At least some capacity in this article is derived from information featured in Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery. Spoilers will be salute within the article .

Mykew Gregorovitch
Biographical information
[ 1 ]
In or before 1909
Reading: Mykew Gregorovitch
2 September, 1997, Gregorovitch Zauberstäbe
Wandmaker (formerly)
Physical information
Hair colour
[ 2 ]
Magical characteristics
- Unknown wood, length and core[3]
- Elder, Thestral tail hair core
[ 4 ]
Wandmaker (retired)
- Gregorovitch Zauberstäbe
- Elder Wand
[ Source ]
- “ I vos one of the last to purchase a Gregorovitch vand. They are the best — although, I know, of course, that you Britons set much store by Ollivander. “
- — Viktor Krum’s high opinion of Gregorovitch’s work[src]
Mykew [ 5 ] Gregorovitch ( d. 2 September, 1997 ) was a sorcerer, celebrated wandmaker and the owner of Gregorovitch Zauberstäbe in Europe. [ 6 ] His wands were besides sold at Wands by Gregorovitch at Carkitt Market in London, in competition with Ollivander ‘s. [ 7 ]
early life
- “ [ Hawthorn ] makes a strange, contradictory wand, as full of paradoxes as the tree that gave it birth, whose leaves and blossoms heal, and yet whose cut branches smell of death. “
- — One of Gregorovitch’s writings on wandlore.[src]
next to nothing is known about Gregorovitch ‘s childhood, but given his emphasis it is likely he was raised in Europe. During the course of his career as a wandmaker, Gregorovitch became an expert in wandlore and supplied many witches and wizards in european countries with reliable wands. Ollivander, however, was not adoring of Gregorovitch ‘s work. [ 8 ] He did acknowledge that Gregorovitch was a “ ticket wandmaker ” but, in the same sentence, disparaged his style. [ 9 ] While Ollivander did not agree with many of Gregorovitch ‘s conclusions, they did concur about hawthorn wands, which were complex and intriguing in their natures. [ 8 ]
Elder Wand master
At some distributor point in his animation, Gregorovitch came into the possession of the Elder Wand, one of the Deathly Hallows and the most brawny baton in universe, and upon realising its true nature, he began experimenting to try and duplicate its powers. Gregorovitch, reasonably foolish by nature and hoping it would improve business, or possibly trying to outsource some fresh outside talent that could assist him in his grand endeavours, started a rumor about him possessing a brawny scepter and his efforts to replicate its properties. The result occurred one night when Gregorovitch heard person break into his workshop. He quickly ran inside and saw a blonde-haired youthful man had taken the wand. The man shot a stunning Spell at Gregorovitch, before leaping out the window. The man was in fact Gellert Grindelwald, although Gregorovitch never lived long enough to find out who stole the baton. [ 10 ]
Despite the loss of the Elder Wand, Gregorovitch continued his work, and many years former retired, with one of his last wands being sold to Viktor Krum. [ 11 ]
- Voldemort : “ Give it to me, Gregorovitch. “
- Gregorovitch: “I have it not, I have it no more! It was, many years ago, stolen from me!“
- Voldemort: “Do not lie to Lord Voldemort, Gregorovitch. He knows.. .. He always knows.“
- — Voldemort and Gregorovitch[src]
Lord Voldemort, who sought a way to bypass the unique nature of his and Harry Potter ‘s wands, interrogated and tortured Ollivander ( who had been a prisoner of the Death Eaters for some time ) for information. finally, Ollivander revealed he had heard of the rumor of Gregorovitch possessing the baton. Intrigued, Voldemort resolved to track the wand toss off and gain possession of it, not only to use it to defeat Harry, but besides to possess the most knock-down scepter in the earth. Harry himself saw this sight through his alone adhesiveness with Voldemort, and under his best friend Ron Weasley ‘s suggestion, he might have been thinking about Dragomir Gorgovitch. [ 12 ]
Over the path of the future few months, Voldemort hunted Gregorovitch down, murdering a syndicate that lived in his former residence. [ 13 ] Voldemort inevitably found Gregorovitch, keeping him from escaping by using the Levicorpus hex. Voldemort demanded he give him the wand, but Gregorovitch said it had been stolen from him many years ago. Enraged to have exhausted months of attempt to find Gregorovitch and to find out he was not any cheeseparing to the wand, Voldemort believed he was lying, and as such perform Legilimency to confirm it. During his search through Gregorovitch ‘s memories, Voldemort found the memory of the incident when he lost the scepter. Finishing his search of Gregorovitch ‘s mind, Voldemort immediately demanded to know who the thief was, but when Gregorovitch admitted he never found out, Voldemort, recognising he had all the information he required, ignored Gregorovitch ‘s pleas for mercifulness and cast the Killing Curse on him. Gregorovitch ‘s end was witnessed by Harry Potter through his unique link to Voldemort ‘s mind. [ 10 ]
Read more: David Prowse
It former turned out that the thief was, in fact, Albus Dumbledore ‘s erstwhile close friend and ill-famed dark sorcerer : a new Gellert Grindelwald. however, Gregorovitch never lived to find out about this. [ 14 ]
forcible appearance
By the time of his end, Gregorovitch was described as having pure-white hair and a thickly, bushy beard. [ 2 ]
personality and traits
Although Gregorovitch ‘s backstory and department of education are not in full known, his reputation rivalling that of Ollivander indicates he was very healthy. His boasting about owning the Elder Wand suggests naivete and/or greed while he besides displayed negligence in making it so easy for Grindelwald to steal. [ 10 ] Since the Elder Wand is purportedly firm only to knock-down wizards who kill its former owner, Gregorovitch may have had little to no quarrels about murder. Although, how he came to possess the wand is nameless. Gregorovitch claimed to never have identified the Elder Wand ‘s thief, meaning he may have remained in hiding during Grindelwald ‘s predominate or payed small care to news program or history. It is strange if he was aware of Voldemort before the latter attacked and killed him, but he seemed truly terrified upon facing the Dark Lord in person. [ 10 ]
charming abilities and skills
- Wandmaking/Wandlore: Gregorovitch owned and operated a wand shop to highly successful standards, being at least on par with the very brilliant Ollivander,[15] and according to some, was more skilful than even him.[11]
- Dark Arts and/or Duelling: (possibly): It was never disclosed, but Gregorovitch might have been highly accomplished in martial magic or capable of killing as he was able to gain possession of the Elder Wand.
- Charms: Gregorovitch was capable of conjuring at least a non-corporeal Patronus,[4] a highly advanced piece of magic and a mark of superior magical skill, given the immense difficulty of casting the said spell.
Gregorovitch is derived from the given list Gregor ( that would be Gregory in English ), originally of Greek origin meaning “ to watch, be alert ”. Грегорович or Gregorović ( that can be Anglicised as Gregorovitch ) is a rather common Slavic surname : Gregorović, as most surnames in Serbia, Bosnia, Croatia etc., was in the first place a patronymic, meaning “ son of Gregor ” : finally it became a surname in the lapp means the scottish “ McGregor ” ( besides meaning “ son of Gregor ” ) did .
Behind the scenes
- Actor Rade Šerbedžija portrays Gregorovitch in the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows film adaptations.
- The book states that Gregorovitch has a big, bushy beard. However, photos of him for the film show him with a regular, short beard.
- The Gregorovitch wands shown in the film series all have a rugged, natural appearance and don’t have separate handles but the handle is made and is part of the wand itself, as opposed to the ornately carved wands made by other Wandmakers, such as Ollivander.
- In LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7, Harry’s visions of Voldemort searching for the Elder Wand is omitted and it only shows him finding the wand in Dumbledore’s tomb. However, despite this, Gregorovitch is a playable character in all the versions of the game.
- Gregorovitch is the only known Elder Wand master that was not killed or disarmed by the wand’s new master.
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Notes and references
Preceded by:
Unknown, Eventually Livius or Arcus
Master of the Elder Wand
Succeeded by:
Gellert Grindelwald