Biographical information
Lord of the House of the Golden Flower
Possibly YT
[ 1 ] later re-embodied in deity FA 510 (Gondolin),later re-embodied in SA 1600
Reading: Glorfindel
Sword, dirk [ 2 ]
Physical description
[ 3 ]
Ñoldor ( Gondolindrim ), Elves of Rivendell
Peter Jackson’s films or other media
Jarl Benzon
- “Glorfindel was tall and straight; his hair was of shining gold, his face fair and young and fearless and full of joy; his eyes were bright and clean, and his voice like music; on his brow set wisdom, and in his hand was strength.“
- —The Fellowship of the Ring, “Many Meetings”
Glorfindel was among the mightiest of the Elves, and was once the overlord of the House of the Golden Flower in Gondolin. After his death in the First Age, he was re-embodied by the Valar to act as an emissary, and returned to Middle-earth millennium afterwards .
Years of the Trees
Glorfindel was born in Tirion sometime during the Noontide of Valinor, and was descended from a house of princes. [ 4 ] He followed the House of Fingolfin during the Flight of the Ñoldor, but he took no depart in the Kinslaying at Alqualondë .
first Age
In exile, Glorfindel contend in the Battle of the Lammoth, as he followed the House of Fingolfin. After the exile, Glorfindel was in the horde of Turgon at the Dagor Aglareb. After the battle he followed Turgon to Gondolin, where he was appointed as the Lord of the House of the Golden Flower and one of the captains of the King. He was popular and well-loved by the Gondolindrim. When Aredhel wished to depart Gondolin to seek the Sons of Fëanor, Turgon appointed Glorfindel, Ecthelion, and Egalmoth as her escorts. They were denied entrance to Doriath, and rather turned north where the escort lost Aredhel near Nan Dungortheb. They former returned to Gondolin without her. [ 5 ] Along with King Turgon, Glorfindel contend in the Nírnaeth Arnoediad, holding the King ‘s flanks as they retreated towards the Pass of Sirion. [ 6 ] [ 7 ]
fall of Gondolin
In FA 510, the forces of Melkor attacked Gondolin, with the help of Maeglin ‘s perfidy. Glorfindel and the last of his followers held the great market from the Orcs, in pursuance of ambushing the enemies. however, they themselves were ambushed and fought until a fire-drake arrive. Glorfindel and his people cut their room out, but were pursed by the orcs. The House of the Harp arrived to help after disobeying their deceitful lord, Salgant. The House of the Golden Flower regrouped at the Square of the King and was one of the last Houses to fight. [ 2 ]
Glorfindel joined Tuor in defending the Square, until Egalmoth arrived and Ecthelion was slain during his fight with Gothmog. When King Turgon was besides slain, the Gondolindrim escaped through Idril ‘s Secret Way, with Glorfindel holding the rear manfully and lost more of his followers there. [ 2 ] As they made their escape through Cirith Thoronath, one of the Balrogs came upon the refugees. Glorfindel jump forward to face the Balrog, while his followers watched from afar. He fended himself from the Balrog ‘s whip and claw, and successfully hewed its iron helm. At the final moment, he pierced the Balrog ‘s abdomen and it fell backwards towards the cliff, but it grabbed Glorfindel by his hair and both of them fell into the deep abyss. His torso was late borne up by Thorondor, Lord of Eagles, who flew down into the Abyss to rescue Glorfindel ‘s broken body, returning it to his people who buried him high on the cliffs of the Mountains which surrounded Gondolin. It was said that yellow flowers ( possibly jewelweed ) grew on his mound, despite its rocky location. [ 2 ]
second Age
render to Middle-earth
Glorfindel ‘s spirit departed to the Halls of Mandos, where he spent years with the spirits of others passed. Due to his noble actions that had saved many Elves in the drop of Gondolin, he was re-embodied after a unretentive time. A thousand years by and by, in SA 1600, Manwë sent him back to Middle-earth as an emissary of the Valar and granted him powers closely a strong as that of the Maiar ‘s. [ 8 ]
third gear Age
It is possible that Glorfindel remained for a time in Lindon along with the other lord Elves, such as Gil-galad, Círdan, and Elrond, a descendant of Tuor and Idril .
Battle of Fornost
Do not pursue him! He will not return to this land. Far off yet is his doom, and not by the hand of man will he fall.
—Glorfindel ‘s prophecy about the Witch-king [ 9 ]
In the Battle of Fornost, Glorfindel turned the odds against the Witch-king of Angmar and his host. After the battle finished, and the Witch-king had fled, it was Glorfindel who predicted that no mortal man would ever destroy the Witch-king. [ 9 ] This prediction was fulfilled a thousand years late at the Battle of the Pelennor Fields, when Éowyn of Rohan and Meriadoc Brandybuck, a hobbit, slew the Witch-king. [ 10 ]
War of the Ring
Suddenly into view below came a white horse, gleaming in the shadows, running swiftly. In the dusk its headstall flickered and flashed, as if it were studded with gems like living stars. The rider’s cloak streamed behind him, and his hood was thrown back; his golden hair flowed shimmering in the wind of his speed…. it appeared that white light was shining through the form and raiment of the rider, as if though through a thin veil.
— The Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the Ring, Flight to the Ford
A thousand years belated, Glorfindel was sent by Lord Elrond to search for Frodo and his companions. He pursued some of the Nazgûl and drew them away from the Ford of Bruinen. He then found and led the company for days stopping entirely briefly to let the Hobbits rest. When the Nazgul approached again, Glorfindel put Frodo on his white horse Asfaloth, and bade the horse take Frodo to Rivendell. Asfaloth outran the black horses of the Nazgûl and managed to cross the Ford of Bruinen which led to Rivendell. A hard weakened Frodo, conscious but delirious due to the wound he bore from the Morgul-knife, turned back to defy the Riders who pleaded for him to come with them. The Nazgûl entered the shallow ford but were there un-horsed and swept away by a torrent of enchant water which guarded the entrance to Imladris charged with the exponent of the Half-elven and indeed by Gandalf the Grey. [ 11 ] He late led the injured Frodo and the pillow of the company safely to Rivendell. At the Council of Elrond, Glorfindel sat in a position of honor aboard Elrond and Gandalf. He suggested that the One Ring should be either sent to Tom Bombadil and cast into the depths of the Sea, but Gandalf believed that the One may resurface on land after a hundred or thousand years. He was briefly considered to be a extremity of the Fellowship of the Ring, but was late ruled out : his ability would be of no use in a mission of secrecy to Mordor. [ 12 ]
After the War
After the Ring ‘s end, Glorfindel, along with Erestor and the sons of Elrond, witnessed the marriage of Aragorn and Arwen. [ 13 ] His ultimate destine is not known, but it is fair to assume that he finally sailed to Valinor with the perch of his kin .
Glorfindel was known for his fortunate hair, which at some decimal point was described as yellow. He was an elf of bang-up bodily force and heroism. The Gondolindrim loved him dearly and wept upon witnessing his pass at Cirith Thoronath. [ 2 ] He was a capable drawing card, as seen when he led his House during the Fall, and patriotic to his King and brothers-in-arms. He was very brave and mindful of the refugees of Gondolin as they escaped ; he chose to protect the escape Gondolindrim ( particularly Tuor and Idril ), but “ would have defended them even had they been fugitives of any rank ”. [ 8 ] He displayed more of his power and courage when, millennium subsequently, he faced against the Nine Riders to save Frodo.
Glorfindel was a identical adequate to fighter, with great endurance ; he fought for hours during the Fall of Gondolin and managed to face against a Balrog on his own. [ 2 ] After his re-embodiment, Manwë had given Glorfindel powers about equal to the Maiar ‘s, to help him in his missions in Middle-earth. [ 8 ] He was considered one of the most mighty elves from Rivendell, given by his potent and about “ angelic ” presence, which had made the Black Riders flee many times. [ 9 ] He besides had medicative cognition, as seen when he tends to Frodo ‘s wounds. [ 11 ]
Read more: Wikipedia
His original name is said to have been Laurefindil, Quenya for “ Golden-haired ” from laurë ( “ golden ” ) and findilë ( “ read/write head of hair ” ). [ 14 ] Glorfindel is just the Sindarin translation of Laurefindil, from glaur ( “ gold ” ) and fîn or find ( “ lock of hair ” ). [ 15 ] [ 16 ]
Glorfindel was said to be descended from a sign of the zodiac of princes and one of the noble elves in Gondolin. Due to his gold hair, he might be descended from a Ñoldorin – Vanyarin exogamy, like Finrod and Galadriel. His commitment and following Turgon besides indicated that he could be one of Turgon ‘s kin, despite Turgon and the House of Fingolfin having dark haircloth. In The Complete Guide to Middle-earth, it is suggested that Glorfindel is a member of the House of Finarfin. [ 17 ]
other versions of the legendarium
In Tolkien ‘s early conscription, there were two separate Glorfindels : a Glorfindel of Gondolin and a Glorfindel of Rivendell. These two were initially thought to be different individuals. While writing The Lord of the Rings, Tolkien borrowed a name from one of the earlier elves. As the legendarium grew more diverse, however, Tolkien decided that an extremely low frequency who had fought in many wars might be a well companion for Gandalf. He explained in The Last Writings that the Glorfindel of Gondolin and Glorfindel of Rivendell are one and the lapp :
He then became again a living incarnate person, but was permitted to dwell in the Blessed Realm; for he had regained the primitive innocence and grace of the Eldar. For long years he remained in Valinor, in reunion with the Eldar who had not rebelled, and in the companionship of the Maiar. To these he had now become almost an equal, for though he was an incarnate (to whom a bodily form not made or chosen by himself was necessary) his spiritual power had been greatly enhanced by his self-sacrifice.
— The History of Middle-earth, The Last Writings, Glorfindel
Upon deciding Glorfindel ‘s tax return to Middle-earth, Tolkien came up with three options regarding Glorfindel ‘s return to Middle-earth : sa 1200 ( during Annatar ‘s appearance in Númenor ), SA 1600 ( the completion of Barad-dûr ), or TA 1000 ( with the five Istari ). Although all were probable, Tolkien favoured the SA 1600 date. [ 8 ] In the first draft of the Council of Elrond, Glorfindel became a depart of the Fellowship of the Ring, along with Durin son of Balin ( who former became Gimli son of Glóin ) and Trotter ( belated named Strider or Aragorn ). [ 18 ]
portrayal in adaptations
Glorfindel was left out of Ralph Bakshi ‘s adaptation of the Lord of the Rings, with Legolas in place of him when Aragorn was supposed to meet him before the attack at the Ford of Bruinen .
Lord of the Rings film trilogy
In The Fellowship of the Ring, Glorfindel ‘s character in guiding Frodo Baggins to Rivendell is filled by Arwen, though he does appear during the prologue when Sauron is defeated. In The Return of the King, Glorfindel is seen walking future to Arwen as she is having her sight of her son Eldarion during the travel to The Grey Havens. In his last appearance, he is seen at the crown of King Elessar, behind Legolas and in front of Arwen. In all appearances in the movies he has no talk lines .
radio versions
He was included in the BBC ‘s Lord of the Rings radio serial in 1981, and was voiced by John Webb .
Video games
In The Lord of the Rings Online, Glorfindel is featured in an extended flashback sequence depicting the War of the end Alliance. During this time, he is the drawing card of the Bright Company, a group of High Elves who fighting to rid Middle-earth of Sauron ‘s malefic farseeing before that war and who continue their duty long after. In the introduce day, Glorfindel can be found in Rivendell precisely confederacy of the last Homely House. He is involved in the political campaign against Angmar during the main history and besides talks to the player after defeating the balrog Thaurlach. Glorfindel disappears in the final weeks of the War of the Ring and the actor tracks him across Middle-earth to summon him to the Council of Elf-lords between Thranduil, Celeborn, and Galadriel. He joins the emanation that escorts Lady Arwen to Minas Tirith for her marriage ; along the way Glorfindel and Elrond assist Gandalf and the player in uncovering a mystery within the Gladden Fields .
In Electronic Arts ‘ The Battle for Middle-earth II, Glorfindel is the first hero the player commands in the Good Campaign, and the head defender of Rivendell. He is depicted with ash grey armour and a sword. His powers include the ability to mount his horse “ Asfaloth ” and the ability to heal and strengthen ally warriors. With the dwarf drawing card Glóin, he is sent to muster the Dwarves to fight against Sauron. While Glorfindel and Glóin make their travels, however, they besides make astounding and significant victories against the Goblins in the north, driving them out and clearing the roads to inhibit Sauron ‘s dominance over the regions of the Misty Mountains. Mission 1, Rivendell
The mission begins when Glorfindel, along with a few Lorien Warriors, make their way to Rivendell to warn Arwen Undómiel of the approach Goblins. Along the way, they encounter and slay many Goblins, which is disturbing because Goblins have never been sighted this close to Rivendell earlier. once making his way to Elrond, Glorfindel warns him of the set about Goblins. In response, more warriors are trained in Barracks to repel the assault. After waves of Goblins, a Cave Troll, and a Mountain Giant attack and fail to break the Elven defenses, Arwen arrives with Rivendell Lancers and Lorien Archers. Eagles besides join the fight. With these new forces, the Elven leaders direct the Elves to destroy the Goblin clique. Under Glorfindel ‘s sword, no Goblins survive and the camp is destroyed. A Wyrm appears, but Glorfindel repeatedly strikes at it, and the combined efforts of the Elves bring the Wyrm devour, leaving victory with the Elves. Mission 2, High Pass
To prevent far invasions on Rivendell, Glorfindel and Glóin set out for the High Pass to rally the Dwarves and eliminate the Goblins. After a sturdy basis is created, Glorfindel sets out on the high Pass with new Elven Warriors and Glóin. While journeying, they destroy any Goblin sentries and lairs that they find. Towards the conclusion of the High Pass, they find Haldir under ambush from Goblins, and Glorfindel defeats the Goblins to rescue his acquaintance. together, they make their way to the Goblin base on the other side of the evanesce. Although a Watcher in the Water appears and attacks, Glorfindel defeats it with the help oneself of his forces. The pillow of the Goblins are then routed out, and arrant victory goes to the Elves. Mission 3, Ettenmoors The Goblins have a raw leader, Gorkil and Glorfindel and Glóin decide to lead their forces to assail and slay him, rendering the Goblins demoralized and confused. Upon arriving, Glorfindel learns that an Elven liquidation is under attack from Goblins. Outraged, he leads his remaining forces from the High Pass to save the village and drive the Goblins away once and for all while Haldir gets reinforcements. Glorfindel and his forces ( including Glóin ) drive the Goblins away from the colonization, and prepare a basis to assist their assault. Once the necessity preparations have been made, the Elven forces ( with Haldir ‘s reinforcements ) set out to free a dormant Ent and destroy the Goblin King ‘s stronghold, laying pine away to an Ettenmoors brake drum, Goblin settlements, and lookout towers. They soon free the Ent Moot, and call away the mighty Ent Treebeard to aid them. The rape upon the Goblin King ‘s lair now begins in full swing. Despite grave resistance from Goblins and their giant star and Troll allies, the fortress is taken and the Goblin King slain. soon after, Glorfindel and Glóin free a alone Dwarf prisoner who tells them that the Blue Mountains are under attack from Drogoth the Dragon Lord, and cursorily rush to the Blue Mountains to aid their allies. Mission 4, Blue Mountains
Glorfindel and Glóin arrive with a few Elves, but are attacked by Drogoth. They and their Dwarven warriors flee to the inside of cave. They cursorily eliminate spiders that are inside the cave, and then build a mighty basis in it. After resting and preparing their armies, they march upon the Blue Mountains to slay Drogoth. Many Goblin spider riders, spiders, and Fire Drakes undertake to defeat them, but the army finally makes it to the throne room, where Drogoth awaits. Upon encountering him, the Mirkwood Archers and Dwarven Axe-throwers immediately fire upon him, finally slaying him. With Drogoth defeated, the Blue Mountains are barren and Sauron ‘s hold is further lessened. however, Glorfindel and Glóin are astonished to learn that the Dwarves garbage to help them. They then make their way to the Grey Havens, hoping for a better reception from the Elves. Mission 5, the Grey Havens Glorfindel and Glóin, upon arriving at the Grey Havens, immediately sense trouble, and unwrap that the Corsairs have assaulted the city. While some Dwarven Axe-throwers render to the Blue Mountains to alert the Dwarves, Glorfindel and the Elves defeat the Corsairs. Afterwards, they recreate their armada and prepare to counterattack the Corsair fleet. After the naval blockade is removed, Glorfindel sends some Elves to capture the Corsair shipwrights. After these shipwrights are captured, the Corsair ( and Goblin ) armada begins its rape. Glorfindel, Glóin, and the Elves rush to the beach to intercept the assault, with the aid of the Elven ships. The Dwarves arrive after the first wave is destroyed, and, after two more waves, the forces of Evil are routed. Glorfindel cements the confederation between Dwarf and Elf, and Arwen arrives with news of an invasion of Mirkwood. Glorfindel and Glóin ride on Eagles to go and defend Thranduil ‘s kingdom .
Glorfindel is mentioned in the Wii and PlayStation 3 version of The Lord of the Rings: Aragorn’s Quest, particularly in the sixth tied, Helm ‘s Deep. In that level, the player can open a thorax containing his shaking, which will increase Legolas ‘ burn pace.
Read more: Ex on the Beach (British series 6)
Lists of miscellaneous information should be avoided. Please relocate any relevant information into appropriate sections or articles.
- In the 1978 film of The Lord of the Rings, Glorfindel’s part was taken by Legolas when leading the Hobbits and Strider to Rivendell.
- At one stage Tolkien considered whether Glorfindel was one of the Blue Wizards, but he later decided against this.
- In July 2007, 3-D entertainment model producer Gentle Giant Studios, Inc., headquartered in Burbank, California, released an exclusive sculpted Glorfindel bust, limited to 500 pieces, for the 2007 San Diego Comic-Con. Licensed under New Line Cinema’s The Lord of the Rings franchise. GLORFINDEL BUST – Gentle Giant Studios
Foreign Language
Translated name
Belarusian Cyrillic
Bulgarian Cyrillic
Chinese (Hong Kong)
Глорфиндел (Cyrillic) Glorfïndel (Latin)
Kyrgyz Cyrillic
Macedonian Cyrillic
Mongolian Cyrillic
ङ्लोर्फ़िन्देल ?
علورفیندېل ?
Глорфиндел (Cyrillic) Glorfindel (Latin)
Tajik Cyrillic
Ukrainian Cyrillic
Глорфиндел (Cyrillic) Glorfindel (Latin)