss as coach BBC Sport 2 November 2015 subkhnemux 2 November 2015 Garry Monk Swansea City part company with coach BBC Sport 9 December 2015 subkhnemux 9 December 2015 Swansea City Alan Curtis to take commit until end of the season BBC Sport 7 January 2016 subkhnemux 7 January 2016 Club statement Chelsea Football Club 17 December 2015 subkhnemux 19 December 2015 Jose Mourinho sacked as Chelsea coach BBC Sport 17 December 2015 subkhnemux 17 December 2015 Guus Hiddink Chelsea appoint interim director until end of temper BBC Sport 19 December 2015 subkhnemux 19 December 2015 66 0 66 1 Francesco Guidolin Swansea City name Italian as fresh head coach BBC Sport 18 January 2016 subkhnemux 18 January 2016 Steve McClaren Newcastle United sack head coach BBC Sport 11 March 2016 subkhnemux 11 March 2016 Rafael Benitez Newcastle United appoint Spaniard as Steve McClaren mho successor BBC Sport 11 March 2016 subkhnemux 11 March 2016 Remi Garde Aston Villa coach leaves after four months in charge BBC Sport 29 March 2016 subkhnemux 29 March 2016 Remi Garde Aston Villa coach leaves after four months in consign BBC Sport 29 March 2016 subkhnemux 29 March 2016 Roberto Martinez Everton chemise coach after three years in consign BBC Sport 12 May 2016 subkhnemux 12 May 2016 Premier League Handbook 2015 16 pdf The Football Association 19 June 2015 p 96 subkhnemux 19 August 2015 West Ham 3 Bournemouth 4 BBC Sport 22 singhakhm 2015 subkhnemux 25 singhakhm 2015 Everton 3 Chelsea 1 BBC Sport 12 knyayn 2015 subkhnemux 12 knyayn 2015 Leicester City 2 Arsenal 4 BBC Sport 26 knyayn 2015 subkhnemux 26 knyayn 2015 Manchester City 6 Newcastle 1 BBC Sport 3 tulakhm 2015 subkhnemux 3 tulakhm 2015 Manchester City 5 Bournemouth 1 BBC Sport 17 tulakhm 2015 subkhnemux 17 tulakhm 2015 Newcastle United 6 2 Norwich City BBC Sport 18 tulakhm 2015 subkhnemux 18 tulakhm 2015 Bournemouth 1 Spurs 5 BBC Sport 25 tulakhm 2015 subkhnemux 25 tulakhm 2015 Everton 6 Sunderland 2 BBC Sport 1 phvscikayn 2015 subkhnemux 1 phvscikayn 2015 Swansea 0 Leicester 3 BBC Sport 5 thnwakhm 2015 subkhnemux 5 thnwakhm 2015 Swansea 2 Sunderland 4 BBC Sport 13 mkrakhm 2016 subkhnemux 13 mkrakhm 2016 West Ham United 3 Arsenal 3 BBC Sport 9 emsayn 2016 subkhnemux 9 emsayn 2016 Chelsea 0 Manchester City 3 BBC Sport 16 emsayn 2016 subkhnemux 16 emsayn 2016 Southampton 4 Manchester City 2 BBC Sport 1 phvsphakhm 2016 subkhnemux 1 phvsphakhm 2016 Arsenal 4 Aston Villa 0 BBC Sport 15 phvsphakhm 2016 subkhnemux 15 phvsphakhm 2016 Statistical Leaders 2015 NBC Sports subkhnemux 9 singhakhm 2015 88 0 88 1 Players Index Premier League subkhnemux 29 knyayn 2015 89 0 89 1 Club Index Premier League subkhnemux 29 knyayn 2015 Andre Ayew ampere Manuel Pellegrini win Premier League awards BBC Sport 11 knyayn 2015 subkhnemux 11 knyayn 2015 Anthony Martial Man Utd forward wins player of the calendar month BBC Sport 16 tulakhm 2015 subkhnemux 16 tulakhm 2015 Jamie Vardy Leicester striker named October player of month BBC Sport 10 phvscikayn 2015 subkhnemux 10 phvscikayn 2015 Leicester sulfur Claudio Ranieri ampere Jamie Vardy win Premier League s November awards Sky Sports 11 thnwakhm 2015 subkhnemux 11 thnwakhm 2015 Odion Ighalo Watford striker honoured by award BBC Sport 15 mkrakhm 2016 subkhnemux 15 mkrakhm 2016 Aguero and Koeman claim Barclays awards for January Premier League 4 kumphaphnth 2016 subkhnemux 4 kumphaphnth 2016 Tottenham s Mauricio Pochettino and Southampton s Fraser Forster win February awards Sky Sport 11 minakhm 2016 subkhnemux 11 minakhm 2016 kane named actor of the calendar month as ranieri scoops director Goal com 8 emsayn 2016 subkhnemux 8 emsayn 2016 Claudio Ranieri named Premier League Manager of the Month with Sergio Aguero collecting player s award DailyMail com 11 phvsphakhm 2016 subkhnemux 11 phvsphakhm 2016 99 0 99 1 Leicester and Tottenham dominate PFA Premier League team of the year The Guardian 21 emsayn kh s 2016 subkhnemux 21 emsayn kh sulfur 2016 Check date values in access date date serve Vardy wins Barclays Player of the Season award Premier League 13 phvsphakhm kh south 2016 subkhnemux 13 phvsphakhm kh sulfur 2016 Check date values in accessdate date help oneself Thomas Lyall 25 April 2016 Riyad Mahrez wins PFA Player of the year 2015 16 Sky Sports subkhnemux 25 emsayn kh mho 2016 Check date values in entree date aid Jamie Vardy named Football Writers Association Footballer of the year for 2015 16 Sky Sports 2 phvsphakhm kh sulfur 2016 subkhnemux 2 phvsphakhm kh randomness 2016 Check date values in accessdate date avail Thomas Lyall 25 emsayn kh randomness 2016 Dele Alli wins PFA Young Player of the year 2015 16 Sky Sports subkhnemux 25 emsayn kh mho 2016 Check date values in access date date help 2014 15 Premier League attendances 2014 15 Football Championship attendances Barclays Premier League football scores amp resultsaehlngkhxmulxun aekikhewbistxyangepnthangkarekhathungcak hypertext transfer protocol thursday wikipedia org west index php title phriemiyrlik vdukal 2015 16 ampere oldid 8713700, wikipedia, วิกิ หนังสือ, หนังสือ, ห้องสมุด,
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Read more: Swansea City A.F.C.