– We ’ ve surely revved up our digital workplace with the Omnia platform. The newfangled solution enables us to streamline our internal communications, workplace processes, and collaborative environment in an easily accessible and effective manner. Seamlessly integrating Microsoft 365 and our Omnia-based Document and Management System, it offers users single-view access to news, HR data, administrative tools, and work processes. All of which leads to better efficiency, shorter information and decision pathways, and better process quality, says IT Director Gert Mårs at Koenigsegg Automotive .
GhostNet lifts internal communications
Koenigsegg Automotive began its travel in 1994, with laminitis Christian von Koenigsegg in the force seat. From the very beginning, the company ’ s mission has always been to develop high-tech, super-fast and sustainable agio sports cars. The creations of Christian von Koenigsegg have awed the global and his cars are constantly advancing technical and aero-dynamic frontiers, setting new world records for what is physically potential. The latest record was set in 2019 when a Koenigsegg Regera drove 0-400-0 km/hour in merely 31.49 seconds .
With headquarters in the swedish town of Ängelholm, Koenigsegg has 400 employees and their cars are built in a former flight airdock, previously used to house one of Sweden ’ s oldest flight squadrons and the JAS 39 Gripen fighter jets. Pilots often took off and landed in the dark, earning them the nickname of flying ghosts. The squadron consequently marked their planes with a ghost symbol. In order to honor them and their fearlessness, Koenigsegg puts the flying ghostwriter symbol on every car. The new intranet, which Koenigsegg began building in the jump of 2020, was subsequently besides given the name of GhostNet.
– initially, we contacted Precio Fishbone to see if they could help us improve our Document and Management System, peculiarly the management of control documents. We quickly realized that we could in fact accomplish a hale lot more and radically upgrade our integral digital workplace by building an integrated inner communications and management system on the Omnia platform, Gerts explains .
prior to the introduction of Omnia, Koenigsegg lacked both a traditional intranet and a Document and Management System. Nor did they have a structured system for information-sharing, with information being fragmented and difficult to navigate and keep update. Internal communications and the distribution of news were chiefly channeled via electronic mail .
– I started working at Koenigsegg in early 2020 with the aim of creating a new infrastructure for IT, communications, and procedure management. With Microsoft 365 and Teams already established as the arrangement ’ s primary influence and meetings applications, we wanted to continue developing the digital workplace on the basis of the Microsoft platform. Since Omnia offers smooth integration with Microsoft ’ randomness solutions, this was a compelling reason as to why it was our inaugural choice. Another cause was our requirement of a standard-based solution with high flexibility and adaptation capacity, which is besides one of Omnia ’ randomness features, Gert points out.
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The newly intranet GhostNet, with an integrated Document and Management System, was launched in August 2020, just six months after the start of the development and execution stick out. The intranet was quietly rolled out in the arrangement, without any preparatory prepare or blare fanfares. It was promptly adopted and embraced by super-users. In order to get everyone else on board, all email-based distribution of ship’s company and product news was discontinued, which was a highly effective method acting since every employee naturally wants to stay updated on what ’ s going on in the company .
– We have very lifted internal communications to a newly grade. In addition to it ’ randomness now being so much easier to find information about one ’ s employment, our employment processes, and cars, we can besides ensure that all employees are reached by the same information simultaneously. For the raw solution to reach its entire likely, however, we realize we ’ ll need to focus a little more on educating our work force, Gert concludes.
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many of Koenigsegg ’ south employees are constantly on the move without access to a calculator. Omnia ’ s responsive plan, however, enables them to access GhostNet via their mobile phones. The company has besides installed a boastfully screen in the factory ’ mho canteen, called GhostNet-TV, where factory workers can catch up with the news and surf the intranet .
Integrated Management System improves quality and security
One of the independent goals of the newly solution was to create good structured and organized information, processes, and internal collaborations. The end objective of which is to facilitate procedures for employees, improve transparency and findability equally well as the choice of information, certifications, and processes .
– today it ’ mho identical easy to find, understand, collaborate on, and update processes and documents. Under the tab key How we work, all our ferment processes are now accessible via linked and clickable work maps on GhostNet. Users can click their way down to selected processes and master documents. Another advantage of using an integrated Document and Management System is that we can now ensure that there ’ s entirely one translation of every document. In an amorphous system with multiple repositing instances, you can get into quite a dangerous position when all users believe that they are editing the final translation of a document, Gert warns.